THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1, SAVILE ROW;. EDWARD STANFORD, 26 AND 27, COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING CROSS, S.W. 1893, • A 1 : ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. PATRON. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. VICE-PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., K.T., Κ.Ρ., G.C.B., &c., &c. Honorary President. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., К.Т., G.C.S.I., &c., &c. COUNCIL (ELECTED 29TH MAY, 1893). President-CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM, C.B., F.R.S., F.S.A. Treasurer-EDWARD L. SOMERS COCKs. Trustees-Right Hon. Lord ABERDARE, G.C.B., F.R.S.; Right Hon. Sir JOHN LUBBOCк, Bart., М.Р., F.R.S. Secretaries-DOUGLAS W. FRESHFIELD; H. SEEBOHM, F.L.S. Foreign Secretary-General Sir C. P. BEAUCHAMP WALKER, К.С.В. Admiral LINDESAY BRINE. Hon. G. N. CURZON, M.P. Members of Council. Lieut.-Colonel JAS. CECIL DALTON, R.A. Sir GEORGE D. T. GOLDIE, K.C.M.G. General Sir T. E. GORDON, C.B., K.C.S.I. J. K. LAUGHTON. GEO. SUTHERLAND MACKENZIE. E. DELMAR MORGAN. JOHN MURRAY. ERNEST G. RAVENSTEIN. Sir RAWSON W. RAWSON, K.C.M.G., HOWARD SAUNDERS, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Colonel C. M. WATSON, R.E., C.M.G. Assistant Secretary and Editor of Transactions-J. SCOTT KELTIE. Librarian-H. R. MILL, D.Sc. Bankers-Messrs. Cocks, BIDDULPH and Co., 43, Charing Cross. CONDITIONS OF FELLOWSHIP, &c. Candidates for admission into the Society must be proposed and seconded by Fellows, and it is necessary that the description and residence of such Candidates should be clearly stated on their Certificates. It is provided by Chapter IV., § 1, of the Regulations, that, " Every Ordinary Fellow shall, on his election, be required to pay £5 as his " admission fee, and £2 as his first annual subscription, or he may compound, either " at his entrance by one payment of £35, or at any subsequent period on the " following basis : "And no Fellow shall be entitled to vote or to enjoy any other privilege of the " Society so long as he shall continue in arrear." All Subscriptions are payable in advance, on the 1st of January in each year. The privileges of a Fellow include admission (with one friend) to all ordinary Meetings of the Society, and the use of the Library and Map reom. Each Fellow is also entitled to receive a copy of The Geographical Journal and the Supplementary Papers, the former of which is forwarded, free of expense, to addresses in the United Kingdom, and the latter obtained on application, personally or by letter, at the Society's office. Copies of the Regulations and Candidates' Certificates may be had on application at the Society's Office, 1, Savile Row, London, W. |