1836. Wolf-creek sun dance-Kiñep visit Crows-Battle with Cheyenne. 271 1840. Red-bluff sun dance-Peace with Cheyenne and Arapaho. 275 1840-41. Hide-quiver war expedition-Expeditions against Mexico. 276 1841. Pawnee massacred on the South Canadian 276 1841-42. Encounter with Texan Santa Fé expedition-A'dalhabä'k'ia 1843. Nest-building sun dance-Encounter with Texans. 280 1843-44. Woman stabbed-Raid into Mexico-Trading post on South Canadian 280 1844. Dakota sun dance-Dakota visit Kiowa. 281 1844-45. Great expedition against Mexico-Ä'taha-ik'i killed 282 1845. Stone-necklace sun dance 283 1845-46. Bent establishes trading post on South Canadian-Allison's post on the Arkansas 283 1846. Págunhéňte initiated-The Kaitsenkia 283 1846-47. Mustache-shooting winter-Fight with the Pawnee. 1848-49. Antelope drive on the Arkansas; the ceremonies 287 1849. Cholera on the plains-Treaty negotiations postponed 1849-50. Fight with the Pawnee-The scalp dance.... 1851-52. Woman elopes and is frozen-"Stealing" a woman 294 1852. Allied tribes defeated by Pawnee-Iron-shirt killed. Medicine-lodge-creek sun dance-Confederated tribes defeated by Forked-stick-sprouting sun dance-Expeditions against El Paso 1858-59. Gúi-k'áte killed by Mexicans-Expedition against the Ute.. 1859. Cedar-bluff sun dance 306 306 1859-60. Gíaká-ite abandoned to die.... 307 1860. Attacked by troops with Indian allies-Increasing hostility..... 308 The annual calendars-Continued Page zótă or driveway 309 1861. Horse sacrificed at sun dance-Sacrilege against taime-The lost war party 310 1861-62. Smallpox-Effect of gold discovery in Colorado.. 311 1862. Sun dance after the smallpox.... 311 1862-63. Expedition against Texas-The echo in the tree tops-The Guadagya or travel song 312 1863. Sun dance on No-arm's river 313 1863-64. Death of Big-head and Kills-with-a-gun-Anko calendar begins. 1865-66. Death of Dohásän and Tänkónkya-Smith's trading party...... German-silver sun dance-Whitacre the trader-Trade in silver 318 with Mexicans 318 1866-67. Attack on Texas emigrants; Ä'pämâdalte killed-Andres Martinez captured 319 1867. Horses stolen by the Navaho-Kaitséñko initiated 319 1867-68. Medicine Lodge treaty-Expedition against the Navaho. 320 1868. Sun dance on Medicine-lodge creek - Disastrous expedition against the Ute-The taíme captured...... 322 1868-69. Tängúädal killed; his medicine lance-Burial expedition 325 1869. War-bonnet sun dance-Expedition against the Ute 326 1869-70. Bugle stampede-The Cheyenne on the warpath.. 326 1870. Plant-growing sun dance 327 1870-71. Set-än'gya brings home his son's bones-Drunken fight-Negroes killed in Texas-Death of Ansote..... 328 1871. Koñpä'te killed-Arrest of Set-t'ainte and other chiefs-Tragic death of Setängya-The Kâitsénko death song-Set-ängya and Set-t'ainte 328 1871-72 (1872-73). Peace with the Pawnee; removal to Indian Territory.. 1872. Bíako shot by whites in Kansas 333 335 1872-73. Visit of the Pueblos-Dohásän's tipi burned-Kiowa heraldic system 336 1873. Sun dance on Sweetwater creek-Gui-badai's wife stolen........ 336 1873-74. Set-t'ainte released-Lone-wolf's son killed.. 337 1874. Sun dance on North fork-Set-t'aiňte gives his medicine lance to 338 talking owl 1874-75. Fight at Anadarko-Gi-edal killed-Prisoners sent to Florida... 1880. No sun dance-Päbóte dies-Dead names tabooed 1880-81. Zontam's (1) house built-Dast visit by the Pueblos. 1881. 339 339 339 340 340 341 342 343 343 344 345 346 346 Hot or hemorrhage sun dance-Instances of malformation. CONTENTS XI The annual calendars-Continued Page 1881-82. The dó-á contest-The dó-á game-Dátekâñ's medicine tipi ...... 1882. No sun dance because no buffalo-Stumbling-bear's daughter 347 dies-Dátekân, the prophet. 349 1882-83. Bot-édalte dies-Talk of grass leases 350 1883. Nez Percés visit Kiowa-The Nez Percé war-Taimete succeeds 351 1883-84. House built by Gakinate-Children taken to Chilocco-Visited 1885. Little Peninsula sun dance-First grass money. 353 1885-86. T'ébodal's camp burned 354 1886. No sun dance-Anko a policeman-Grass payment. 354 1886-87. Suicide of Peyi 354 1887. Buffalo bought for sun dance-Grass payment-Name changes... 1887-88. Cattle received for grass leases 355 355 1888. Permission for sun dance refused-Excitement caused by the 1890-91. Ghost dance inaugurated; A'piatan's mission-Schoolboys frozen. 1891. 359 361 1891-92. P'ódaläñte killed-Enlistment of Indian soldiers 362 1892. Terrible ravages of measles-Large grass payment-Delegation Pai Tépgaň P'a; visit Cheyenne again-first ghost dance 374 Pai Gañhíña P'a (July, 1890); sun dance stopped-grass payments Pai Ä'gà'nti (June, 1891); Caddo and Wichita agreement..... 376 Gañhíña P'a (January? 1892); annuity issue. Kaʻgúăt P'a Sän; wire issue... Kaʻgúăt P'a; move camp-late frost. Aídeň P'a (April, 1892); emigrants to Cheyenne country Pai Ä'ga'nti; latäkía dies-grass payment. Pai Tépgan P'a; measles epidemic-grass payment. 378 378 378 378 378 379 Pai Gañhíña P'a (July, 1892); Fourth of July races 379 Táguñótal P'a Sän (August, 1892); visit of Cheyenne and Arapaho. 379 ARCHEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO ARIZONA IN 1895, BY J. WALTER FEWKES |