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The Feather River Water Company propose to the proper authorities to construct, sell, and deliver to the City of San Francisco their water-works complete, of the capacity and character, and at the price and within the time, as hereinafter specified, viz.:

Their reservoir at Guenoc, having a water-shed of one hundred and twenty-four and more square miles, and on which the average annual rainfall is fifty inches, and whose capacity will be one hundred million gallons. The dams are to be of stone.

Their conduit from Guenoc to a certain point of three hundred feet elevation above city base at San Francisco. Said conduit to be proportioned in diameter and thickness, entrenched, and in all respects fitted, according to the published specifications of Colonel George Mendell, Chief Engineer of the water supply of San Francisco, and to have the capacity of carrying forty million gallons of water daily. Together with all and singular the water, water rights, real estate, and right of way thereunto pertaining, for the sum of fifteen million two hundred thousand dollars ($15,200,000).

Farther, to furnish and lay each additional conduit of forty million gallons daily capacity, as required by the city, for the sum of seven million dollars ($7,000,000). Cost of Feather River Water-works of forty million gallons daily capacity. Allowance for city pipe, estimated value.--.

Cost of works of 40,000,000 gallons capacity

Interest on $15,200,000, at 6 per cent..

Interest on $2,000,000, at 6 per cent. (city pipe allowance)

$15,200,000 2,000,000 $17,200,000

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Balance in cost-Spring Valley Water-works furnishing 24,000,000 gallons daily, and Feather River Water Company furnishing 40,000,000 gallons dailyThe city will require twenty-four million gallons daily in eighteen hundred and eighty-two and eighty-three, say in eighteen hundred and eighty-two, the time of the completion of the Feather River Water Company's Works. It will, therefore (the Spring Valley continuing), be necessary for that company to develop up, say the Lower Crystal Spring reservoir, making a total supply of twenty-nine million gallons daily, the cost of which will be as before shown.

Spring Valley furnishing 29,000,000 gallons daily

Feather River Water Company furnishing 40,000,000 gallons daily Allowance for city pipe

Cost of works of 40,000,000 gallons daily capacity .

Balance in favor of the Feather River Water Company's Works

Now, by reference to the table of increase of population and consumption of water, it will be seen that the full amount of 29,000,000 gallons daily will be required in 1886 and 1887, say in 1886. At that time, then, it will be necessary for the Spring Valley Water Company to develop the Calaveras, the cost of which, in connection with other works, will be, making a total capacity of 59,000,000 gallons daily. Adding interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum on the balance, $2,340,000, for four years..


$15,200,000 2,000,000

$17,200,000 $2,340,000



For 40,000,000 gallons daily


For 40,000,000 gallons daily additional


For 40,000,000 gallons daily additional


Works from Cache Creek to Guenoc

Allowance for city pipe...



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The fact must not be lost sight of that the ultimate limit of the capacity of the Spring Valley Water-works, fully developed, is eighty million gallons daily supply, while the capacity of the Feather River Water Company's supply is practically limitless.

In conclusion, I would most respectfully submit all of the foregoing report, based upon and deduced from the most reliable data-data furnished by the official reports of Colonel Scowden, Chief Engineer of the Water Supply of San Francisco, and of his successor, Colonel George H. Mendell, and data furnished by Mr. Milo Hoadley, C. E., in his public statements before the Water Commission; also, data obtained by my own personal surveys and explorations in the field, often aided by your own valuable counsel.


TO CAPT. JOHN MULLEN, of the Feather River Water Company, Office, 623 Commercial Street, San Francisco.

SACRAMENTO, March 4th, 1878.

San Francisco Board of Education




To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of California, in Legislature assembled:

GENTLEMEN: The undersigned, the Board of Education of the City and County of San Francisco, would most respectfully protest against the passage of the bill known as the McCoppin Bill, which forbids the teaching of music and languages other than the English in the common schools of this State. For the following reasons, we believe it to be a step backward in the educational progress of the age, rendering null and void the labors of many of our ablest and best educators, who for a quarter of a century and more have sought to enlarge the basis of education among the masses, making the structure as broad as the earth and as free to all as the elements which support life. The progress of events is such that a higher state of advancement is required in the educational system of the world than that in vogue a few years since. The rapid transit now enjoyed between nations, the increased facilities for printing, and the instantaneous transmission of thought through the medium of the telegraph, have more nearly made the nations one people, in thought, language, and interest, and what were formerly considered merely accomplishments are now absolute necessities.

We believe our Cosmoplitan Schools are great blessings to us; that they have during their brief existence turned out scores of active, intelligent young men and women, who are now employed at home and abroad in the various marine and mercantile marts of the world, doing business with other peoples and using their oracles of thought with the freedom and fluency of one to the manner born, the knowledge of which they acquired in our Cosmopolitan Schools. We are one of the great commercial centers of the world, and our children require a knowledge of the different oracles of thought used by that world. As a progressive people we cannot go back. Other nations, notably Russia and Germany, monarchical in their forms of government, have established Cosmopolitan Schools throughout their dominions; and in those schools English is one of the languages taught.

We believe the destruction of these schools is the pulling down of one of the strongholds of affection and remembrance which binds many of our worthiest and best citizens to this land of their adoption, making them to feel like aliens and sojourners in a country whose institutions and interests their industry, energy, and money have so largely helped to build up and establish.

We believe the enactment of such a law to be class legislation, in its worst and most offensive form; it establishes a system of educa

tional exclusiveness for the rich-one in which the poor or laboring classes can have no share. Under our present system the children of all fare alike; the poorest and richest sit at one common table and partake equally of the sumptuous intellectual feast prepared for them by a wise and liberal public, who in the past designed and fostered the system with a bounteous hand, making it grow and thrive with a vigorous vitality, till it has attained its present high position of usefulness and integrity in the educational circles of the world.

We believe, then, that our system as it now exists was founded on the principle of the greatest good to the greatest number; that its dismemberment would seriously impair its usefulness, if not destroy its vitality. We believe there should be no class distinction in educational matters. In view of these facts we would respectfully ask the honorable Senate to reconsider its action whereby it passed the McCoppin Bill, and that in both Houses all adverse legislation on the subject cease.

At the last general election your memorialists were selected from both parties, by large majorities, in the City and County of San Francisco, to take charge of the educational department thereof; since their induction into office they have labored assiduously to promote the welfare of that department; they have sought to make themselves acquainted with its varied branches; they have visited in person many of the schools, and are cognizant of their workings and results; they feel that it is not egotistical in them to say that they know better the wants of the department than those gentlemen who have resided at a distance, or even those whose homes are with us, yet who have not brought themselves into practical contact with it, and by personal observation learned its intricacy and worth. Therefore, your memorialists would respectfully pray, that before any adverse legislation is had that both Houses select a joint special committee, or that the joint Educational Committees of both Houses be authorized to proceed hither and visit the said schools and the educational department of our city and county, that by such personal observation they may see our wants and be enabled to present such facts as may come under their observation in relation to their welfare as will enable your honorable bodies to more understandingly legislate in our behalf.

Resolved, That the proper number of copies of this memorial, with the appended resolution, be engrossed, and signed by the President and Secretary of the Board, with the seal of the Board attached, and that one copy thus attested be forwarded to the Governor of the State for his perusal, and one each to the Honorable the President of the Senate, and the Honorable the Speaker of the Assembly, with the request that they lay the same before their respective Houses at the earliest moment. A. C. HIESTER, President.

GEORGE BEANSTON, Secretary. SAN FRANCISCO, March 5th, 1878.





Outstanding Bonds and Coupons of the County of El Dorado.



To the Governor and Legislature of the State of California:

The undersigned, your memorialists, respectfully show: That they are holders and representatives of the outstanding bonds and coupons of the County of El Dorado.

That said bonds amount to about the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and were issued under and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, passed March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and entitled "An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the County of El Dorado to subscribe two hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Company, and to provide for the payment of the same, and other matters in relation thereto." (See Laws of 1863, page 122.)

That at the general election in eighteen hundred and sixty-three, the subscription to said stock and the issue of said bonds were duly approved by an affirmative and nearly unanimous vote of the people of El Dorado County.

That the said bonds were regularly issued under the said Act by order of the Board of Supervisors of the said county; that they were signed by the Chairman of said Board, the County Auditor, and the Treasurer of said county, and countersigned by the County Clerk, with the seal of said county affixed; that they were made payable in gold coin, at the office of the Treasurer of said county, and that they bear interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, payable semiannually, upon coupons thereto attached.

That the said bonds, after having been issued to the said company, as provided for in said Act, were sold in open market in the regular course of business, and that the undersigned and their constituents are purchasers thereof in good faith and for full value.

That all of said bonds are long overdue, and that the statute of limitations, unless it has been arrested by a special Act of doubtful validity, is running against the rights of your memorialists. (See Laws of 1875-6, page 686.)

That for several years after their issue the County of El Dorado paid the interest on said bonds, but that for about the period of nine years past, although required and commanded by the said Act to pay the interest semi-annually, it has wholly neglected and refused so to do.

That in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three proceedings were commenced in the Supreme Court of the State of California, on the petition of one James H. Deering, on behalf of himself and the

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