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in this state; and although I prefer dry rubbing, I would rather have water ased than let the skin remain full of dry sweat. A common water brush is generally used, or, if the coat is thin, a sponge will be far better. No time must be lost in the operation, and unless two men can be spared, the rug must be thrown on as soon as the water is scraped off with the scraper, and the skin is just partially dried. In this state he may be left for a few minutes, attention in the mean time being paid to the thorough drying of the head and neck, which can not, well be clothed advanta geously. These parts soon dry, for in washing them there is no occasion to wet the mane, which may be turned over to the other side while each is being cleaned, and the ordinary coat of the head and neck holds very little water. After they are made comfortable the cloth is turned partly back over the loins, and the shoulders, ribз and bosom are dried with the whisp and rubber, after which the whole is stripped off and the hind-quarters thoroughly dried.

A HORSE SMOTHERED IN DIRT is, by careless grooms, too often left to dry with it all on, and then it is brushed out; or, if idleness reigns triumphant, a besom is taken in hand for the purpose. Where the particles of mud are few and far between, and are already dry, or nearly so, there is no objection to their being removed by friction alone, but if they are wet and (as they generally are) in large masses, water must be used to get rid of them; and the whole of the legs, belly, flank and tail will often require a good slushing with a brush and water before the dirt is removed-the tail being placed in the bucket itself, if it is a long one, and thoroughly cleansed in that way. A scraper is then employed to get rid of the water; the legs are superficially rubbed and then bandaged, the clothing is thrown on, and the dressing may be commenced as usual.

IN CASE THE SKIN IS WET FROM RAIN, whether the work has been fast or not, it is seldom necessary to provide against a continuance of the moisture, for the chill of the rain will generally prevent any tendency to break out in a sweat. The horse is, therefore, at once taken into the stable, and, if very wet, he is scraped, after which he is rubbed over, and his clothing put on while his legs are being attended to, by washing, bandaging, &c. The dressing is then conducted as in the case of the horse coming in sweating in cool weather.

AN EXHAUSTED HORSE demands all the resources of the groom's art, without which he will suffer in more ways than one. An extreme case seldom occurs except in hunters, who require the greatest care to bring them round after a severe run. Oa coming into the stable, if their powers have been taxed to the utmost, and their ears are cold and drooping, the first thing to be done is to get these warin by friction; an assistant in the

mean time preparing some gruel, while another puts some warm flannel bandages on the legs. It is wonderful what a restorative is found in the friction of the ears, after a few minutes of which a moderately tired horse will look quite a different animal, evidently enjoying the process, and dropping his head to the hands of the groom with the most perfect air of enjoyment. Where, however, there is only one groom for the whole task, the bandages should be put on first-that is to say, as soon as the clothing is thrown on. Then the gruel should be given, and as soon as this is swallowed, the ears should be warmed by friction, No attempt at dressing should be made till the gruel is taken and the ears are warm; and if they, cannot be restored to their proper temperature, a warm cordial of ale and spices should at once be given. Usually, however, there is no occasion for this, and after getting the stomach attended to, the skin of the body begins to recover its natural temperature, and the extremities become warm again, In the course of an hour the dressing may generally be effected, but no time should be lost in it, and the skin must not on any account be chilled. After it is done, a feed of oats and a few split beans may be given if the appetite seems inclined to return; but sometimes, when the exhaustion is excessive, no solid food can be taken with safety till the next day, and gruel, with cordials, must be resorted to as the only kind of support the stomach will bear.




The cultivation of broom corn has never been brought before public attention to any considerable extent. It forms, however, an agricultural product in the State of Ohio, amounting, probably, to as much in value as the production of flax. It would be difficult to approximate near accuracy in estimating the amount annually grown, as we have no official reports or tables on the subject. It is a native of India, and its introduction into this country is attributed to Dr. Franklin. He, it is said, discovered a seed while examining an imported whisk in the possession of a lady in Philadelphia, and from it planted in his garden sprung all our broom corn.

Difference of soil and climate has produced four varieties, separate and distinct of themselves, but will readily hybridize if cultivated together. They are generally known as the Common, Early Eastern, Sampson, and Dwarf. For general purposes the Common is preferable. The Early Eastern will come into market three or four weeks sooner, but it is smaller in size and yields less per acre. The Sampson will yield more pounds per acre, but its coarse, large size renders it objectionable to the manufacturer. The Dwarf possesses fineness and flexibility of fiber, thus adapting it for making brushes and fancy brooms, but its cultivation and curing is usually attended with much more labor than the other varieties.

Soil well adapted to Indian corn is likewise adapted to broom corn. Good soil is of course preferable. The best soil for it is a deep, alluvial sandy soil, such as is found on our first river bottoms. The ground should be freshly plowed and well harrowed, then drill in rows three and a half feet apart. The seed should be perfectly clean, and free from any fibers of the brush, as they will clog the drill. Four quarts of seed is sufficient to plant one acre. The space between the seeds should be about four inches; if planted on good strong land it will do well if closer together About the time it begins to appear roll the ground with a heavy roller

this pulverizes the lumps, presses the fresh earth around it, and on some kinds of land will do as much good as once tending.

We often hear the remark, "it is so slow in starting," this is because it is then sending out its long roots and preparing for a more vigorous growth. As soon as the rows appear plainly, go through it with a barrow made for that purpose, twice in a row, allowing it to go into the row, thereby loosening the earth and destroying the grass and weeds; there is not much danger of injuring the corn. Some will be covered up, but a boy with a steel-toothed garden rake will uncover it as fast as a man will harrow. The harrow used for this purpose should be made of solid, seasoned oak plank, triangular shaped, the sides three and a half feet, the base two and a half feet, set full of one-half inch iron or steel teeth, to the number of twenty-five or thirty. A rope attached to each side serves as a handle to control it.

The tool used the second and third times of tending is "Gibbs' Patent Cultivator," of which too much cannot be said in commendation as an implement for destroying weeds and loosening the grounds; it should be in more general use for the cultivation of other crops. The first time in going through the corn with the cultivator, set the teeth to throw the earth from the corn, as it will not bear much earth, go twice in a row, the closer the better. The next time of tending, which should be in a week or ten days, set the teeth to throw the earth towards the corn, this gives it fresh earth and covers up the smaller grass and weeds. If there are any larger weeds remaining at this time they should at once be removed. In two weeks more go through it again twice in a row with a good sized single shovel plow, banking up the earth around the roots of the corn, so it has plenty of nourishment for its future growth and maturity. The tending of the crop is in general at this time completed; we say in general, because it is impossible to prescribe one rule for all kinds of soil and seasons. The object must be to keep the soil free from grass and weeds, and in a loose, healthy condition. If the spring is wet, and the weeds have the advantage, hoeing, especially in the wet places, is almost indispensable. If the season is very dry, a constant stirring of the ground is very beneficial. Sometimes one tool is best adapted for this purpose, and sometimes another. An individual that cannot tell what is best to accomplish these ends without a written rule had better let its cultivation alone.

The proper time for cutting or gathering the brush, if the best market price is desired, is after the blows have fallen and before the seed passes into the milk. This secures the brush in the best condition, but the seed is then worthless. This method is generally used where it is cultivated on an extensive scale and shipped to the eastern market.

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If the seed is made an object, it should stand until the seed passes into the milk, and the kernel attained full size, but not hardened. The brush will have lost some of its fresh, green appearance, but is, nevertheless, good and merchantable.

There are two methods used in harvesting: one, in which the value of the seed is disregarded, is to break over the tops of each row separately four or five feet high; the brush, when cut is immediately taken to the scraper, cleansed, and dried on scaffolds in sheds or barns. The scaffolds are generally constructed of lath 10 or 12 feet in length and laid successively one above another 8 or 10 inches apart, the brush spread on them to the depth of two or three inches. In this way the brush is kept straight from the time it is cut until deposited on the scaffold. Two sets of hands are required—one in the field, the other at the scraper. The process of drying the brush by means of kilns is now generally discarded, as it renders the fibres harsh and brittle.

The other method of harvesting, and by which the seed is preserved, is by breaking alternate handsful of two rows across each other at an angle of about 45°; this forms what is called a table on which the brush, after being cut, is laid to dry. The stalks should be cut six inches in length and stripped of husks at the time of cutting. If the weather is favorable it can remain out over one night-if it remains out longer, it is bleached and injured by the dew. It is not expected, however, to be perfectly dry when suitable for hauling in. It should be thrown promiscuously on scaffolds 2 or 3 feet apart in a well ventilated building. Great care must be taken that it does not heat from the moisture it still contains; if tolera bly dry, it might be scaffoled 6 or 12 inches deep, but should be handled over once a day for two or three days. It can then remain until scraped, the process of which will be next described.

An expeditious and easy manner of scraping is by means of two wooden cylinders, 24 feet in length by 10 inches in diameter, securely held by iron bands around each end. The teeth, 2 inches in length, are made of wrought iron and a screw cut on the end by which they are fastened in the cylinder. The cylinders are made to revolve in opposite directions, and can, by means of belts, be attached to any ordinary horse-power or other machinery.

After the brush is scraped it is next baled. For this purpose a substantial frame is necessary 3 by 4 feet around and 4 or 5 feet high. The frame is filled with brush laying the stems out at each end, it is then pressed down into as small compass as possible by means of iron or wooden screws, bound with wire, and is now ready for market.

It is an erroneous idea that broom corn exhausts land. Any crop culti

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