oyages) that ENTERED from or CLEARED for the AREAS specified, during the MONTH and THREE MONTHS ended eriods of the Years 1922 and 1921. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. AREAS whence Entered or for which Cleared. 321,983 782,968 133.481 296,801 593,764 921,507 211,180 297,364 292,771 949,269 203,779 296,360 1. Northern Europe. 2. Europe (Atlantic) and Western Mediter ranean Countries. 3. Central and Eastern Mediterranean Countries. 4. West and South Africa, 5. East Africa, Persian Gulf, India. 6. Eastern Asia and Islands in the Pacific. 7. Australasia. 8. North America Atlantic Coast. 9. West Indies and Central America (Atlantic Coast). 8,592 10. South America Atlantic Coast. 11. South and Central America - Pacific Coast. 12. North America Pacific Coast. 13. Other Areas. 1923 TOTAL, THREE MONTHS ended VI. AN ACCOUNT of the NET TONNAGE and NATIONALITY OF VESSELS with CARGOES (including their repes MARCH 31st, 1923, compared with the correspon To per Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Clean Statistical Department, yages) that ENTERED from or CLEARED for the AREAS specified, during the MONTH and THREE MONTHS ended intered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. Entered. Cleared. AREAS which Cleared. 27,561 55,553 1,597,939 3,473,701 2,697,850 5,749,234 2,116,305 3,826,113 1,866,671 2,250,815 108,501 830,279 317,496 1,429,546 236,617 1,149,470 257,272 852,188 3. Central and Eastern 1,417 8,824 552,678 556,603 453,629 441,729 392,713 281,970 40,808 16,919 361,264 200,365 443,630 150,521 283,577 144,754 17,986 132,574 207,043 731,469 924,341 610,894 761,370 70,699 Mediterranean Countries. 4. West and South Africa. Gulf, India. 6. Eastern Asia and 7. Australasia. 8. North America- Atlantic Coast. and Central America 548,957 521,302 10. South America- Central Pacific 39,373 12. North America- 8,718,831 12,618,906 8,327,755 8,176,623 Pacific Coast. 13. Other Areas. VII. AN ACCOUNT of the NET TONNAGE of BRITISH and of FOREIGN VESSELS Employed in the British 2,243,257 2,160,520 1,859,661 6,302,478 5,999,025 5,478,474 TOTAL Total 2,259,908 Statistical Department, 12,073 49,477 2,178,501 1,871,734 6,350,917 6,046,089 5,527,951 |