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How does the Californian get so much fun out of Life? How can he spend so much time away from work-yet make his work bring him so many more dollars?

ALIFORNIANS do get more fun out of life. About twothirds of us, who lived in other states before we moved out here, will tell you so from our own knowledge. And you can come to San Francisco this summer, enjoy a wonderful California vacation, and see for yourself! By rail, it's almost a business day closer to Chicago with the new shortened train schedules; by auto, the new Victory Highway in conjunction with the Lincoln Highway leads directly through the mountain passes into San Francisco.

Californians, with one car for every three people, own proportionately more automobiles than the people of any other state and we use them more-for camping, fishing, week-ending trips to themountains or up and down theseashore. There are no rainy days in summer to tie us down; in winter months our hills are green, our sunshine glorious; there is less rain than in the East in mid

Pacific Ocean at Carmel

home port-San Francisco

seven seas returns to his

Francisco's factories and big industrial plants that serve the markets of the Pacific Coast, Hawaii, Australasia and the Orient can prove that this favorable climate adds a substantial percentage to production. And it has helped to make this state the third largest in agricultural production.

Here is a letter, typical of what you will hear from thousands of other Californians when you come; exactly what you will say, yourself, after you have lived here:

"San Francisco, March 3, 1927. "Most men who like to fish and shoot, and play golf, and camp in the mountains, are situated as I am-their years are divided into fifty weeks' work and two weeks' play.

"But I live in California now. Other men, thousands of them, come clear across the continent every summer to do what I can do every weekend. In a morning's drive from San Francisco I can be in the Sierras, with trout and bacon sputtering in the pan by sundown. On either hand the mountains stretch a thousand miles-north to Lassen Peak and Shasta, south to Yosemite, the Minarets, Sequoia National Park and the great jumble of 13,000-foot granite peaks and lakes that lie above them.

"Twenty summer vacations spent in different parts of the Sierras have shown me the impossibility of seeing more than a small part of them in a lifetime.

"These things mean a lot to me, and to my family. We are as well-off, materially here as we would be anywhere, and probably more so. To us, at least, moving to California is a step we could never think of retracing. (Name on request) E.H.B." Now write to Californians Inc., a non-profit, non-partisan organization of San Francisco citizens and business organizations interested only in the sound and permanent development of California's resources, for further information about the questions that interest you particularly. The first step is to send for this free booklet, "California-Where Life Is Better." We have made it easy for you with this coupon -send it today!


You Have Seen Movies


taken with

this CAMERA!

VERY week movies taken with this remarkable camera appear in many theatres. News reel weeklies, even parts of feature productions are taken with the DeVry. Although designed for the amateur, the DeVry has gained wide recognition among professional cameramen.

Taking movies with the DeVry is as easy as taking snapshots with a box camera-no cranking no tripod. Just point the camera, press the button and you are taking movies.

With the DeVry you can "shoot" from any position. It has three view finders instead of one. It loads in daylight-starts and stops smoothlyholds 100 feet of standard theatre size film, the kind professional cameramen use. Movies taken with the DeVry can be projected with the same sharp clearness year after year.

The DeVry sells for only $150.00. Send today for your FREE copy of our new booklet, "Just Why the DeVry Takes Better Movies."

The DeVry Corporation
Dept. 6-F

1111 Center St.

Chicago, Ill.




-through paper windows

TEA in a satiny house. Look out through win

S'dows made of... paper. Truly! For it's Japan.


Come from lovely Lake Biwa through twisting tunnels... in a torch-lit boat... the light slipping over the coppery faces of the rowers. Visit the Second Moon Temple. Forget, for awhile, that you are an Occidental... breathe deeply the fragrant incense of the Far East!

10 days... and you are there. Sail on a luxurious "Empress" from Vancouver, via Victoria. Enjoy the cheerful, home-like cabins... exceptionally well ventilated for sailing the tropical seas. Too, these are the fastest Liners on the Pacific... chosen by those who know that comfort makes traveling a joy. When you have explored Nippon Land... and its shops!... sail to Chinese ports. Then to the Philippines. At Manila, ride in a comical calesa perched on two wheels. You can see so many queer and interesting things! Write for booklets.

Offices in all large cities, including
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"Mention the Geographic-It identifies you."



"Nearest to the SUPERNATURAL
we will ever get on this earth/"

These are the words of a world traveler, who added, "I spent
a solid week at Bryce, and next year I have got to go over it
again and see if I can't possibly assimilate it all."

CENIC UTAH, with its Zion National Park,

Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyon, is the newest of America's stupendous wonderlands, and contains more brilliancy of color, a greater variety of color and form than anything else in Nature.

SALT LAKE CITY is the gateway to sixtytwo national parks and monuments, including Yellowstone and the north rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Railroads and splendid highways interconnect this entire region. Hotels and camps assure comfort.

SALT LAKE CITY itself holds special interest -its romantic history-symbolic monuments and preserved landmarks-the rare beauty of a modern metropolis and rugged mountains slop

ing skyward from the very edge of the city-the unique diversions, such as a dip in Great Salt Lake, where you float like a cork!

It's a city of 150,000, with splendid hotels; converging point of six railroad trunk lines; central distributing point for the Intermountain West; and capital of America's richest metal-mining region.

Visit some of the world's most productive mines near by. Utah leads the nation in silver production, is second in lead, third in copper and fourth in gold. The State's metal mines paid $15.073.500 in dividends last year. The value of Utah's mineral production in 1926 was $119,270,000, or more than 24 million dollars a week!

Salt Lake City



You can visit Salt Lake City at no added transportation cost-all railroads grant a free stop-over here. Mail the coupon for further information.


The Mayor, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah: I am planning to visit Salt Lake City this year, and I would like further information on the subjects checked.

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Dept. G-1


The vase accessory in the extended base of this Stony Creek tablet lends individuality to the memorial.

An original mausoleum design executed by Dodds' artists.

IMMORTALIZE by art's immortal praise the lives
of those to whom you would pay tribute.

Dodds' granites, impervious to time and weather,
permit Dodds' artists to perpetuate in enduring and artistic form the name you
would immortalize.

A Guaranty Bond of Quality is furnished with all Dodds-made memorials.
Your copy of "Modern Memorial Art" sent if requested.
EXCLUSIVE PRODUCERS: Milford Pink Granite Victoria White Granite
(The above names protected by trade-mark)

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Stony Creek Granite

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Saving the starving trees of Central Park,


EXPLAIN away the obvious results of neglect and inefficiency, various fanciful and fallacious theories were advanced as to the reasons why the trees of Central Park are dying. In 1925 the Davey Company challenged these unwarranted claims, and made the positive assertion that the trees of Central Park are dying from neglect and starvation. To prove the truth of this assertion, the Davey Company offered to treat, at its own expense, 100 dying trees as a demonstration.

A careful survey by Davey Experts indicated that about 25% of the older trees of Central Park are too far gone to save, and another 25%, approximately, are border-line cases in advanced stages of decline, but with some reasonable chance of saving them by proper treatment. The other 50% were in varying conditions from fairly good to relatively poor.

The 100 trees selected for demonstration were taken from the second group of border-line cases, and the Davey Company staked its reputation on its ability to save a substantial portion of these dying trees. The treatment given was the result of John Davey's life experience and the quarter of a century experience of the whole Davey organization.

This treatment was a combination of practical common sense and scientific knowledge and experience. For exactly the same reason that a good farmer cultivates his fields and fertilizes his soil, the ground under these trees was thoroughly cultivated-adequate and appropriate fertilizers were used-the ground was prepared to receive both water and air, so vital

New York

to plant life. One of the important elements in this program was the use of Davey Tree Food to stimulate new growth quickly.

In addition to this, the trees were given expert scientific pruning to eliminate the dead and weak parts, and to establish a proper balance between a dying top and an impoverished root system. All the trees of Central Park are living under semi-artificial conditions, aggravated by neglect.

One year later, in June, 1926, photographs were again taken of the same 100 trees, and a thorough examination disclosed the fact that 90% of them showed definite improvement, a large proportion showing really marvelous improvement. The other 10% were holding their own.

All of this proves beyond the possibility of doubt or fallacious argument that most of the trees of Central Park can be saved, if the civic pride of New York forces a prompt and complete abandonment of the past policy of neglect.

All trees growing under lawn conditions are living under more or less artificial handicaps. Many of them are actually starving, slowly or rapidly. They need help. Are any of your trees starving? Look for danger signs in the slowly dying tops. The local Davey representative will be glad to examine your trees and report their condition to you without cost or obligation.

Father of Tree Surgery
Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO., Inc. 744 City Bank Bldg., Kent, Ohio


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