The Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama, con- 7029 Quetico-Superior Committee, created by Executive Order No. 6783 of June 30, 1934; 7125 War Relocation Authority, termination and liquidation. 7125 Civilian officers and employees of the Government, regulations governing payment of 7179 Office of Director of Liquidation, termination. 7255 Government employees, transfer of Review Committee on Deferment to Office of War 7327 Enlisted personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast 7391 9744 C June 29 9745 June 30 9746 July 1 Office of Price Administration, providing for interim administration of certain con- Enlisted men, regulations governing the granting of allowances for quarters and sub- 7394 7327 9747 July 3 Panama Canal and the Canal Zone, authorizing the Secretary of War and the Gov. 7329 7518 9748 July 3 Northwest Airlines, Inc., and certain of its employees; creation of an emergency board 7518 Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and certain of its employees; Designating Public International Organizations entitled to enjoy certain privileges, Territory of Hawaii, restoring certain land for use of the city and county of Honolulu. Pullman Company and certain of its employees; creation of an emergency board to Income, excess profits, declared value excess-profits, and capital stock tax returns, Institute of Inter-American Affairs and Inter-American Educational Foundation, Extending the provisions of Executive Order 9177 of May 1942 to the Secretary of 7833 7833 7833 7833 7927 7929 7999 7999 Postmasters, of the fourth class; amendment of the regulations governing the appoint- 8857 9770 Aug. 22 Long Island Railroad Company and certain of its employees; creating an emergency 9229 9771 Aug. 24 9772 Aug. 24 9773 Sept. 3 9774 Sept. 3 9775 Sept. 3 9776 Sept. 5 9777 Sept. 5 Tennessee Valley Authority, transferring the use, possession, and control of certain 9325 Articles of War 58, 59, 61, and 86; restoring limitations upon punishments for certain 9325 9667 Reconstruction Finance Corporation designated as the agency to act with respect to 9729 9731 9786 Snyder, Hon. A. Cecil, designated as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United 9833 Travel and transportation regulations governing expenses of new appointees to posi- 10149 Barrett, Robert J., appointment to a position as Captain in the Metropolitan Police 10575 10645 Air Coordinating Committee; establishment. 10645 Utah Idaho Central Railroad Corp., and certain of its employees; creating an emer- 10693 9783 Sept. 23 Solicitor of Department of Labor, authorization to act as Secretary of Labor, revoca- Government records, providing for the more efficient use and for the transfer and other Enlisted personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast 5 Claims under Public Law 657, approved August 7, 1946, regulations governing the con- 10747 10909 11187 Philippine Alien Property Administration established; defining its functions.. Establishing the President's Scientific Research Board and providing for a study of 9786 Oct. 11553 9787 Oct. 5 9788 Oct. 14 San Clemente Island, amendment of Executive Order No. 7747, of November 20, 1937 11556 11981, 12123 Amending Executive Order No. 9492, as amended, prescribing regulations governing Territory of Hawaii, restoring certain lands to the jurisdiction.. Barre & Chelsea Railroad Company and the St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain Rail- Nov. 8 Secretary of State authorized to exercise the authority of the President to classify Hoffman, Mrs. Mary L., authorizing the appointment to a civilian position at the Removing wage and salary controls adopted pursuant to the Stabilization Act of 1942 Nov. 16 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company and certain of its employees; creating an emergency Employees of the Alaska Railroad, revoking Executive Orders No. 2463 of September Travel and transportation expenses of civilian officers and employees of the United 13297 13435 13435 13435 13457 13565 13775 9805 Nov. 25 13823 9806 9807 Nov. 25 The President's Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty established. 13863 13943 Federal employees excused from duty one-half day on December 24, 1946. Section 7 of Executive Order No. 9691 of February 4, 1946, entitled "Directing the 14303 14483 14583 14607 14645 14661 Providing for the transfer of properties and personnel to the Atomic Energy Com- 37 Dec. 31 Regulations governing awards to Federal employees for meritorious suggestions and 57 Table 3-PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS OTHER THAN PROCLAMATIONS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS Dec. 31 Appointment: Fact-finding board in United States Steel dispute... 1946 Jan. 22 May 16 May 16 Directive: Federal foreign intelligence activities, coordination. 11 F.R. page Table 4-EXECUTIVE ORDERS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE FIRST AND SECOND WAR POWERS ACTS First War Powers Act (55 Stat. 838; 50 U.S.C., App., Sup., 601–622) 335 1337 7394 7873 7875 11 F.R. page National Wage Stabilization Board; establishment, and termination of National 221 Civilian Production Administration, transfer of certain production research and Towing and transportation companies operating in New York harbor and contiguous 1421 9697 Feb. 14 National economy during transition from war to peace, provision for continued Consolidation of Surplus Property functions; amendment of Executive Order 9689. 3149 3389 3941 4965 Service of supply command and Commanding General, Services of Supply; reassign- 5281 Alien Property Custodian, designation to administer powers and authority conferred 5381 Railroads; possession, control, and operation. 5461 May 24 Foreign economic functions and functions with respect to surplus property in foreign 5777 June 14 Monongahela Connecting Railroad Company; possession, control, and operation by 6661 Table 4-EXECUTIVE ORDERS ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE FIRST AND SECOND WAR POWERS ACTS-Continued First War Powers Act (55 Stat. 838; 50 U.S.C., App., Sup., 601-622)—Continued No. Date 1946 Subject 11 F.R. page 9737 June 17 Stabilization of wages, prices, and salaries; revocation of certain authority of War 6747 9742 June 25 War Relocation Authority, termination and liquidation__ 7125 9744A June 29 Government employees, transfer of Review Committee on Deferment to Office of 7327 9745 June 30 Office of Price Administration, providing for interim administration of certain con- 7327 9747 July 3 9760 July 23 9762 July 25 9766 July 31 9768 Aug. 9 9788 Oct. 14 Diplomatic and Consular property of Germany and Japan within U. S.; certain Office of Economic Stabilization, transfer of functions to Office of War Mobilization Institute of Inter-American Affairs and Inter-American Educational Foundation, Extending the provisions of Executive Order 9177 of May 1942 to Secretary of Com. merce.. Philippine Islands, continuing the functions of the Alien Property Custodian and the 7518 7999 8073 8345 8711 Office of Alien Property Custodian terminated; transferring its functions to the At- 11981, 12123 9789 Oct. 14 9797 Nov. 6 9809 Dec. 12 Philippine Alien Property Administration established; defining its function.. Second War Powers Act (56 Stat. 176; 50 U.S.C., App., Sup., 631-645a) 11981 13295 14281 National economy during transition from war to peace, provision for continued 1691 5641 9745 June 30 Office of Price Administration, providing for interim administration of certain con- 7327 14281 Table 5-PUBLIC LAND ORDERS NOTE: For the full text of Public Land Orders and for table showing Public Land Orders affected by documents published during the period covered by this Supplement, see Appendix to Title 43, Chapter I, infra. For complete list of Presidential documents affected by Public Land Orders see Table 7, infra. 5289, 8857; Proc. July 23, 1907. |