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Jamison, W. B., vice president, Jamison Coal and Coke Co., Greens-
burg, Pa..

King, Frank B., director, department of mines, State of West Vir-

[ocr errors]



McCabe, L. C., Chief, Fuel and Explosives Division, Bureau of Mines,
Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.......

Moody, Joseph E., president, Southern Coal Producers' Association,
Southern Building, Washington, D. C..

Robinson, J. French, president, Consolidated Natural Gas Co., 30

Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y.

Schorr, Edward D., 33 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio, represent-

ing the Coal Producers Committee on Underground Gas Storage


Smith, Clarence T., member, board of directors, Independent Petro-

leum Association of America, 1110 Ring Building, Washington,

D. C..

Tillson, Charles, superintendent of mines, Crucible Steel Co., Pitts-
burgh, Pa..

Walker, W. D., Chief, Accident Prevention Division, Bureau of Mines,

Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C...

Welsh, D. G., Chief Counsel, Bureau of Mines, Department of the In-
terior, Washington, D. C...

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Letter from-Continued



Jones, L. Dan, assistant general counsel, Independent Petroleum
Association of America, 1110 Ring Building, Washington, D. C.. 122, 143

Keenan, D. S., president Carnegie Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa.

McDugald, Charles C., Ross & Õ'Keefe, 122 South Michigan Avenue,

Chicago, Ill.

Peterson, J. C., president, the Manufacturers Light & Heat Co.,

800 Union Trust Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa..

Price, Edwin R., 216 Rockwell Terrace, Frederick, Md..
Robinson, J. French, president, Consolidated Natural Gas Co., 30
Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y..

Schorr, Ed D., attorney at law, 33 North High St., Columbus, Ohio___
Sharp, H. Parker, Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 401 Liberty Avenue,
Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pa..

Smith, Clarence F., First National Bank Building, Flora, Ill.

Stevenson, W. G., Hillman Coal and Coke Co., Grant Building, Pitts-
burgh, Pa

Woodward, Jack, president, Texas Independent Producers & Royalty
Owners Association, 1105 Perry-Brooks Building, Austin, Tex.---
State of Wyoming Board of Equalization and Public Service Commis-
sion, Cheyenne, Wyo..

Brief: Underground Storage of Natural Gas in Coal-Mining Areas (United

States Department of the Interior, December 1952)__









(Extends Right of Eminent Domain For Aquisition of Storage Areas)





Washington, D. C.

The subcommittee met at 10 a. m., pursuant to call, in room G-16 in the Capitol, Senator William A. Purtell (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.

Present: Senators Purtell (chairman of the subcommittee) Schoeppel, Hunt, and Dirksen.

Also present: Bertram O. Wissman, chief clerk; Robert D. L'Heureux, counsel.

Senator PURTELL. The hearing will come to order. The hearings this morning are on S. 525.

At this point we will put in the bill and also the changes in the Natural Gas Act proposed by S. 525:

[S. 525, 83d Cong., 1st sess.]


January 16, 1953

Mr. DIRKSEN (for himself and Mr. DOUGLAS) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce

A BILL To amend section 7 (h) of the National Gas Act

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first sentence of subsection (h) of section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, as amended (15 U. S. C. 717f (h)), is amended by striking out "and the necessary land or other property" and inserting in lieu thereof "and the necessary land or interest in land, or other property", and by striking out "for the location of compressor stations" and inserting in lieu thereof "for the storage of gas or for the location of compressor stations". (Changes in the Natural Gas Act proposed by the bill S. 525, existing law is shown in roman type, language proposed to be eliminated is enclosed in black brackets, proposed new language in italic:)



SEC. 7 (a)***

(h) When any holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity cannot acquire by contract, or is unable to agree with the owner of property


to the compensation to be paid for, the necessary right-of-way to construct, operate, and maintain a pipeline or pipelines for the transportation of natural gas [and the necessary land or other property] and the necessary land or interest in land, or other property, in addition to right-of-way [for the location of compressor stations], for the storage of gas or for the location of compressor stations, pressure apparatus, or other stations or equipment necessary to the proper operation of such pipeline or pipelines, it may acquire the same by the exercise of the right of eminent domain in the district court of the United States for the district in which such property may be located, or in the State courts. The practice and procedure in any action or proceeding for that purpose in the district court of the United States shall conform as nearly as may be with the practice and procedure in similar action or proceeding in the courts of the State where the property is situated: Provided, That the United States district courts shall only have jurisdiction of cases when the amount claimed by the owner of the property to be condemned exceeds $3,000.

Senator PURTELL. I have an opening statement to make, but I know that our good friend from Illinois, Senator Dirksen, has many other meetings to go to, and we would like very much if he would present his statement at this point.


Senator DIRKSEN. Mr. Chairman, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a brief statement before I go to the Civil Functions Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee.

My statement is very brief and very simple, indeed.

In cooperation with Senator Douglas, in the 82d Congress we offered S. 1000 which is the identical bill that is before us today, and the bill which you now have which is S. 525, which was introduced in January 1953.

The purpose of the bill, of course, is to make it possible for those who are engaged now in the purveyance of natural gas in interstate commerce to avail themselves of the prospects or possibility of underground storage. The act now does not seem to be quite clear on that point, and I presume it does require some clarification.

One question has arisen as to whether this should be done at the Federal or the State level. I am confident from the testimony you will receive from people who know infinitely more about this matter than I do, that they will clarify these particular points.

There is a growing requirement for and a growing use of underground storage at the present time and I believe virtually everybody in the industry will be more or less agreed on that point.

Now, the bill has received the attention of various agencies of Government, some that have an interest in it and some that do not. It has gone to the Department of Justice and that Deparment makes no recommendation on the bill; and properly so, since it is a matter for Congress to determine.

The bill has gone to the Federal Power Commission and they have written an opinion and made some suggestions with respect to possible amendments to the bill.

It has gone to the Department of the Interior and, through the Bureau of Mines, they have made a suggestion about an amendment in the interest of security, so far as mining is concerned.

Then, in addition thereto an amendment has been offered on which I thought there was general agreement in the industry some time last

year and that amendment will be offered, I believe, by Mr. Holmes, who is here this morning.

My suggestion, Mr. Chairman, is that since probably you are going to have a good deal of testimony on this bill that any amendments that they may have in mind be offered, and then of course they can be considered at some subsequent date.

I have only purpose, after all, and that is to make it possible for those who are purveying gas to avail themselves of the potential underground storage, because I do think it is necessary in the industry today.

So I am quite agreeable to anything that is in the interest of safety that will harmonize any differences that may have developed between those who have an interest in this bill and to do what I think is quite the right thing to do.

So I can subscribe to the amendment that Mr. Holmes will offer, and I suppose it is substantially in line with the suggestion made by the Federal Power Commission, except for one item and I would like to be corrected, if I am in error, but I believe the Federal Power Commission suggests that possibly the scope of the bill be limited somewhat by making sure that this does not apply to surface storage, that it will apply only to underground storage.

The Federal Power Commission memorandum will be available to you from the file, I am sure, Mr. Chairman. I hope that all aspects of the matter will be thoroughly ventilated by the testimony you will probably receive this morning.

It is entirely possible you may not complete testimony today, and, if not, I shall be delighted to be back here after the hearing which Í must attend downstairs, and I could be available tomorrow if you run over into tomorrow.

Senator PURTELL. I would like to inform the Senator, because I know of his interest in this matter that it appears now as though we will be unable to finish our hearing today, although we will try to extend them into the afternoon. We have some other hearings on health. I believe we will not be able to get to these hearings again until very late in the month, about the 28th or 29th, or early April. These hearings will be confined to this day only, and we wish all people who desire to be heard to be given the opportunity to be heard, and we probably will not be able to hear them all until the 1st of April or the latter part of this month.

Senator DIRKSEN. My only point is to modestly assist you in launching this hearing. The matter has been in a state of suspension for a long period of time, partly because of my own neglect, and that is due to the fact that I have been busy on other committees.

I will leave it in your good hands at the moment, and I will be back to share in the testimony later.

Senator PURTELL. I would like to make my opening statement now. This measure, introduced by Senator Dirksen for himself and Senator Douglas, is identical with S. 1000, which was introduced by these same Senators in the 82d Congress. The Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee did not have time to complete its study of this legislation at that time.

The prime purpose of the bill is to facilitate the storage of natural gas in underground formations in order to make gas available at

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