INDEX. ABBOT (BRIG.-General Henry L.), Problems of the Panama Canal, 394 Abderhalden (Emil), Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Albumin, 437 Abdominal Diseases, Clinical and Pathological Observations on Acute, E. M. Corner, 122 Aberration, the Constant of, Prof. Doolittle, 592 Aboriginal Methods of determining the Seasons, William Abraham (Henri), Electrolytic Production of Very Fine Wires, 143; Recueil d'Expérience élémentaires de Physique, 172 Absence of Vibration in a Turbine Steamship, Prof. David Todd, 603 Absorption Spectra, Prof. H. Kayser, 627 Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Ultra-violet Region, on the, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman Collie, F.R.S., 239, 630; Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 557: Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra, the Phenols, E. C. C. Baly and E. K. Ewbank, 239 Academic Side of Technical Training, Dr. Alex. B. W. Kennedy, F.R.S., 256 Academy of the Lincei, Prize Awards, 461 Acoustics: Propagation of Musical Sounds in a Tube of 3 Metres Diameter, J. Violle and Th. Vautier, 95; the Amplitude of the Minimum Audible Impulsive Sound, Dr. P. E. Shaw, 503; Can Fish Hear? Dr. O. Körner, 638 Acquired Characters, the Inheritance of, W. Woods Smyth, 152 Adams (John), Effect of Very Low Temperature on Moist Seeds, 143 Adams (Prof.), the Orbit of Tauri, 592 Aërolite Falls, Periodicity of, W. H. S. Monck, 230 Aeronautics: Atmospheric Electricity observed from Balloons, George C. Simpson, 92; International Aëronautical Committee's Ascents in January to April, 229; the Exploration of the Atmosphere above the Atlantic, A. Lawrence Rotch, 244; Projects of Artificial Flight, Arnold Samuelson, 329; Dr. Federico Sacco, 329; "Hélicoptère Aéroplane" of H. and A. Dufaux, Réné de Saussure, 329; Experiments with the Langley Aërodrome, Dr. S. P. Langley, 645 Africa: an Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony, A. W. Rogers, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 35; the Geology of South Africa, F. H. Hatch and G. S. Corstorphine, 346; Meeting of the British Association in South Africa, 59 (see British Association); the Masai, their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis, Sir H. H. Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83; Antelopes, Heuglin's "Giant Eland," A. L. Butler, 133; Ticks Concerned in the Dissemination of Disease in Man, Tick Fever in Congo Free State, R. Newstead, 354; Guinea Worm and its Hosts, Dr. Graham, 354; a Gigantic Gorilla, Prof. E. T. Hamy, 434; the Magic Origin of Moorish Designs, Dr. Westermarck, 435; Death and Obituary Notice of M. de Brazza, 515; New Gladiolus from Victoria Falls, 539; Science in South Africa, a Handbook and Review, 628 Agassiz (Prof. Alexander), Influence of the Humboldt Current on the Marine Life West of Callao, 17 Agriculture: Calcium Nitrate in Agriculture, E. S. Bellenoux, 47; Effect of Plant Growth and of Manures upon the Soil, A. D. Hall and N. H. J. Miller, 94; Agricultural Notes, 138; Phosphatic Fertilisers on Limed and on Unlimed Land, Mr. Nagaoka, 138; Work Done at the Rothamsted Experimental Station for the year ending March 31, A. D. Hall, 138; Sugar Cane Experiments in the Leeward Islands, Dr. F. Watts, 157; Determination of Sulphuric Acid in Soils, J. Howard Graham, 205; Ripening is due to Moulds and Bacteria in Camembert Type of Soft Cheese, 229; Brusca," a Disease of the Olive, Prof. Cuboni, 276; Diseases of Citrous Plants and Fruits caused by the Fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, P. H. Rolfs, 277; the State and Agriculture in Hungary, Dr. Ignatius Darányi, 291 ; British Fruit Growing, 297; Alfred O. Walker, 342; Spencer Pickering, F.R.S., 396; Recent Publications in Agricultural Science, 324; Concimi, Mangimi, Sementi, &c., Commercie, frodi, e repressione delle frodi, Specialmente in Italia, Italo Giglioli, 324; Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1903, 325; Science and Practice of Agriculture, Farmer's Handbook, T. Jamieson, 325; the Seeding of Pastures, A. N. M'Alpine, 328; Cultivation of Oranges in Dominica, H. Hesketh Bell, 328; the Banana Industry in Costa Rica, 328; the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm, Prof. T. H. Middleton, 461; Insect Pests of Field and Garden Crops, Prof. Theobald, 539; Leaf-hoppers and their Enemies, R. C. L. Perkins, 539; Indigo Planting and Synthetic Indigo, 637; Birds in the Field and Garden, 638; Manurial Experiments with Cacao in Dominica, West Indies, 639; Recent Developments in Agricultural Science, A. D. Hall, 642; Chemical Survey of the Soils of Cape Colony, 642 Aitken (John), Evaporation of Musk and other Substances, 391 Albrecht (Prof. T.), Variations of Latitudes, 110; Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites, 352; Observations of Jupiter's Seventh Satellite, 424 Albumin, Recent Advances in the Chemistry of, Emil Abderhalden, 437 Alchemical Equipment in the Eleventh Century A.D., Н. Е. Stapleton and R. F. Azo, 452 Alcohol, Duty-free, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 344 Aldrich (J. M.), a Catalogue of North American Diptera or Two-winged Flies, 317 Alessandri (Dr.), the Monte Rosa Observatory, 565 Alexander (A. D.), Explosions of Mixtures of Coal-gas and Air in a Closed Vessel, 311 Algebra: Modern Algebra, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 30; a First Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 393; |