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DARLINGTON, THOMAS, Medico-Economic Aspect of the Immigration Problem, North American Review, Vol. LXXXIII, pp. 1262-1271, December 21, 1906.

DAVENPORT, CHARLES B., The Origin and Control of Mental Defectiveness, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXXX, p. 87, 1912.

DAVIS, PHILIP, Making Americans of Russian Jews, Outlook, Vol. LXXX, p. 10, July 8, 1905.

DAYTON, T. S., Importing Our Insane, Harper's Weekly, Vol. LVI, p. 9, October 19, 1912.

Sources from which Great Empires Come, De Bow's Review, Vol. XVIII, p. 698, 1855.

DEVINE, EDWARD T., Immigration as a Relief Problem, Charities, Vol. XII, pp. 129–133, February 6, 1904.

The Selection of Immigrants, The Survey, February 4, 1911.

DOSCH, ARNO, Our Expensive Cheap Labor, World's Work, Vol. XXVI, pp. 699-703, October, 1913.

DUNRAVEN, EARL OF, The Invasion of Destitute Aliens, Nineteenth Century, Vol. XXXI, p. 985, 1892.

EVERETT, A. H., Immigration to the United States, North American Review, Vol. XL, p. 457, 1835.

EVERETT, E., German Immigration to the United States, North American Review, Vol. XI, p. 1820.

FAIRCHILD, HENRY P., Distribution of Immigrants, Vale Review, Vol. XVI, p. 296, 1907.

Immigration and Crises, American Economic Review, Vol. I, pp. 735-765, December, 1911.

The Paradox of Immigration, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XVII, pp. 254-267, September, 1911.

Problems of Immigration, Nation, Vol. XCVIII, pp. 430-431, April 16, 1914.

Restriction of Immigration, American Economic Review, Vol. II, sup. 53-62, March, 1912.

Some Immigration Differences, Yale Review, Vol. XIX, pp. 79-97, May, 1910.

FALKNER, R. P., Some Aspects of the Immigration Problem, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. XIX, p. 32-49, March, 1904.

FAUST, A. B., The Germans in the United States, German University League, New York, 1916.

FETTER, FRANK A., The Population of Prosperity, American Economic Review, Vol. III, sup. 5-19, March, 1913.

FISHER, S. G., Alien Degradation of American Character, Forum, Vol. XIV, p. 608, 1893.

Has Immigration Increased the Population? Popular Science Monthly, Vol. XLVIII, p. 244, 1895.

FLEMING, WALTER L., Immigration into the Southern States, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. XX, pp. 276-297, June, 1905.

FOLKMAR, DANIEL, Results of the First Census of European Races in the United States, Science, Vol. XXXIX, pp. 147-148, January 23,


GALLAGHER, THOMAS, Immigration, Congressional Record, Vol. XLIX, pp. 689-690, December 14, 1912.

GLADDEN, W., The Anti-Catholic Crusade, Century, Vol. XXV, p. 789, 1894.

GOLDENWEISER, E. A., Immigrants in Cities, Survey, Vol. XXV, pp. 596-602, January 7, 1911.

Walker's Theory of Immigration, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XVIII, pp. 342-351, November, 1912.

GRANT, PERCY S., American Ideals and Race Mixture, North American Review, Vol. CXCV, pp. 513-525, April, 1912.

HALL, PRESCOTT F., Controlling Immigration by Number Limitation, The Survey, Vol. XXX, pp. 370-371, June 14, 1913.

The Future of American Ideals, North American Review, Vol. CXCV, pp. 94-102, January, 1912. Reprinted in pamphlet form by The

Immigration Restriction League.

Immigration and the Educational Test, North American Review, Vol. CLXV, pp. 393-402, October, 1897.

Recent History of Immigration and Immigration Restriction, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. XXI, pp. 735-751, October, 1913.

Selection of Immigration, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. XXIV, pp. 169-184, July, 1904. HART, A. B., The Disposition of our Public Lands, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. I, pp. 169, 251, 1887.

HART, H. H., Immigration and Crime, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. II, p. 369, 1896.

HARVEY, GEORGE, The Bogy of Alien Illiteracy, North American Review, Vol. CCI, pp. 347-350, March, 1915.

Effects of the War on Immigration, North American Review, Vol. CCI, pp. 667-670, May, 1915.

Our Illiterates: Who and Why, North American Review, Vol. CC, pp. 18-22, July, 1914.

HAZARD, SAMUEL, Register of Pennsylvania, Vol. I, p. 25; Vol. VI, p. 266; Vol. VIII, pp. 27, 31, 33, 54, 88, 108, 116; Vol. XI, pp. 361, 416; Vol. XV, p. 157, 1828-1835.

HOLCOMBE, A. N., Minimum Wage Boards, The Survey, April 1,


HOUGHTON, LOUISE S., Syrians in the United States, The Survey, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, 1911. The above criticised, The Survey, October 28, 1911.

HOURWICH, I. A., Economic Aspects of Immigration, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. XXVI, pp. 615-652, December, 1911.

Immigration and Crime, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XVII, pp. 478-490, January, 1912.

HOWE, FREDERIC C., Immigration after the War, Scribner's, November, 1915.

HUNT, MILTON B., The Housing of Non-family Groups of Men in Chicago, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XVI, p. 145, 1910.

HUNTER, ROBERT, Immigration the Annihilator of our Native Stock, Commons, Vol. IX, p. 114, 1904.

Immigrants in America Review. A quarterly published in the interests of immigrants in America. Vol. I, No. 1, was issued in March, 1915. Address, 95 Madison Avenue, New York.

The National Conference on Immigration and Americanization, April, 1916.

Independent, The, The Foreign-born Crime and Patriotism, Vol. LXXVIII, p. 417, June 1, 1914.

JENKS, ALBERT E., Assimilation in the Philippines as Interpreted in Terms of Assimilation in America, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XIX, pp. 773-791, May, 1914.

JENKS, JEREMIAH W., The Urgent Immigration Problem, World's Work, Vol. XXII, pp. 14368-14374, May, 1911.

Journal of Political Economy, The Latest Defeat of the Literacy Test, Vol. XXIII, pp. 280-283, March, 1915.

KALLEN, HORACE M., Democracy versus the Melting Pot, Nation, Vol. C, pp. 190-194, 217-220, February 18, 25, 1915.

KELLOGG, PAUL U., An Immigrant Labor Tariff, Survey, January 7, 1911. The above criticised, Survey, February 4, 1911.

Immigrant and the Minimum Wage, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. XLVIII, pp. 66-77, July, 1913.

KELLOR, FRANCES A, A Domestic Policy, Immigrants in America Review, Vol. I, pp. 9-10, March, 1915.

The Education of the Immigrant, Educational Review, Vol. XLVIII, pp. 21-36, June, 1914.

The Immigrant Woman, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. C, pp. 401-407, September, 1907.

Justice for the Immigrant, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. LII, pp. 159-168, March, 1914. Reprinted in pamphlet form by North American Civic League for Immigrants, Boston.

The Nation's New Front Door, Harper's Weekly, Vol. LIX, pp. 364-366, 398, October 17, 24, 1914.

KELLOR, FRANCES A., Needed A Domestic Immigration Policy, North American Review, Vol. CXCIII, pp. 561-573, April, 1911.

The Tie that Binds Immigration, Work and Citizenship, Survey, Vol. XXXI, pp. 766-767, March 21, 1914.

Who is Responsible for the Immigrant? Outlook, Vol. CVI, pp. 92-97, April 25, 1914. Reprinted in pamphlet form by North American Civic League for Immigrants, Boston.

KENT, WILLIAM, Immigration, Congressional Record, Vol. XLIX, pp. 666-669, December 14, 1912.

KOHLER, MAX J., A New Expedient for Restricting Immigration, Survey, Vol. XXX, pp. 369-370, June 14, 1913.

Some Aspects of the Immigration Problem, American Economic Review, Vol. IV, pp. 93-108, March, 1914. Reprinted in pamphlet form by American Jewish Committee.

LANE, FRANKLIN K., Americanization, letter to President Wilson dated November 20, 1918.

LAUCK, WM. JETT, Industrial Communities, Survey, Vol. XXV, pp. 579586, January 7, 1911.

A Real Myth, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. CX, pp. 388-393, September,


The Real Significance of Recent Immigration, North American Review, Vol. CXCV, pp. 201-211, February, 1912.

The Vanishing American Wage Earner, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. CX, pp. 691-696, November, 1912.

LEE, JOSEPH, The Conversation of Yankees, Survey, October 28, 1911. Democracy and the Illiteracy Test, Survey, Vol. XXIX, pp. 497– 499, January 18, 1913.

LIPSKY, A., The Political Mind of the Foreign Born, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXXXV, pp. 397-403, October, 1914.

Literary Digest, Admission of Illiterates, Vol. XLVI, pp. 442-444, March

I, 1913.

Our Illiterate Immigrants, Vol. L, pp. 478-479, March 6, 1915. Living Age, Scenes in Emigrant Ships, Vol. XXVI, pp. 492, 1850. LOVEJOY, OWEN R., The Cost of the Cranberry Sauce, Survey, January

I, 1911.

LYNCH, R. N., Immigration. A series of articles showing how California

is profiting by the experience of the East, Sunset, Vol. XXXI, pp. 1144-1149, Vol. XXXII, pp. 593-600, Vol. XXXIII, pp. 97-105, December, 1913, March, July, 1914.

MAGNANO, ANTONIO, The Effect of Emigration upon Italy, Charities and the Commons, January 4, February 1, April 4, May 2, June 8, 1908. MARK, MARY L., The Upper East Side: A Study of Living Conditions and Migration. American Statistical Association, Vol. X, p. 345, 1907.

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MASON, OTIS T., Migration and the Food Quest, American Anthropologist, Vol. VII, p. 275, 1894.

MATTHEWS, BRANDER, The American of the Future, Century, Vol. LXXIV, pp. 474-480, July, 1907.

MAYPER, JOSEPH, Americanizing Immigrant Homes, Immigrants in America Review, Vol. II, p. 2. July, 1916.

MCLAUGHLIN, ALLEN, How Immigrants are Inspected, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXVI, pp. 357–362, February, 1905; Scientific American, Sup. Vol. LIX, 24393-24394, March 4, 1905.

Immigration and the Public Health, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXIV, pp. 232-238, January, 1904.

Social and Political Effects of Immigration, Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LXVI, pp. 243-255, January, 1905.

MCMASTER, J. B., The Riotous Career of the Know-Nothings, Forum, Vol. XVII, p. 524, 1894.

MICHARD, GUSTAVE, The Coming Race in America, Century, Vol. LXV, pp. 683-690, March, 1903.

MILHOLLAND, JOHN E., Immigration and Distribution, American Hebrew, 1916.

MILLIS, H. A., East Indian Immigration to British Columbia and the Pacific Coast States, American Economic Review, Vol. I, p. 72, 1911. MITCHELL, JOHN, Immigration and the American Laboring Classes, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. XXXI, pp. 125–129, July, 1909.

Protect the Workmen, Outlook, Vol. XCIII, pp. 65-69, September

II, 1909.

Monthly Anthology, Letter from a French Emigrant, Vol. VI, p. 383, 1809. Monthly Chronicle, Pauperism in Massachusetts, Vol. III, p. 564, 1842. MOORE, J., The President's Veto of the Immigration Bill, Congressional Record, Vol. LII, pp. 3073-3076, February 4, 1915.

Nation, The, Immigration and the South, Vol. LXXXII, pp. 398-399, May 17, 1906.

Metaphysical Standards of Living, Vol. XCV, pp. 425-426, November 7, 1912.

National Geographic Magazine, The Foreign Born of the United States (Statistics and tables), Vol. XXVI, pp. 265-271, September, 1914. New Republic, Testing a Race by its Literacy, Vol. II, pp. 8–9, February 6, 1915.

Wanted an Immigration Policy, Vol. I, pp. 10-11, December 26,


New York Times, Illiteracy and its Significance, January 10, 1912.
North American Review, The Irish in America, Vol. LII, p. 191, 1841.

OGG, FREDERIC A., American Immigration at High Tide, World's Work, Vol. XIV, pp. 8879-8886, May, 1907.

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