PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCIL. VOL. XXVIII. - JULY TO DECEMBER, 1906. LONDON: THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 1, SAVILE ROW; EDWARD STANFORD, 12, 13 AND 14, LONG ACRE, W.C. 1906. PATRON. HIS MAJESTY THE KING. VICE-PATRON. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. COUNCIL. (ELECTED MAY 21, 1906.) President-Rt. Hon. Sir GEORGE D. TAUBMAN GOLDIE, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., Treasurer-EDWARD L. SOMERS COCKS. Trustees-Right Hon. Lord AVEBURY, D.C.L., F.R.S.; Lord BELHAVEN AND STENTON. Honorary Secretaries-Major LEONARD DARWIN, R.E.; JAMES F. HUGHES. Foreign Secretary-Sir JOHN KIRK, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.R.S. Admiral Sir NATHANIEL BOWDEN- | Rt. Hon. Sir JOSEPH WEST RIDGEWAY, SMITH, K.C.В. Major CHAS. F. CLOSE, C.M.G., R.E. F. H. H. GUILLEMARD, M.A., M.D. Colonel Sir THOMAS HUNGERFORD HOL- Sir GEORGE S. MACKENZIE, K.C.M.G., C.B. Admiral Sir ALBERT HASTINGS MARKHAM, К.С.В. JOHN L. MYRES, M.A. G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I. HOWARD SAUNDERS, F.L.S. Captain R. F. SCOTT, C.V.O., R.N. Colonel Sir COLIN C. SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, K.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., R.E. General J. H. M. SHAW STEWART, Colonel Hon. M. G. TALBOT, R.E. Prof. W. W. WATTS, F.R.S. Colonel C. E. YATE, C.S.I., C.M.G. Secretary and Editor of Publications-J. SCOTT KELTIE, LL.D. Librarian-EDWARD HEAWOOD, M.A. Map Curator. E. A. REEVES, F.R.A.S. Chief Clerk. S. J. EVIS. Bankers-Messrs. COCKS, BIDDULPH and Co., 43, Charing Cross. 159399 CONDITIONS OF FELLOWSHIP, &c. Candidates for admission into the Society must be proposed and seconded by Fellows, and it is necessary that the description and residence of such Candidates should be clearly stated on their Certificates. It is provided by Chapter V., § 1, of the Regulations, that "Every Ordinary Fellow shall, on his election, be required to pay £5 as his "admission fee, and £2 as his first annual subscription, or he may compound, "either at his entrance by one payment of £35, or at any subsequent period on the "following basis : "And no Fellow shall be entitled to vote or to enjoy any other privilege of the "Society so long as he shall continue in arrear." All Subscriptions are payable in advance, on the 1st of January in each year. The privileges of a Fellow include admission (with one Friend) to all ordinary Meetings of the Society, and the use of the Library and Map-room. Each Fellow is also entitled to receive a copy of all the Society's periodical publications. The Geographical Journal is forwarded, free of expense, to all Fellows whose addresses are known. Copies of the Year Book, Regulations, and Candidates' Certificates may be had on application at the Society's House, 1, Savile Row, London, W. CONTENTS. .. The Snow-peaks of Ruwenzori: their Probable Positions and Heights. By Lieut. T. T. Behrens, R.E. (with 2 Sketch-maps and 8 Diagrams) kiöld (with 1 Sketch-map and 8 Illustrations) The Economic Geography and Development of Australia. By J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., D.SC., Professor of Geology in the University of Glasgow (with The Geography of International Frontiers. By Major E. H. HILLS, C.M.G., R.E. 145 A Plea for the Investigation of Biological and Anthropological Distributions in Melanesia. By Dr. Alfred C. Haddon, F.R.S. Notes to accompany Lieut.-Colonel Maunsell's Map of Eastern Turkey in Asia |