THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1, SAVILE ROW; 1906. PREFATORY NOTE. THIS Index is reconstructed and edited from the current indices to the half-yearly volumes, I.-XX., of the Geographical Journal. Entries, textual and bibliographical, are generally classified under (a) topographical names, (b) surnames of authors, travellers, etc. Books are sometimes indexed separately under their titles. Entries under terms, concrete or abstract, are avoided as far as possible, except where a term (e.g. Cartography; Geography; Oceanography; Mountains; Rivers; Education; Trade) naturally carries under it a large number of entries in a geographical connection. Books are alphabetized simply by their titles, omitting “A," "The," or their foreign equivalents. Book-titles are abbreviated where necessary. Topographical entries are decentralized as far as possible, e.д. under the name of a country there appear only entries referring to that country generally, or parts of it indefinable under one geographical name. Any one of its political divisions, towns, physical features, etc., as considered by itself, is indexed separately. In the case of a large entry (e.g. under a country), material is classified according to subjects only where feasible; for the rest, entries are simply alphabetized, as to index wholly by subjects was found to be inexpedient. The following signs are employed : * following a reference-number signifies a paper or long article, to be consulted for general information, etc. † signifies a bibliographical entry in "Geographical Literature of the Month," either following a reference-number or preceding a series of numbers. § signifies a review or analysis. An entry without distinguishing sign signifies a short article or note, or refers to information contained in a longer article. a 3 |