SUMMARY TABLE showing the VALUE of IMPORTS, EXPORTS of (a) UNITED KINGDOM PRODUCE and MANUFACTURES (5) IMPORTED MERCHANDISE and TOTAL EXPORTS for each MONTH in the YEARS 1926 and 1927, and the completed MONTHS of the CURRENT YEAR, exclusive of BULLION and SPECIE. The monthly totals are revised when full information as to dutiable imports is available, and corrections are made in the total for each year on the completion of the "Annual Statement of Trade.' • Uncorrected figures. The value of the Imports represents the cost, insurance, and freight; or, when goods are consigned for sale, the latest sale value of such goods. The value of the Exports represents the cost and the charges of delivering the goods on board the ship, and is known as the "free on board" value. he value of the Imports represents the cost, insurance, and freight; or, when goods are consigned for sale, the latest sale value of oods. |