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Clause 1, further considered.

Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 8, after the word "of," to insert the words "the Electricity (Supply) Acts, 1882 to 1922, and of "-(Mr. Attlee).-Question again proposed, "That those words be there inserted."

[blocks in formation]

Brig.-Gen. Sir Henry Page Sir Sydney Henn


Colonel Crookshank

Sir Philip Dawson

Mr. Ellis

Captain Holt

Mr. Hopkinson

Mr. Robert Hudson

Sir George Hume

Mr. Lamb

Mr. Looker


Sir Murdoch Macdonald
Mr. MacIntyre

Sir Mervyn Manningham-

Sir John Marriott
Mr. Wardlaw-Milne

Mr. Stephen Mitchell
Lieut.-Col. Moore-Brabazon
Colonel Sir Joseph Nall

Sir Douglas Newton
Mr. Nuttall
Mr. Radford
Mr. Rentoul
Mr. Sandeman
Mr. Waddington
Brigadier-General Warner
Captain Waterhouse
Mr. Wiggins

Sir Charles Wilson

Mr. Hilton Young

Another Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 10, to leave out the word "Central"-(Mr. Balfour).- Question proposed, "That the word Central' stand part of the Clause."

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 11, after the word "chairman," to insert the words "who shall be an experienced lawyer "-(Mr. Grant).-Question proposed, "That those words be there inserted."

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 11, to leave out the word "seven," in order to insert the word "four"-(Mr. Grant), - instead thereof.-Question proposed, "That the word 'seven' stand part of the Clause." Debate arising:

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Committee do now adjourn "-(Mr. Hartshorn).

Motion and Question, by leave, withdrawn.

Question again proposed, "That the word 'seven' stand part of the Clause.'

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

[Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 11 o'clock.

Tuesday, 4th May, 1926.


Sir ROBERT SANDERS in the Chair.

Lord Apsley

Lieut.-Colonel Ashley

Mr. Attorney-General

Mr. Balfour

Mr. Burman

Mr. Clarry
Mr. Clayton

Mr. Dennison

Mr. Ellis

Viscount Elveden
Mr. Fielden

Lieut.-Colonel Gault

Major Glyn

Mr. Grant

Mr. David Grenfell

Mr. Grotrian

Lt.-Col. Sir Frederick Hall Mr. Hanbury

Mr. Hannon

Mr. Hardie

Mr. Hartshorn

Sir Sydney Henn Captain Holt

Mr. Hopkinson

Mr. Robert Hudson

Mr. Kelly

Mr. Lansbury

Mr. Looker

Sir Murdoch Macdonald

Mr. McIntyre

Sir Mervyn ManninghamBuller

Sir John Marriott

Lt.-Col. Moore-Brabazon
Colonel Sir Joseph Nall
Mr. Nuttall
Mr. Radford
Mr. Sandeman
Mr. Spoor

Mr. Trevelyan Thomson
Brigadier-General Warner
Captain Waterhouse
Mr. Thomas Williams
Mr. Womersley
Mr. Hilton Young


Motion made, and Question, "That the Committee do now adjourn "--(Mr. Attorney-General),—put, and agreed to.

[Adjourned sine die.

Tuesday, 18th May, 1926.


Sir ROBERT SANDERS in the Chair.

Mr. Albert Alexander

Mr. Ernest Alexander
Lord Apsley
Lieut.-Colonel Ashley
Mr. Attlee

Mr. Attorney-General
Mr. Balfour

Mr. Barclay-Harvey
Mr. Burman
Colonel Burton

Mr. Cadogan

Mr. Clarry
Mr. Clayton
Colonel Crookshank
Mr. Evan Davies
Sir Philip Dawson
Mr. Dennison
Mr. Ellis

Viscount Elveden
Mr. Fenby
Mr. Fielden

Lieut.-Colonel Gault

Major Glyn

Mr. Gosling

Mr. Grant

Mr. Grotrian

Lt.-Col. Sir Frederick Hall

Mr. Hanbury

Mr Hannon

Mr. Hardie

Mr. Harmsworth

Marquess of Hartington
Sir Sydney Henn
Captain Holt
Mr. Hopkinson

Mr. Robert Hudson
Sir George Hume
Mr. Kelly

Mr. Lamb

Mr. Lansbury

Mr. Looker

Sir Murdoch Macdonald
Mr. MacIntyre

Sir Mervyn Manningham-

Sir John Marriott
Mr. Wardlaw-Milne
Mr. Stephen Mitchell
Lt.-Col. Moore-Brabazon
Mr. Robert Morrison
Colonel Sir Joseph Nall
Sir Douglas Newton
Mr. Sandeman
Mr. Viant

Mr. Waddington
Mr. Wallhead

Brigadier-General Warner
Captain Waterhouse
Mr. C. P. Williams

Mr. Thomas Williams
Sir Charles Wilson

Mr. Womersley


Clause 1, further considered.

Another Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 12, to leave out the words "Minister of Transport," in order to insert the words "Lord Chancellor after consultation with the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, the Association of Municipal Corporations, the Incorporated Association of Electric Power Companies, and the Provincial Electric Supply Committee "-(Mr. Balfour),— instead thereof.-Question proposed, "That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Clause."

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 12, at the end, to insert the words " and two other members representing labour appointed by the Minister of Transport after consultation with the Minister of Labour ". -(Mr. Dennison).-Question proposed, "That those words be there inserted."

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Amendment made, in page 1, line 12, at the end, by inserting the words "after consultation with such representatives or bodies representative of the following interests as the Minister thinks fit, that is to say, local government, electricity, commerce, industry, transport, and labour "-(Sir Philip Dawson).

Another Amendment proposed, after the words last inserted, to insert the words :

"(2) A person shall be disqualified for being appointed or being chairman or a member of the Board

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