APPENDIX C C C. CCC I. EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS IN THE DIVISION OF THE MISSO URI. ANNUAL REPORT OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM L. MARSHALL, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1888. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, Milwaukee, Wis., July 30, 1888. SIR: I have the honor to submit my annual report as engineer officer, Division of the Missouri, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, as follows: Maj. Thomas H. Handbury, Corps of Engineers, was in charge of this office from the beginning of the fiscal year until April 5, 1888, when, in accordance with paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 60, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, D. C., March 14, 1888, he was relieved by me. The office force has consisted of one general-service clerk, Frederick A. Petersen. There has been no field work in progress during the year. The office work has consisted in collecting, compiling, and platting geographical information for the improvement of existing maps; in making reductions and enlargements and fac simile copies and tracings of maps of military and Indian reservations, posts, scouts, reconnaissances, etc., for use of these headquarters and elsewhere in the division, for file and forwarding. During the year monthly reports of operations have been received from the engineer officers of the departments included in this division. Besides these reports, these officers are required to forward such special reports and maps of work done as may be useful to the major-general commanding the division. A tabular statement is appended showing the number of maps received, mounted, and issued; also lists of maps and tracings drawn and miscellaneous matter. Tracing of map showing route of march from Fort Missoula to Camp on Tobacco Plains, Mont., Second Lieut. C. W. Kennedy, Third Infantry, 1887. Tracing of the proposed route of the Duluth and Manitoba Railroad across Fort Pembina military reservation, Dak. Tracing of a map of a proposed military reservation for Fort Du Chesne, Utah, Lieut. Daniel Cornman, Twenty-first Infantry, August, 1887. Tracing of a plat of the Arrington ditch across Fort Lewis military reservation, Colo. Eight copies of a sketch of the battle-ground at White River, Colorado, August 25, 1887, for Major-General Terry's annual report. Tracing of a map of the United States military-post grounds and adjoining territory near Denver, Colo. Tracing of a map of the United States military reservation, Fort Riley, Kans. Tracing of a map of the United States military-post grounds at Highwood, Lake County, Ill. Sketch of elliptic targets for rifle practice. Plan and tracing of a proposed wharf for military post at Highwood, Lake County, Ill. Tracing of map of the proposed water-supply and pipe-line for Fort Meade, Dak., Captain Jackson and Lieutenant Cameron, Seventh Cavalry, 1886. Tracing of a survey of proposed boundary line between Devil's Lake Indian Agency buildings and Fort Totten military reservation, Dak., by Herman Heinze, U. S. deputy surveyor, 1887. Tracing of a reconnaissance map of the Washita Valley from Fort Elliott, Tex., to crossing of Reno-Elliott Trail, First Lieut. G. H. Paddock, Fifth Cavalry. Tracing of Fort McKinney military reservation, Wyo., showing irrigating ditches, October, 1887. Two tracings of Fort Totten military reservation, Dak., showing the proposed reduction. Tracing of map of Fort Buford military reservation, Dak., surveyed in July, 1873, by Capt. William Ludlow, Corps of Engineers. Two tracings of "sketch of Fort Buford, Dak. Ter., and vicinity," showing modified reservation according to executive order, January 17, 1888. Tracing of part of the post of Fort Leavenworth, Kans., showing proposed site for Roman Catholic church and school. Second tracing of map of Fort Elliott military reservation, Tex., by George S. Storrs, State surveyor, December, 1887. Two tracings of map showing the Rio Grande and El Paso Railroad through Fort Bliss military reservation, Tex., A. A. Robinson, February, 1888. Sketch of route marched by Lieut. C. J. Crane, Twenty-fourth Infantry, from Fort Sill to township 2, range 16 west, and township 2, range 25 west, Indian Territory, and return, April, 1888. Tracing showing cattle trails, etc., in the vicinity of Fort Supply and Cantonment, on North Fork of the Canadian River, Indian Territory. MISCELLANEOUS. Made 69 cyclostyle copies of sketch of the battle-ground at White River, Colorado, August 25, 1887, for Major General Terry's annual report. Made 1,178 autocopyist copies of maps showing the march of Col. J. W. Forsyth, Seventh United States Cavalry, from Fort Meade, Dak., to Fort Riley, Kans., during July, August, and September, 1887. Mounted 101 maps. Received from engineer officer, Department of Dakota, on August 8, 1887, a blue print of Fort Buford, Dak., military reservation and vicinity, with reservation lines resurveyed, Lieut. John Biddle, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Received from engineer officer (Lieut. H. M. Chittenden, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.) Department of the Platte, on January 31, 1888, map of Fort Niobrara military reservation, Nebr.; blue print of Bellevue Rifle Range, Nebraska; blue print of military points in vicinity of Omaha, Nebr. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, The CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, W. L. MARSHALL, U. S. Army. CCC 2. EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE COLUMBIA. ANNUAL Report of LIEUTENANT WILLIAM C. LANGFITT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1888. ENGINEER OFFICE, HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE COLUMBIA, GENERAL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the engineer office at Headquarters Department of the Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888: PERSONNEL. General-service clerk Alfred Downing was in this office as assistant from date of last report until April 25, 1888, when he discharged at his own request. General-service clerk Charles A. Homan was assigned to this office June 1, 1888, and has remained since that time. FIELD WORK. The western boundary of the Vancouver military reservation was accurately laid down to guide the post quartermaster in removing encroaching persons. A number of roads was staked out on the Vancouver military reservation. The depth of the artesian well bored under contract on the reservation was measured by me and the result was certified to the depot quartermaster. An examination and report on the water supply of Fort Spokane was made to the assistant adjutant-general of this department; also a resurvey of that reservation was made with report. Resurvey of Fort Townsend military reservation with report to assistant adjutant-general of this department. In addition to the above, a department map, scale 16 miles to the inch, was corrected to December, 1887, and copy forwarded through military channels to the Chief of Engineers, with request that a new issue, embodying the corrections, be made and 300 copies furnished this office. This new issue has been received, and will be issued as called for. A map of Alaska, scale 16 miles to the inch, has been projected and compilation of available data started thereon. Short tables of distances were compiled for the use of certain troops going in the field. Directories of the post of Vancouver Barracks have been kept corrected to date and copies furnished to officers from time to time. |