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Jenks, J. W., and Lauck, W. J. Oriental Immigration to the Pacific Coast States, in Immigration Problem, pp. 231-60. Funk & Wagnalls. 1913.

Mabie, H. W. Japan To-day and To-morrow. Macmillan. 1914. Mayo-Smith, R. Chinese Immigration, in Emigration and Immigration, pp. 227-65. Scribner. 1898.

Masaoka, Naoichi, ed. Japan to America. Putnam. 1914.

Millard, Thomas F. Japan and the United States, in Our Eastern Question, pp. 252-71. Century. 1916.

Millis, H. A. Japanese Problem in the United States. Macmillan. 1915.

Russell, Lindsay, ed. America to Japan. Putnam. 1915.

Scherer, James A. B. Japanese Crisis. Stokes. 1916.

Sparks, Edwin E. Chinese Immigration, in National Development, 1877-85. Harper. 1907.

United States. Census Bureau.

Chinese and Japanese in the

United States. Bul. 127. 15c. Supt. of Doc. 1914.

*United States. Immigration Commission. Abstracts of Reports, pp. 654-76. 2v. Govt. Ptg. 1911.

Magazine Articles

Annals of the American Academy. 24: 209-20. Jl. '04. Australian Methods of Dealing with Immigration. Frank Parsons. Annals of the American Academy. 34: S. '09. Chinese and Japanese in America.

This entire number is devoted to a discussion of the question. Annals of the American Academy. 45:99-130. Ja. '13. Canada and the Chinese; a comparison with the U. S. P. H. Clements.

Annals of the American Academy. 54: 245-50. Jl. '14. Policy of❤ the United States in the Pacific. E. C. Stowell.

Century. 88: 105-8. My. '14. Are We Honest with Japan? J. D. Whelpley.

Collier's. 40: 13-5, 13-5, 17, S. 28, O. 12, O. 19, '07. Japanese and the Pacific Coast. Will Irwin.

Everybody's. 32:587-600. My. '15. Snarl of Waking Asia. G. Garrett.

Fortnightly. 101: 885-92. My. '14. Japan and the United States J. D. Whelpley.

Same. Living Age. 281: 707-12. Je. 20, '14.

Independent. 61 : 1425-6. D. 13, '06. Japanese Exclusion. David S. Jordan.

Literary Digest. 46:991-4. My. 3, '13. Issue between Japan and California.

Literary Digest. 46: 1107-9. My. 17, '13. California's Solution of

Her Japanese Problem.

Living Age. 277: 564-6. My. 31, '13. Japanese in California.

Living Age. 282: 387-92. Ag. 15, '14.

World Problem. S. N. Singh.

Asiatic Emigration; a

North American Review. 183: 1225-8. D. 21, '06. American Schools and Japanese Pupils. C. W. Fulton.

North American Review. 187:481-5. Ap. '08. Spirit and Letter of Exclusion. Oscar S. Straus.

Same cond. Review of Reviews. 37: 603-4. My. '08.

Outlook. 36: 101-5. My. 18, '07.


Japanese in America. John

Outlook. 104: 61-5. My. 10, '13. White and Yellow in California. Walter V. Woehlke.

Outlook. 105: 477-80. N. 1, '13. California and the Japanese : Symposium.

Popular Science Monthly. 80: 151-7. F. '12. Relations of Japan and the United States. David S. Jordan.

Review of Reviews. 23: 207-8. F. '01. Japanese Immigration. Review of Reviews. 35: 259-65. Mr. '07.

Review of Reviews. 47: 738-40. Je. '13.


Japan and America. What the Japanese do in

Review of Reviews. 48: 103-5. Jl. '13. Case of California versus Japan.

World To-day. 11: 1310-3. D. '06. San Francisco and the Japanese. W. H. Thomson.

World's Work. 13:8690-3. Mr. '07. Oriental Problem as the Coast Sees It. Jerome A. Hart.


Books, Pamphlets, etc.

Asiatic Exclusion League. Reports, etc. San Francisco. 1906. Formerly Japanese and Korean Exclusion League. Organized in 1905. Name changed in 1907. May '06 is the date of the first report issued after the fire. Earlier issues are practically unobtainable.

Benham, G. B. Asiatic Problem and American Opinions. Asiatic Exclusion League. 1908.

Rea, George Bronson. Japan's Place in the Sun; the Menace to America. gratis. W. L. Bass, Washington, D. C. 1916.

Magazine Articles

*Collier's. 51: 12. My. 31, '13. World's Most Menacing Problem. Collier's. 515-6. Je. 7. '13. Japan in California. P. C. Macfarlane.

*Congressional Record. 40: 3749-53. Mr. 13, '06. Japanese Exclusion. E. A. Hayes.

Congressional Record. 41: 1579-85. Ja. 23, '07. Treaty-making Power of Government and the Japanese Question. E. A. Hayes.

*Congressional Record. 42:3494-8. Mr. 17, '08. Shall the United States Exclude the Immigration of Japanese and Korean Laborers? Burton L. French.

Cosmopolitan. 43: 604-7. O. '07. World-Menace of Japan. Goldwin Smith.

*Harper's Weekly. 51: 1484. O. 12, '07. Real Pacific Question. Sydney Brooks.

*Independent. 62: 26-33. Ja. 3, '07. Japanese Question from a Californian's Standpoint. Julius Kahn.

*Independent. 74: 1439-40. Je. 26, '13. Japanese Question from a Californian Standpoint. James D. Phelan.

Literary Digest. 46: 1215-6. My. 31, '13. Japan's Ally [Great Britain] on California.

[blocks in formation]

Outlook. 104: 739-41. Ag. 2, '13. Japan and the United States. Outlook. 106: 340-1. F. 14, '14. Immigration of Asiatics. E. A. Hayes.

*Sunset. 31: 122-7. Jl. '13. Keeping the Coast Clear. Arthur Dunn.

Sunset. 34:346. F. '15. Japanese Conceptions of America.

World To-Day. 9:899-901. Ag. '05. Japanese Invasion. J. M. Scanland.

World To-Day. 20: 464-72. Ap. '11. Orient in California. John T. Bramhall.

World's Work. 17: 10989-91. D. '08. Western View of the Japanese. W. T. Prosser,

World's Work. 26: 195-201. Je. '13.

Chester H. Rowell.

Japanese in California.

World's Work. 27:74-8. N. '13. Health Menace of Alien Races. Charles T. Nesbitt.


Books, Pamphlets, etc.

Dickinson, G. Lowes. Japan and America, in Appearances, pp. 126-31. Doubleday, Page. 1914.

Gulick, Sidney L. American-Japanese Problem. Scribner. 1914. *National Education Association. 1914:35-40. Responsibility of American Educators in the Solution of America's Oriental Problem. S. L. Gulick.

Iyenaga, Toyokichi, ed. Japan's Real Attitude Toward America. Putnam. 1916.

A reply to G. B. Rea's "Japan's Place in the Sun."

Wu Ting Fang. America and China, in America through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat, pp. 40-53. F. A. Stokes. 1914.

Magazine Articles

American Economic Review. 5:787-804. D. '15.

Some of the

Economic Aspects of Japanese Immigration. H. A. Millis. Annals of the American Academy. 34:275-93. S. '09. Un-American Character of Race Legislation. M. J. Kohler.

Annals of the American Academy. 34: 294-9. S. '09. Reasons for Encouraging Japanese Immigration. J. P. Irish.

*Annals of the American Academy. 34:300-5. S. '09. Moral and Social Interests Involved in Restricting Oriental Immigration. Thomas L. Eliot.

Arena. 37: 11-6. Ja. '07. Our Insult to Japan. C. V. Holman. Collier's. 57:5-6. Mr. 25, '16. California and the Japanese. Lincoln Steffens.

*Forum. 50: 66-76. Jl. '13. Japanese-American Relations. Edwin Maxey.

Forum. 50:82-93. Jl. '13. Japanese on Our Farms. K. K. Kawakami.

Harper's Weekly. 57:7. My. 3, '13. Playing with Dynamite. William Inglis,

Independent. 59:961-7. O. 26, '05. Japanese on American Farms. K. K. Kawakami.

Independent. 61: 1260-5. N. 29, '06. Japanese in California. K. K.


Independent. 74:975-8. My. 1, 1913.

Friendship. Hamilton Holt.

Straining an Historic

Independent. 74: 1019-22. My. 8, '13. How California Treats the Japanese. K. K. Kawakami.

Independent. 75: 138-42. Jl. 17, '13. Inter-racial Amity in California. N. Marquis.

*Literary Digest. 47: 67+. Jl. 12, '13.


California's Hustling

Nation. 88: 194-5. F. 25, '09. Cause of Immigration.

North American Review. 184:29-34. Ja. 4, '07. What Japanese Exclusion Would Mean. Osborne Howes.

North American Review. 185: 394-402. Je. 21, '07. Naturalization of Japanese. K. K. Kawakami.

North American Review. 198: 332-40. S. '13. Nagging the Japanese. Francis G. Peabody.

*North American Review. 200: 566-75. O. '14. Our Honor and Shame with Japan. William E. Griffis.

Outlook. 104: 754-7. Ag. 2, '13. Americans and the Far East. H. W. Mabie.

Outlook. 104: 757-8. Ag. 2, '13. Situation in Japan. J. I. Bryan. Overland, n. S. 55: 204-10. F. '10. Orientals and Portola. B. Glynn.

Overland, n. s. 57: 491-5. My. 'II. Why the Chinese Exclusion Law Should Be Modified. T. B. Wilson.

Overland, n. s. 57: 577. My. 'II. Chinese on the Pacific Coast. H. Davis.

Survey. 30: 332-6. Je. 7, '13. California and the Japanese. H. A. Millis.

*Survey. 31: 720-2. Mr. 7, '14. Problem of Oriental Immigration. Sidney L. Gulick,

*World's Work. 4:9372-6. S. '07. Mongolian as a Working

man. Woods Hutchinson.

*World's Work. 15: 10041-4. Mr. '08. Japanese Immigration. S. Aoki.

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