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The effort of the Division to secure the active cooperation of all the States is meeting with success, for a majority of State departments of agriculture and State boards and bureaus of immigration have accepted an invitation to meet with representatives of the Division for the purpose of formulating a system of cooperation between the States and the Division in the work of promoting a beneficial distribution of admitted aliens and other residents of the United States.

It is hoped that when this conference assembles a plan will be mapped out whereby the thousands of American farmers who emigrate each year to the Canadian Northwest may become informed of the greater advantages and opportunities to which they may turn in this country. It is estimated that the emigration for the last fiscal year from the United States to British North America of American citizens who follow farming for a living will exceed 75,000. There is no reason why the information gathered by the Division concerning the splendid opportunities for agriculturists in the various States should not be made available to Americans who contemplate emigrating to take up land in other countries. This can and should be done by concerted effort on the part of the Division and the immigration officials of the various States. It should be patent to all that every farmer induced to remain in this country, through presentation of accurate information properly vouched for, is a gain in the way of promoting a beneficial distribution of aliens and other residents of the United States. The greater the number of farmers we can induce to remain in this country, the greater will be the number of opportunities for all who would follow agriculture for a living, either as farm owners, renters, or farm laborers. The fact should be emphasized and pressed home that it is not necessary for a single farmer to leave the United States for want of good land, cheap land, good markets, or transportation facilities to get to market, while climatic conditions are more varied and better than they can possibly be in British Columbia.

The Division has had the cooperation of the National Societies of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution as in preceding years. It is proposed during the coming year to publish the Constitution of the United States in convenient form, the same as "Information for immigrants" and "Naturalization of aliens in the United States" and place it at the disposal of the Division for distribution.

In conclusion, the Division directs attention to the suggestions contained in its report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1910. Respectfully,


T. V. POWDERLY, Chief, Division of Information.

Commissioner General of Immigration.








Washington, April 8, 1912.

SIR: The actual dissolution of two great corporate combinations, ordered by the Supreme Court in the Standard Oil Co. and American Tobacco Co. cases, has thrust forward the whole problem of our policy toward industrial corporations. If it was not plain before, it is certainly clear now that the Federal Government must have a permanent administrative office through which to supervise interstate corporate business.

There is little dispute as to the object of our corporate policy. We want a business machinery of high efficiency, serving the best interests of the citizen and returning ample reward to the ability and industry of those who use that machinery fairly. But the means to this end are now in debate.

Two great restraints may be imposed upon business. One is the automatic regulator, competition; the other, direct governmental intervention. It is indeed true that under some conditions even fair competition may result in combination. The further question is then raised, How far is it desirable to enforce competition by dissolving such combination? That question, however, need not be discussed here.

Whatever shall be our ultimate policy, however, whether of preserving competition, of enforcing competition, or of direct governmental regulation of business operations; or whether, as is perhaps more likely, our policy will be a combination of these various principles, in any event such a permanent administrative system is a necessary part of it. That system must have broad powers of investigation, taking continuous cognizance of the operations of large industrial corporations. Such administration is necessary for either of the foregoing policies described, while it does not exclude the others. By publicity and supervision it will preserve competition and provide equal opportunity; by an expert knowledge of current business conditions it will display the working of competition, and the cases, if any, where this fails to be of benefit. It will always be in a position to furnish, through its permanent force of trained specialists, the information needed for legislation or regulation. It will also have the knowledge and data that may be required properly to enforce competition and to carry out the intent of any decree of dissolution entered under the antitrust law.

A convincing object lesson on the need of such administrative system is now before us. The American Tobacco Co. and the Standard Oil Co. having been disintegrated, the resultant units are now started on a new career. These disintegrations have been accomplished only after long litigation and at much expense. The purpose was to benefit the public by a broad reform in economic conditions. And yet the country has no effective means of ascertaining how far the desired reform will really be carried out. No one can foresee the future of these new units in the two great industries. It will be purely an economic and financial process. No judicial machinery is adapted to handle this novel problem. Indeed, the Circuit Court expressly refused the suggestion of the Attorney General that the tobacco case be kept open for three or more years for such purpose of supervision.

Public interest requires that these two groups of companies and any others in like circumstances, should be at once obliged by law to submit to constant inspection by a Federal office organized on lines similar to those suggested above. In these two cases, which are but current examples of a general principle, both public and private rights are involved. The public has no means of following the development of competition therein through succeeding years, nor have the security holders in those corporations-certainly, at least, those not "on the inside "-any means of judging the value of their holdings under the novel conditions now operative.

In short, under present conditions, as well as in whatever future course may hereafter be followed, a permanent administrative office will be absolutely necessary. The vast complexity of corporate business and its constantly changing conditions make it wholly impossible to enforce effectively any real system of restraint through the courts alone.

The exact form of such an administrative office is a matter for further detailed consideration. The essentials are permanence, expert training, administrative flexibility, effective investigation, and publicity, all covering those interstate industrial corporations whose size and operations make them of public importance.

The Bureau during the past fiscal year has been applying, within the narrow limits possible to it, the principles of publicity above referred to. The total appropriations for the Bureau for the fiscal year 1911 were $254,200. The number of employees on June 30, 1911, was 127.

On September 26, 1910, the Bureau published Part III of its Report on Transportation by Water in the United States. Parts I and II, already published, dealt with physical characteristics of waterways, floating equipment, and water-borne traffic. Part III took up exhaustively the subject of water terminals, pointing out the importance of the terminal as a vital part of an effective water transportation system; the striking degree to which water terminals are now controlled by the railroads, the natural competitor of waterways; the lack of any consistent policy of water terminals; the disastrous effect of the present situation on water traffic; and the need for cooperation between the Federal Government and localities in providing terminals. This report has had a very gratifying effect, both in influencing public opinion generally on the subject and in its use

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