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Hay fever, thymol iodide in, 275.

palliatives for, 332.

and persistent bronchial asthma relieved,413.
Headache remedy in liquid form, 102.
Heller's test, 533.

Hemangioma cavernosum of upper lip and inner
side of left cheek, successful obliteration
of an, 518.

Hemoptysis, amyl nitrite in, 384.

Hemorrhage, the diagnosis and treatment of
accidental, 362.

Hemorrhoidal suppositories, 276.

Hemostatic, chloroform water as a, 78.
Heredity, 60.

Herpes zoster auricularis, 138.

in women, infectious genital, 246.
Home, sweet home, 527.

Homeopath, a, 329.

Homeopathic Medical Society of Ohio, 554.
Cincinnati meeting of the, 528.

report of the Committee on Education of
the, 609.

Hospital for Cincinnati, new, 270.

situation, the, 237.

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for the fever of, 384.

cinnamon oil in the treatment of, 533.
In-growing toe-nails, non-operative treatment
of, 507.

Insanity, relation of to dislocated kidney, 239.
Instruments, to remove coating from, 248.
Insurance scandals, 126.

Intestinal impaction, case of, 124.

obstruction and prompt surgical interven-
tion, the early recognition of acute, 105.
with observations on its surgical treatment
and report of eleven cases, 277.

acute, cases and remarks, 429.

partial; its causes, symptoms and surgical
treatment, 535.

Intra-ocular tumor in which the transilluminator
was misleading, two cases of, 218.

Inversion of the uterus, a case of, 136, 137, 615.
Iodine as an antiseptic, 534.

some of its uses in surgical work, 327.
Isthmian Commission, new appointment to, 44.
Itching of the skin, 305.

JEFFERSON'S new hospital, 688.

KEEP the streets clean, 18.
Keeping physicians' accounts, 480.
Keloid following the removal of a benign tumor
successfully treated with the X-ray, 584.
Kentucky on criminal abortion, 718.

LABOR in a case of excessive hypertrophy of
the cervix, 194.

injuries to the child's head during, 169.
Lactation, influence of tobacco on, 452.
La grippe, the treatment of, 192, 307, 333.

Lanolin as an excipient, 533.

Law and the lady, the-value of alienist testi-

mony in the Thaw case, 306.

Laxative, a pleasant, 386.

Leprosy as seen in the Philippines, 48.

cured by chaulmoogra oil, 418.

Letter from Dr. Reamy, 337.

Liability in France for surgeon's fee, 51.
Libel by flattery, 716.

Lightning injuries of the ear, 98.
Lincoln Hospital, 500.

Lion and the lamb, the, 383.

Liquor antisepticus alkalinus, N. F., 419.
Liver regulator, an improved, 275.
Local analgesia, 192.

anesthesia, 192.

Lord Lister's eightieth birthday, 447.
Lumbago, 25.

lumbago, for, 336, 385.

Lupus vulgaris, the X-rays in, 332.

MACKENROTH'S clinic, a visit to, 330.

Malaria, when to give quinine and when methy-

lene blue in, 506.

Malarial hemoglobinuria, 48.
Mal-practice suit ended, 52.
Man who can, the, 684.

Manual and instrumental dilatation of the partu-

turient uterus, 170.

Mastitis, prevention of puerperal, 387.
Mastoid disease, 196.

effect of long continued pressure upon the
interor of the, 195.

operation, after-care of the radical, 195.
for the preservation of hearing, radical, 221.
new technique for the, 99.

operations, alarming symptoms following,


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Mental and nervous diseases, a course of lectures
on, 478.

Mesenteric cyst, specimen of, 122.

Metastases from sinus thrombosis, 138.

Miami Medical College, commencement and
outing day of the, 527.

Valley Medical Society, 554, 580.

Middle ear, the present status of treatment of
acute and chronic suppuration of the, 229.
Migraine, 27, 309.

and rebellious neuralgias, for, 276.

the relief and cure of by the correction of
errors of refraction, 212.

Migration of a gauze sponge left after lapa-
rotomy into the bladder, 558.

Milk Commission of the Academy of Medicine
of Cincinnati, report of the, 297, 307, 601.
working formulæ to facilitate the percentage
modification of, 357.

Mineral water trade under the pure food law,
the incongruities of the, 668.

Mississippi Valley Medical Association, 96.
Mitral stenosis and pregnancy, 361.

tricuspid insufficiency, etc., 353.

Moles and chorio-epitheliomata, 135.

Multilocular ovarian cyst weighing ninety-eight
pounds, 158.

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OBESITY, the treatment of, 506.
Obliterating tattoo marks, 533.

Observations on an ideal local anesthesia for
submucous resection, 275.

Obstetric practice, the hyoscine sleep in, 136.
Obstetrical Society of Cincinnati, 478.
superstitions, 136.

Obstetrics: Quiz department, 695.

Occipito posterior positions of the fetal head, a
new management of, 137.

O'Dwyer and diphtheria, 367.

Ohio Association of Medical Teachers, 45.
Indiana banquet, 687.

League for the Suppression of Fraudulent
Advertising, 549.

State Medical Association, an important
section of the, 664.

Valley Medical Association, 36.

Oophorectomy during pregnancy, 170.

Opportunities for clinical study in the Royal
London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields)
and "Fuchs'" clinic, Vienna, 680.
Opportunity for Mr. Foraker, 695.
Opsonins, the, 471.

Optic neuritis due to thrombosis of the cranial

sinuses, 455.

Orchitis, present operative necessities for cure
in tuberculous, 465.

Organization in medicine, the value of, 525.
Orphan proprietary remedies, 192.
Otitis interna, suppurative, 99.

media, brain abscess following acute, 196.
statistics of the radical operation for, 250.
results in 173 cases of the radical operation
for, 100.

Our duty to the public as instructors, 641.
national organizer, 476.

Ovarian cystoma in which thyroid tissue oc-
curred, notes of a case of, 481.

cysts situated above the superior strait, com-
plicated by pregnancy, 587.

prolapse, treatment of by shortening the
ovarian ligament, 557.

tumor, 247.

Ownership of the prescription, the, 50.
Ozena, development of our knowledge of, 248.

PARALYSIS following lumbar anesthesia,


Paravertebral triangle of dullness in pleural effu-
sion, 161.

Passage of anesthetics from mother to fetus and
suckling, the, 669.

of the anthrax bacillus from mother to
fetus, 362.

Pathogeny of crime, the, 612.

Patrick case, the, 611.

Paucity of enthusiasm in Missouri, 689.

Pediculosis, the frequency of, 358.

Peritonitis, acute suppurative (local, spreading,

diffuse and general), 627.

the treatment of acute diffuse, 274, 329.
Pernicious doctrine, a, 445.

Phantom pregnancy in a forty-eight-year-old
multipara, 194.

Phthisis pulmonalis in adolescents, early diag-
nosis of, 492.

Placenta, five cases of premature separation of
the normally situated, 522.
previa, 451.

simulated by obstruction of pelvis by non-
pregnant half of bicornate uterus, 671.
Pleurisy treated by the injection of gases, 192.
Pneumonia, for the cough of, 305.

for the cough of lobar, 101.
the abortive treatment of, 532.
Pregnancy and labor complicated by anterior

fixation of the uterus, 159.

and the puerperal period, mental disorders
of, 453.

complicated by ovarian cysts, 217.
ectopic coexisting with uterine, 614.

intra-abdominal abscess due to gonorrheal
and bacterial coli infection complica-
ting, 534.

multiple, 589.

report of a case of toxemia of, 563.

separation of the normally inserted placenta
in the course of, 215.

the diagnosis of early, 441.

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Subcutaneous emphysema during labor, 247. Subinvolution of the uterus-how is it best prevented? 170.

Suggestion, a, 273.

Suit against Doyen, 717.

Suppuration, phenol and camphor in the treatment of acute and chronic, 296.

Suppurative abdominal drainage cases, the aftertreatment of, 225.

Suture material, selection of, 585.
Suturing of blood-vessels, 643.
Syncytioma malignum, 453.

Syphilis hereditaria tarda, 357.

mercurial inunctions in infantile, 25.
of lips and tonsils, primary, 317.
prophylaxis in, 171.

Syphilitic infection of the ear, primary, 138.
Syrup antiscorbuticus, 534.

TERATOMA; malignant dermoid, 670.
Tinea sycosis: a clinical lecture, 295.
Then and now, 368.

Throat diseases caused by misuse of the voice,


Thymol in abscesses, 192.

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Director of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.

It is my privilege to speak to you on one of the most important topics that has ever been brought to public notice. In presenting a few plain truths I would not be thought by you to unduly magnify my office. I want to speak to you not only as a physician, but as a citizen upon whom has been placed a responsibility, to make certain truths touching the home and the lives in the home so plain that you will share with me this responsibility, which is both yours and mine.

portant, I believe, that can come before a body of citizens, active in the betterment of the community and the safety of the individual, but a question that can be answered.

In speaking to you I shall use the terms consumption and tuberculosis as expressing the same condition. There are reasons why this should not be done in a strictly technical paper, but it may be well not to obscure the subject by unnecessary definitions.

I have been asked to present to you a brief sketch of consumption as a worldwide plague and the methods that are proposed to limit its ravages. Let me answer you that I am offering no vague hypothesis, but an absolute verity. Have patience with me as I try to convince you, not only that consumption can be stamped out, but that it is your duty to help in this work, and that without your aid we cannot fully accomplish this great work. The question is a large one, the most im* Read before the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association, at Hot Springs, Ark., November 6-8, 1906.

Consumption is a disease caused by a specific germ, easily recognized, which enters the body, finds its way to some organ, preferably the lungs, to a spot where resistance is weakened, multiplies, sets up inflammation, and, if not checked, causes destruction of that part of the lung, with resulting injury to the whole body. This germ of parasitic disease is in the same category with smallpox, cholera, yellow fever and the bubonic plague, in that it is caused by a specific agent, is due

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