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of God all the days of my life. Late in the following September we arrived safely in Salt Lake City. When President Brigham Young came to see us, and with words of blessing welcomed my father and his family to the home of the Saints in the valleys of the mountains, so impressed was I with his prophetic influence and calling I could have kissed the dust at his feet. I was present at the laying of the cornerstones of the Salt Lake Temple, in 1853, and at that time was again impressed with his prophetic calling. In January, 1857, he called me to take a mission to Great Britain, and informed me that it was required of the outgoing missionaries at that time. that they go on foot across the plains to the Missouri River, without any animals or wagons to ride upon, but pulling hand carts on which would be carried their provisions and bedding. I felt perfectly satisfied with the call, and recognized that the Lord spoke through His prophet; no thought or dread of the hardship the journey would entail upon me, but only from that time till the day of starting an intense desire to be up and away on this mighty mission of preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ Again in 1862 President Young called me to be one of a battalion of one hundred men to be enlisted in the service of our country, to fill a requirement made by President Abraham Lincoln for volunteers from Utah,

to serve ninety days, or longer if needed, in the war of the Rebellion.

This call came from President Lincoln on April 27th, 1862, and on April 29th, in connection with the rest of the Utah volunteers, we reported to Captain Lot Smith for duty, and were immediately mustered into the volunteer service of the United States, rendering faithful service until we were mustered out in March, 1863, nearly one year after. Again in 1866 President Young called me to take a mission into Sanpete and Sevier Counties, to assist in protecting the Saints in those outlying districts from Chief Black Hawk's Indian raiders, during the celebrated Black Hawk war, which service was cheerfully performed by me as long as required.

In 1870 President Young called me to go on a mission to Great Britain with my father. These missionary calls were accepted always with a testimony to me that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit prompted them in every instance, and during these labors, which at times were arduous and exhausting in the extreme, I always felt a firm reliance on the Lord, knowing that He had called me, and that the promises of His servants made to me of a safe return to my home would be realized.

In all these labors my heart and judgment have been convinced that they were prompted by the inspiration of the Spirit

of God, and with joy and thankfulness I placed myself in a position to obey these calls. At the death of President Young the First Presidency was again disorganized, and the Twelve Apostles became the presiding quorum in the Church, with John Taylor as chief Apostle and president of that quorum. Presidency was again organized John Taylor became the President of the Church, and Wilford Woodruff as chief Apostle in the quorum of the Twelve, became the president of the quorum. When President John Taylor passed away the quorum of the First Presidency became for the third time disorganized, leaving again the presiding authority with the Twelve Apostles, with Wilford Woodruff at their head. The order of succession in the priesthood is one eternal round, and a perfect system in all its ramifications, and all Latter-day Saints that were in touch with the spirit of the gospel could know that when the quorum of the First Presidency was again organized the office of President of the High Priesthood would most fittingly fall on the shoulders of President Wilford Woodruff, and so the organization was consummated according to that immutable law of heaven, the order of the Holy Priesthood. For said Jesus, "My house is a house of order, and not a house of confusion." Under the administration of the Prophet Brigham I was called to be a Seventy, and

When the First

by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God through him was called to many important missions and labors. Under the administration of the Prophet John Taylor. I was called by revelation to a very honorable position among my brethren, and since that time to labor as a missionary in all the Stakes of Zion, and during all these years this has been a labor of love to


The complete organization of all the quorums of the priesthood is divine evidence to me of this perfect system which God commanded Joseph Smith to inaugurate, and which has continued to be perfected by the Prophet Presidents of the Church who have succeeded him in the apostolic administration.

I said I would try to tell you how I received a testimony of the truth. Jesus said: "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." I never have received a call to perform a mission, or for any labor in the Church, but what to me the divine influence of the Spirit of God was manifest in the voice of him who made the call. Though, like one of old, I can truly say, "No thunder of heaven, nor vivid lightnings no upheavals of the earth or rending of its rockribbed fastenings have marked any testimony of mine;' but rather have I found the soul satisfying

evidence in the still small voice of the Spirit of God, and every act of obedience to the will of him who said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every living creature," has brought to my mind and heart, and to my judgment, renewed faith, knowledge, power and testimonies of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the divine mission of Joseph Smith. Without this testimony, in which is perfect knowledge, individuals. could not be sustained, the Church as a body could not

maintain its existence.

Emerson says: "As. a ship aground is battered by the waves, so man imprisoned in mortal life, lies open to the mercy of coming events; but a truth separated by the intellect is no longer a subject of destiny. The mind that grows could not predict the times, the mode the means of that spontaniety. God enters by a private door into every individual who prepares to receive Him. Long prior to the age of reflection is the thinking of the mind, out of darkness it came, insensibility into the marvelous light of day, a truth now for the first time bursting upon our minds awakes it to immeasurable greatness."

I have beheld the sick healed and evil spirits cast out by the ministration of God's servants; I have seen Prophets and Elders slain for the testimony of Jesus; I have beheld several thousands of the Saints driven out from their beautiful city of Nauvoo,

in the winter season, to encamp in the snows, until the warm breath of summer brought warmth to the frozen marrow of their bones; nay, I have seen them accept joyfully the despoiling of their goods. I have seen the Saints driven into a mountain and desert country, stripped, and pealed and bleeding, bleeding, by the cruelty of their so-called Christian brethen; I have seen a Christian nation, in their mistaken zeal for self-justification, by their paid officers, commit such cruelties in raiding our towns and villages in the dead hours of night, dragging husbands and fathers from their homes, and bringing such terror and suffering upon women and innocent little children that would only have been admissable in the palmiest days of the Spanish Inquisition, and by the acts of their law officers SO scattered the people and terrorized them that the nation in their hearts supposed that they had covered their unpopular Christian brethren so deeply in the ashes of their burning wrath, that the organizations of the holy priesthood could never be perfected again. "I will empty those stands occupied by the authorities of the Church," was the boast of a United States deputy marshal, and he did.

But I have lived to see the Saints of God rise phoenix-like from the ashes of destruction heaped upon them by their enemies, and to me these things are living testimonies, strong as

holy writ, that God lives, that He is watching over His people, and that He will continue to bless them abundantly and reward them with eternal life for all their sufferings. I add my testimonies to those of my brethren that Joseph Smith was a living prophet of God, and though now dead to earth, he lives in the spirit world; yes,

His home's in the skies, He dwells with the Gods.

And that Brigham Young, John Talyor, Wilford Woodruff, and the rest of the Apostles living and dead, are and were his Apostles, his faithful followers, and that they are all Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Very truly your brother,

Seymour B. Young.




I WILL will condense in this paper some of the directions I have been giving for breakfast dishes, so that they can be cut out and pasted in a book, if it is So desired. I shall I suppose have to begin with mush, and although, as I told you before, my friend the physician denounces all sorts of mush in the most unqualified terms, yet there are so many who eat it that it is well to give a few directions how to make the only permissible mush, and that is


Into boiling water stir slowly a handful or so of meal, stirring it constantly. The mixture should be rather thin, as there is nothing so disagreeable as a thick, stodgy cornmeal mush. This should cook at least three-quarters of an hour, being set back on the range to slowly simmer. If you are in

a hurry, wet the meal up in cold water and stir it immediately into the boiling water. Never let it stand after it is wet up. Some people cook the cornmeal as thin as gruel, and then then just before taking up add a handful of graham meal, and this makes it very good tasting, but the doctor tells me that this addition makes the mush far harder to digest; for the gluten in the graham makes it sticky and almost invulnerable to the gastric juice. Sugar should never be eaten with mush, nothing but a little milk, or better still, some fruit juice.


Put a handful of well washed, dried fruit into a kettle full of and cook until boiling water, perfectly soft without once stirring it, adding boiling water from time to time if needed. Just before taking up add two tablespoonfuls of honey, and after it has boiled up a moment or two, turn out carefully into a dish.

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with silk or ribbon, as it would be cruel to chafe the little neck with flannel or stiff cotton. If you wish a cotton waist, make it with cut out armholes and button it up as you do the pinning blanket. Do the same with your cotton petticoat. As for that cotton petticoat, for every day wear it is next to useless, for with all its dainty whiteness, and frills and lace, it adds neither warmth nor comfort to the baby, and the first consideration should be the well-being of the child, not, as it has been in the past, the vanity of the mother. However, for state occasions I suppose you will want a white, befrilled and betucked petticoat. Don't make it too long; put it on a comfortable waist with cut out armholes, and fasten it loosely up the back with buttons and buttonholes. Some people in their anxiety to secure comfort to the babe, insist that fastenings at the back are uncomfortable to the child as the. buttons or as some people use, safety pins, are not nice for the little body to lie upon. If you have any such ideas just turn your garments round and fasten them up in the front. That will do just as well for all parties. Now about the dress. I can see no reason why a plain linen lawn slip made with a bit of soft lace in the neck and sleeves is not good enough for any baby's daily dress. However, if it is the first child, you will naturally want. naturally want to spend all the time you can making, washing

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