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Private Bills-continued.

Bills to be deposited in Committee and Private Bill Office, and to be laid on the Table of the House by a clerk of that office, with a list of such Bills, 195.

Bills to be presented by being laid on the Table of the House not later than one clear day after indorsement by Examiner, 196.

Bills laid upon the Table deemed to have been read the first time and ordered to be read a second time, 197.

Orders as to the mode of printing, 201.

Charges affecting public revenue to be inserted in Bills in italics, 202.

Every Bill (except Name Bills) to be printed, and copies delivered to Vote Office before first reading, 203.

Interval between first and second reading, 204. Second or third readings, consideration as amended, &c., when opposed, to be postponed until the next sitting of the House or further day, 207.

Opposed Private Business set down at 7.30 to be arranged in such order as the Chairman of Ways and Means may determine, 207.

Motions contingent on such business may be considered and disposed of at the same sitting, 207.

Every Bill (except Divorce Bills), when read a second time and committed, shall stand referred to Committee of Selection; and if a Divorce Bill, to the Select Committee on Divorce Bills, 208.

A Bill referred to Examiners after second reading not to be committed until Examiners report Standing Orders complied with, or, in case of non-compliance, Select Committee on Standing Orders resolve Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with, 208.

Provisional Order Bills to stand referred after second reading to the Committee of Selection, 208a.


Private Bills-continued.

Unopposed Bills when treated as opposed to be referred again to the Committee of Selection, 209. Interval between Committal and sitting of the Committee, 211.

Printed copies of Bills, as amended in committee, to be delivered to the Vote Office three clear days before consideration, 214.

Three clear days to intervene between the report and the consideration of the Bill unless Chairman of Ways and Means has acquainted the House whether Bill contains the provisions required by the Standing Orders, 215.

Amendments not to be proposed on consideration or third reading unless sanctioned by Chairman of Ways and Means, 216.

No amendments, except verbal, to be made on third reading, 219.

Bill to be printed fair after third reading at the expense of the parties applying for the same, 221.

No Bill to be passed through two stages on the same day, without special leave, 223.

In whose custody Bills are to be kept, 233.

Three clear days' notice of day proposed for second reading to be given to Committee and Private Bill Office, 235.

Filled-up Bill as proposed to be submitted to committee to be deposited in Committee and Private Bill Office, 237.

Bills printed, as amended in committee, to be examined in the Committee and Private Bill Office, 241.

Bills printed fair to be examined with Bills as read the third time and sent to the Lords indorsed with certificate of examination, 245.

Tables of fees payable at the House of Commons in regard to Private Bills, pp. 261-265.


Private Bills-continued.

Certain Bills deemed to be Private Bills within the meaning of the Table of Fees, p. 261.

See also Committees. Railways. Custody of.
Examiners. London County Council. Notices
by Advertisement. Preamble. Committee
and Private Bill Office.

Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act:
Orders for the purposes of, 250-259.
Definitions, 250.

Chairmen to determine procedure for consideration of draft provisional orders, 251.

Report of Chairmen on draft provisional orders, 252.

Committee of Selection to choose parliamentary panel, 253.

Bills originating in the Lords referred to joint committee to be deemed to have passed committee in this House, 254.

Constitution of joint committee, 254a.

Substituted Bills may be deposited on or before 17th December, and all notices shall be applicable to such Bills, 255.

Deposit of substituted Bill at public departments, 255.

Proofs before Examiners, 256.

No provisions not contained in draft provisional orders to be inserted in substituted Bill, 257.

Deposit of substituted Bills brought from the Lords, 258.

Petitions for and against draft provisional orders, 259.

Proof by Affidavit. See Affidavits.

Property held in Trust for Public Purposes:

Bills relating to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1.


Proprietors. See Consents. Meetings of Proprietors, Shareholders.

Provisional Orders and Certificates:

Statement relating to working-class houses affected by, to be deposited in Committee and Private Bill Office on or before 21st of December, 38.

Duplicates of plans, &c., in cases of application for, to be deposited in Committee and Private Bill Office on or before 30th November, 39.

Bills to confirm after first reading, to be referred to Examiners, 72.

Two clear days' notice to be given by the promoters of Bills for confirming, in Committee and Private Bill Office, of the day on which the same shall be examined, after the Bill has been printed and circulated, 73.

Orders relating to petitions against Bills for confirming, 122, 123, 135, 205, 210.

Proceedings of committees on Bills for confirming, to be conducted as in cases of Private Bills, and subject to same rules and orders of the House, so far as applicable, 151.

No Bill for confirming, to be read first time after Whitsuntide, 193a.

Interval between first and second readings of Bill to confirm, 204.

Bills for confirming to stand referred to the Committee of Selection and Committee on Bill containing an opposed order or certificate, to consider all the orders, &c., comprised in the Bill, 208a.

Bills for confirming, to be set down for consideration, each day, in a separate list, after Private Business, in same order as Private Bills, 225a.

Privileges of this House not insisted on in the case of Bills for confirming, sent down from the Lords, referring to tolls and charges not in nature of a tax, 226.



Provisional Orders and Certificates continued.

Consideration of memorials complaining of noncompliance with the Standing Orders, in cases of Bills for confirming, 232.

See also Private Bills. Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act.

Public Bills:

Examiners to examine, with respect to compliance with Standing Orders, 200a.

Public Carriage Roads:

Bills relative to, included in the 2nd Class of, 1. Deposit of Bills with road authorities, 34a. Diversion, &c., of, to be marked on the plan, 43. Particulars in the case of works affecting, to be marked on the section, 47, 51, 52.

Level of, when altered by any public work, 145.

Ascent of, where the level is altered, in making any railways, subject to a report from the Ministry of Transport, 154.

Level crossings, 155.

Public Officer:

Bills for payment of any, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1.

Public Revenue, Charges un:

To be inserted in italics in the printed Bill, 202.

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