Rubáiyát: Of Omar Khayyám, the Astronomer-poet of PersiaBernard Quaritch Piccadilly, 1872 - 36 pages |
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according Alp Arslan ASTRONOMER-POET OF PERSIA Attár Bahrám bitter Bodleian buried Calcutta Review Clay Copy cries d'une sensualité quelquefois dánad O dánad Darkness divides the False Divinité Divinity Door drank Drink Dust Earth Edition Epicurean Epicurus favour feeble Suc Flower founded that Selju Garden Grape Háfiz Hair perhaps divides hand Hasan Hátim heads sc Heaven Hell Images Imám Iram Jamshyd Juice Kaikobád Khorassan King live Lucretius Máh Malik Shah Mons Moon Mowaffak Musulman mystical Naishápúr in Khorasan Nicolas Nizám ul Nizám-ul-Mulk Oh Thou Omar Khayyám Omar's once Oriental Pantheism Paradise Parwin Péhlevi Persepolis Philosopher Poems Potter Predestin'd Quatrain rougissant round RUBÁIYÁT OF OMAR says sensual sensualité quelquefois révoltante Sháh-náma Shiraz Song Soul Spring Stepney Story Subhi Súfi Sultan Tavern Teheran tell Tetrastichs THEE TO-DAY TO-MORROW Toghrul Beg ul Mulk Vessel Vizier Von Hammer Wasiyat-or whence Wind Wine Wine-bearer World Zál ἐν