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Wurtemburg, Baden, Luxemburg, Brunswick, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Lubeck, and the countries and places comprised in the postal district of the Prince of Tour and Tazis, viz.: Frankfort-on-the-Maine, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Hesse-Electoral, Hesse-Homburg, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold, Nassau, Reuss, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Saxe-Meiningen, SaxeWeimar-Eisenach, Hohenzollern, Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt, and Schwartzburg-Sonderhausen, and the other terms and expressions used in this Warrant shall be construed to have the like meaning in all respects as they would have had if inserted in the said Act, passed in the sesssion of Parliament, holden in the 3rd and 4th years of the reign of Her Majesty, for the regulation of the duties of postage.

18. The Commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty's Treasury may, by Warrant under their hands, duly made at any time hereafter, alter, repeal, or revoke any of the rates of postage hereby fixed or altered, or any of the orders, directions, regulations, and conditions hereby made, and may make and establish any new or other rates, orders, directions, regulations, and conditions in lieu thereof, and from time to time appoint at what time the rates which may be payable are to be paid.

19. This Treasury Warrant shall come into operation on the 1st day of January, 1863.

(SCHEDULE A.) Postage chargeable on Printed Newspapers, and on Packets consisting of Books, Publications, or Works of Literature or Art.

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(SCHEDULE B.) Postage chargeable on Printed Newspapers, and on Packets consisting of Books, Publications, or Works of Literature or Art.

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Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, the 5th day of November, 1862. LUKE WHITE.



ACT of the British Parliament, "to provide for the Prosecution and Trial in Her Majesty's Colonies of offences, committed within the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty."

[12 & 13 Vict., cap. 96.]

[August 1, 1849.]

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the 11th year of the reign of King William III, cap. 7, intituled "An Act for the more effectual suppression of piracy," it is enacted, that all piracies, felonies, and robberies committed on the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the Admiral or Admirals have power, authority or jurisdiction, may be examined, inquired of, tried, heard, and determined, and adjudged, in any place at sea, or upon the land in any of His Majesty's islands, plantations, Colonies, dominions, forts, or factories, to be appointed for that purpose by the King's commission, in the manner therein directed, and according to the civil law and the method and rules of the Admiralty; And whereas by an Act passed in the 46th year of the reign of King George III, * intituled "An Act for the speedy trial of

* See Vol. 10, page 153.

offences committed in distant parts upon the sea," it is enacted, that all treasons, piracies, felonies, robberies, murders, conspiracies, and other offences of what nature or kind soever, committed upon the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the Admiral or Admirals have power, authority, or jurisdiction, may be inquired of, tried, heard, determined, and adjudged, according to the common course of the laws of this realm used for offences committed upon the land within this realm, and not otherwise, in any of His Majesty's islands, plantations, Colonies, dominions, forts, or factories under and by virtue of the King's commission or commissions under the Greal Seal of Great Britain, to be directed to Commissioners in the manner and with the powers and authorities therein provided: And whereas it is expedient to make further and better provision for the apprehension, custody, and trial in Her Majesty's islands, plantations, Colonies, dominions, forts, and factories of persons charged with the commission of such offences on the sea, or in any such haven, river, creek, or place as aforesaid:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That if any person within any Colony shall be charged with the commission of any treason, piracy, felony, robbery, murder, conspiracy, or other offence, of what nature or kind soever, committed upon the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the Admiral or Admirals have power, authority, or jurisdiction, or if any person charged with the commission of any such offence upon the sea, or in any such haven, river, creek, or place shall be brought for trial to any Colony, then and in every such case all Magistrates, Justices of the Peace, Public Prosecutors, Juries, Judges, Courts, Public Officers, and other persons in such Colony shall have and exercise the same jurisdiction and authorities for inquiring of, trying, hearing, determining, and adjudging such offences, and they are hereby respectively authorized, empowered, and required to institute and carry on all such proceedings for the bringing of such persons so charged as aforesaid to trial, and for and auxiliary to and consequent upon the trial of any such person for any such offence wherewith he may be charged as aforesaid, as by the law of such Colony would and ought to have been had and exercised or instituted and carried on by them respectively if such offence had been committed, and such person had been charged with having committed the same, upon any waters situate withtn the limits of any such Colony, and within the limits of the local jurisdiction of the Courts of Criminal Justice of such Colony.

II. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any person shall be convicted before any such Court of any such offence, such person so convicted shall be subject and liable to and shall suffer all such and the same pains, penalties, and forfeitures as by

any law or laws now in force persons convicted of the same respectively would be subject and liable to, in cases such offences had been committed, and were inquired of, tried, heard, determined, and adjudged, in England, any law, statute, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

III. And be it enacted, That where any person shall die in any Colony of any stroke, poisoning, or hurt, such person having been feloniously stricken, poisoned, or hurt upon the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the admiral or admirals have power, authority, or jurisdiction, or at any place out of such Colony, every offence committed in respect of any such case, whether the same shall amount to the offence of murder or of manslaughter, or of being accessory before the fact to murder, or after the fact to murder or manslaughter, may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in such Colony in the same manner in all respects as if such offence had been wholly committed in that Colony; and that if any person in any Colony shall be charged with any such offence as aforesaid in respect of the death of any person who, having been feloniously stricken, poisoned, or hurt upon the sea, or in any haven, river, creek, or place where the Admiral or Admirals have power, authority, or jurisdiction, such offence shall be held for the purpose of this Act to have been wholly committed upon the sea.

IV. Provided also, and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall in any way affect or abridge the jurisdiction of the Supreme Courts of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, as established by an Act passed in the 9th year of the reign of King George IV, cap. 83, intituled "An Act to provide for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual government thereof, and for other purposes relating thereto."

V. And be it enacted, that for the purposes of this Act the word "Colony" shall mean any island, plantation, Colony, dominion, fort, or factory of Her Majesty, except any island within the United Kingdom, and the islands of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and the islands adjacent thereto respectively, and except also all such parts and places as are under the government of the East India Company; and the word "Governor" shall mean the officer for the time being administering the Government of any Colony.

ACT of the British Parliament, "to provide for taking Evidence, in Suits and Proceedings pending before Tribunals in Her Majesty's Dominions, in Places out of the Jurisdiction of such Tribunals."

[22 Vict., cap. 20.]

[April 19, 1859.] WHEREAS it is expedient that facilities be afforded for taking evidence in or in relation to actions, suits, and proceedings pending before Tribunals in Her Majesty's dominions in places in such dominions out of the jurisdiction of such Tribunals; be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

I. Where, upon an application for this purpose, it is made to appear to any court or judge having authority under this Act that any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction in Her Majesty's dominions has duly authorized by commission, order, or other process the obtaining the testimony in or in relation to any action, suit, or proceeding pending in or before such Court or Tribunal of any witness or witnesses out of the jurisdiction of such Court or Tribunal, and within the jurisdiction of such first-mentioned Court, or of the Court to which such Judge belongs, or of such Judge, it shall be lawful for such Court or Judge to order the examination before the person or persons appointed, and in manner and form directed by such commission, order, or other process as aforesaid of such witness or witnesses accordingly; and it shall be lawful for the said Court or Judge by the same order, or for such Court or Judge, or any other Judge having authority under this Act, by any subsequent order, to command the attendance of any person to be named in such order for the purpose of being examined, or the production of any writings or other documents to be mentioned in such order, and to give all such directions as to the time, place, and manner of such examination, and all other matters connected therewith, as may appear reasonable and just, and any such order may be enforced, and any disobedience thereof punished in like manner as in case of an order made by such Court or Judge in a cause depending in such Court or before such Judge.

II. Every person examined as a witness under any such commission, order, or other process as aforesaid, who shall upon such examination wilfully and corruptly give any false evidence, shall be deemed and taken to be guilty of perjury.

III. Provided always, that every person whose attendance shall be so ordered shall be entitled to the like conduct money, and payment for expenses and loss of time, as upon attendance at

a trial.

IV. Provided also, that every person examined under any such commission, order or other process as aforesaid, shall have the like right to refuse to answer questions tending to criminate himself, and other questions which a witness in any cause pending in the Court by which, or by a Judge whereof, or before the Judge by whom the order for examination was made, would be entitled to: and that no person shall be compelled to produce under any uch order as aforesaid any writing or other document that he would not be compellable to produce at a trial of such a


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