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(b) When deemed necessary, the previous report should be reviewed (c) Subjects presented in previous reports on which no action was taken should be resubmitted, stating concisely the action desired. It may not be necessary to repeat the original text in the report, reference to former publication being sufficient, unless changes in the previously published version are extensive. Minor changes can be explained in the text of the report.


(d) Technical terms used in the report, the meaning of which is not clearly established, should be defined, but defined only from the standpoint of railway engineering.


(e) If necessary, a brief history of the subject-matter under discussion, with an outline of its origin and development, should be given. Analysis.

(f) An analysis of the most important elements of the subjectmatter should be given.


(g) The advantages and disadvantages of the present and recommended practices should be set forth.


(h) Illustrations accompanying reports should be prepared so that they can be reproduced on one page. The use of folders should be avoided as much as possible, on account of the increased expense and inconvenience in referring to them. Plans showing current practice, or necessary for illustration, are admissible, but those showing proposed definite design or practice should be excluded. Recommendations should be confined to governing principles.

Illustrations should be made on tracing cloth with heavy black lines and figures, so as to stand a two-thirds reduction; for example: To come within a type page (4 inches by 7 inches), the illustration should be made three times the above size.

To insure uniformity, the one-stroke, inclined Gothic lettering is recommended.

Photographs should be clear and distinct silver prints. Conclusions.

(i) The conclusions of the Committee which are recommended for publication in the Manual should be stated in concise language, logical

sequence, and grouped together, setting forth the principles, specifications, definitions, forms, tables and formulas included in the recommendation. Portions of the text of the report which are essential to a clear interpretation and understanding of the conclusions, should be included as an integral part thereof.


Reports Required.


8. (a) Reports will be required from each of the Standing and Special Committees each year.

(b) Although several subjects may be assigned to each Committee by the Board of Direction, a full report on only one subject is expected at each Annual Convention, but the preliminary work on some of the remaining subjects should be in progress, and, when deemed advisable, partial reports of progress should also be presented. This method allows time for their proper preparation and consideration.

Date of Filing Reports.

9. Committee reports to come before the succeeding convention for discussion should be filed with the Secretary not later than November 30th of each year.

10. Committees engaged upon subjects involving an extended investigation and study are privileged to present progress reports, giving a brief statement of the work accomplished, and, if deemed expedient, a forecast of the final report to be presented.

Publication of Reports.

11. Committee reports will be published in the Bulletin in such sequence as the Board of Direction may determine, for consideration at the succeeding convention. Reports will be published in the form presented by the respective Committees. Alterations ordered by the convention will be printed as an appendix to the report.

Written Discussions.

12. Committees should endeavor to secure written discussions of published reports. Written discussions will be transmitted to the respective Committees, and if deemed desirable by the Committee, the discussions will be published prior to the convention and be considered in connection with the report.

Verbal Discussions.

13. Each speaker's remarks will be submitted to him in writing before publication in the Proceedings, for the correction of diction and errors of reporting, but not for the elimination of remarks.



14. The sequence in which Committee reports will be considered by the convention will be determined by the Board of Direction.


15. The method of consideration of Committee reports will be one of the following:

(a) Reading by title.

(b) Reading, discussing and acting upon each conclusion sep


(c) By majority vote, discussion will be had on each item. Clauses not objected to when read will be considered as voted upon and adopted.

Final Action.

16. Action by the convention on Committee reports will be one of the following, after discussion is closed:

(a) Receiving as information.

(b) Receiving as a progress report.

(c) Adoption of a part complete in itself and referring remainder back to Committee.

(d) Adoption as a whole.

(e) Recommittal with or without instructions.

(f) Adoption as a whole.

(g) Recommendation to publish in the Manual.


NOTE. An amendment which affects underlying principles, if adopted, shall of itself constitute a recommittal of such part of the report as the Committee considers affected.

The Chair will decline to entertain amendments which in his opinion lie entirely within the duties of the Editor.


The following rules will govern the releasing of matter for publication in technical journals:

Committee reports, requiring action by the Association at the annual convention, will not be released until after presentation to the convention; special articles, contributed by members and others, on which no action by the Association is necessary, are to be released for publication by the technical journals after issuance in the Bulletin; provided, application therefor is made in writing and proper credit be given the Association, authors or Committees presenting such material.


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