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Commercial Relations between the
British Empire and Roumania.

Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.


PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2. and 28 Abingdon Street, London, S.W.1; York Street, Manchester :

1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; or

120 George Street, Edinburgh.


Price 2d. Net

Cmd 1925.

Notes exchanged between the British and Roumanian

Governments relative to the Commercial Relations between the British Empire and Roumania.

No. 1.

His Britannic Majesty's Minister at Bucharest to the Roumanian Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Ministre, Bucharest, May 11, 1923. IT being the desire of our respective Governments to make provision for the commercial relations between the United Kingdom and Roumania pending the conclusion of a new Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the two countries, I have the honour to propose that the commercial relations between the United Kingdom and Roumania shall be based on the accord of most-favoured-nation treatment; this provisional arrangement to be, however, terminale at any time three months after notice has been given by either of the contracting parties to the other.

The foregoing stipulations will not be applicable to India or to any of His Britannic Majesty's self-governing Dominions, Colonies, l'ossessions or Protectorates or to any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Britannic Majesty, unless notice of accession to this arrangement is given on behalf of India or any such self-governing Dominion, Colony, Possession, Protectorate or territory by His Majesty's Minister at Bucharest. Nevertheless, goods, the produce or manufacture of India or of any of His Britannic Majesty's self-governing Dominions, Colonies, Possessions or Protectorates or of any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Britannic Majesty, shall enjoy in Roumania complete and unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment, so long as India or any such self-governing Dominion, Colony, Possession, Protectorate or territory accords to goods, the produce or manufacture of Roumania, treatment as favourable as that accorded to the produce of the soil or industry of any foreign country.

As regards India and any of His Britannic Majesty's self-governing Dominions, Colonies, Possessions or Protectorates or any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Britannic Majesty, which may have acceded to the arrangement in accordance with the foregoing provisions, either of our respective Governments shall have the right to terminate the arrangement separately on giving six months' notice to that effect. I avail, &c.


No. 2.

The Roumanian Minister for Foreign Affairs to His Britannic
Majesty's Minister at Bucharest.

M. le Ministre,

Ministère des Affaires étrangères,
Bucarest, le 24 mai 1923.

EN réponse à la note que votre Excellence a bien voulu m'adresser le 11 mai courant, j'ai l'honneur de l'informer que le Gouvernement royal roumain accepte la proposition du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique de régler les relations commerciales entre la Roumanie et le Royaume-Uni par un accord provisoire basé sur la clause de la nation la plus favorisée. Cet accord cessera d'être exécutoire après trois mois à partir de la date de la notification faite en ce but par une es parties contractantes.

Les stipulations qui précèdent ne seront pas applicables aux Indes ou à tout autre Dominion de Sa Majesté britannique ayant un Gouvernement autonome ("self-governing Dominion "), aux Colonies, Possessions ou Protectorats anglais ainsi qu'aux territoires pour lesquels le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique aurait reçu un mandat de la part de la Ligue des Nations, à moins qu'une notification d'adhésion à cet accord ne soit faite de la part des Indes ou de ces Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, Protectorats ou territoires par l'entremise du représentant de Sa Majesté britannique à Bucarest.

Toutefois, les marchandises, produits et manufactures des Indes ou des Dominions ayant un Gouvernement autonome, des Colonies, des Possessions, des Protectorats ou des Territoires, pour lesquels le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique aurait reçu un mandat de la part de la Ligue des Nations jouiront en Roumanie, du traitement complet et non conditionné, de la clause de la nation la plus favorisée tant que les Indes ou lesdits Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, Protectorats et territoires accorderont aux marchandises, produits et manufactures de Roumanie un traitement identique à celui accordé aux produits du sol et de l'industrie de tout autre pays étranger.

En ce qui concerne les Indes ou les Dominions ayant un Gouvernement autonome, les Colonies, Possessions ou Protectorats, ainsi que les territoires pour lesquels le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique aurait reçu un mandat de la part de la Ligue des Nations, et qui auront adhéré à cet accord, conformément aux dispositions qui précèdent, chacun de nos Gouvernements respectifs pourra dénoncer cet accord, séparément, par un préavis de six mois.

En portant, &c.

Le Ministre,




Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Bucharest, May 24, 1923.

IN reply to the note which your Excellency was good enough to address to me on the 11th instant, I have the honour to inform you that the Royal Roumanian Government agree to the proposal of His Britannic Majesty's Government to regulate the commercial relations between Roumania and the United Kingdom by means of a

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provisional arrangement based on the most-favoured-nation clause. This arrangement will cease to be operative three months after the date of the notification to this effect made by one of the contracting parties.

The foregoing stipulations will not be applicable to India or to any of His Britannic Majesty's self-governing Dominions, Colonies, Possessions or British Protectorates and also to any territories for which His Britannic Majesty's Government shall receive a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations, unless notice of accession to this arrangement is given on behalf of India or of those Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, Protectorates or territories through the intermediary of His Britannic Majesty's representative at Bucharest Nevertheless, goods, the produce and manufacture of India or of the self-governing Dominions, of the Colonies, Possessions, Protectorates or territories for which His Britannic Majesty's Government shall receive a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations shall enjoy in Roumania complete and unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment so long as India or the said Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, Protectorates and territories shall accord to goods the produce and manufacture of Roumania similar treatment to that accorded to the products of the soil and industry of any other foreign country.

As regards India or the self-governing Dominions, the Colonies, Possessions or Protectorates and also the territories for which His Britannic Majesty's Government shall receive a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations, and which shall have acceded to this in accordance with the foregoing provisions, either of our respective Governments shall be at liberty to denounce this arrangement separately on giving six months' previous notice.

I avail, &c.








Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.


PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and 28 Abingdon Street, London, S.W. 1; 37 Peter Street, Manchester;

1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; or

120 George Street, Edinburgh.


Price 3d. net.

Cmd. 1846.

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