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will probably bear fruit in the near future. The conviction that social science courses should be definitely graded and arranged in logical series—instead of allowing the student to step from Economics I or Sociology A directly into any other course, not a graduate course, in the department is growing apace. Akin to this conviction is the belief, upon which this book rests, that it is better for a student whose time is limited, as that of all students is, to secure, after a general introductory course in social science or after the elementary course in economics or sociology, a serious survey of a number of fundamental but concrete social problems than it is for him to attempt an intensive study of one or two, to the neglect of all the rest.

Some most important socio-economic problems have been practically neglected by both economics and sociology departments. Courses in one aspect of the population problem-immigration— there have been. Population as such has been considered chiefly by the economists, and by them principally as a matter of the acceptance or nonacceptance of the conclusions of Malthus, or as a subject incidental to the theory of wages. So far as sociologists have been able to take time out of the attractive business of building up social philosophies to consider practical issues, they have too often either ignored the population problem entirely or looked upon it as chiefly a matter of the declining birth rate, and usually without much apparent understanding of the underlying economic forces. The feminist movement and the woman problem (so-called for lack of a better and less invidious name) have, until very recently, either been touched upon with some hesitation or calmly ignored. In spite of the patent fact that they involve many of the most fundamental principles of ethics and economics and are freighted with profound significance for the future evolution of society and of social ethics, they have not been considered worthy the dignity of serious academic attention. It is high time this attitude were left behind in every educational institution. There have been numerous courses on the family, but they have usually treated it, mainly if not entirely, in its anthropological and historical aspects. The very important questions involved in matrimonial ideals and practice, and in divorce, with

their attendant present social unrest, were, until a comparatively recent time, left largely to the attention of those reformers who, rightly or wrongly, wish to see the amount of divorce reduced, at all costs. Race problems, where not approached in a highly biased and totally unscientific spirit, have been treated chiefly from the standpoint of anthropology.

Moreover, there have been practically no books, either for the student or the general reader, giving under one cover a serious introduction to these fundamental problems of social ethics and constructive sociology. The literature in each one of these specific fields has been increasing with gratifying, not to say embarrassing, rapidity in the past few years; but there is still a dearth of usable texts treating not one specific problem but a number.

These considerations, more particularly that it was regrettable that so many promising and supposedly educated young women and young men should go out from college with little or no ordered and scientific study of these matters, led to the development of a full-year course in social problems. The present book is an outgrowth of this course. It is the editor's hope that these readings will not only be found valuable in some courses in general sociology and in courses devoted entirely to individual problems but that they may to some degree stimulate the offering of more survey courses of the sort here suggested.

The selections will be found to reflect to some degree a historical method of attack. But for the limitations of space this would have been still more apparent. It is not always necessary to go back to the remotest anthropological or even historical beginnings of things, but some knowledge of historical development is essential to the proper understanding of any great social problem or movement. The historical attack, moreover, proves usually more interesting to the student than a purely statistical and critical method.

Effort has been made in the selections to present diverse points of view. It is, however, not possible in limited space to present examples of all the shades of opinion, nor is it necessary. The main objects are to stimulate the student to further reading, to furnish well-chosen material for classroom discussion — no

other method of instruction begins to be as effective and above all to encourage the student to do his own thinking. Occasionally diametrically opposing views are placed together, but no effort has been made to construct a debaters' handbook. This has rather been avoided. The debater's habit of mind is not conducive to the formation of balanced judgments. Where so many conflicting views are given, it goes without saying, of course, that the editor does not hold himself responsible for any of them. The references at the end of each Book will suggest additional reading.

More stimulus from alert minds, more pure pleasure in teaching, than he has reaped from the course in social problems, the editor does not expect to experience. He desires to express his appreciation to students, past and present, for the very essential part they have played in the development of the ideas upon which this book rests. It is planned to publish, as soon as may be, a fairly comprehensive text on these problems, which will be designed as a companion book to the Readings.

Kindest acknowledgments are due to the various authors and publishers who have in every case cordially granted permission for the use of their work. The editor is further indebted to Professor W. Z. Ripley for kindly and acute criticism, and especially to Mrs. Clara Snell Wolfe for constant helpful criticism and advice.


A. B. W.

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