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Chief's: TONGO (L.S.), DOUCAR (L.S.),

FOUMPANEY (L.S.), SANGARA (L.S.). Commissioners: J. F. SMYTH (L.S.), R. ARMSTRONG (L.S.),


In the presence of:

T. M. REEVE, Acting Commander, Her Majesty's steam-ship " Volcano."

T. SAUMAREZ, First Lieutenant, Her Majesty's

steam-ship " Volcano."

H. HASTINGS, Master, Her Majesty's steam-ship " Volcano."

Duly proclaimed this 19th day of March, 1851, at Warkeria, by Tongo, Chief of Kykandy, in my presence.

S. MC C. HAMILTON, Interpreter.

(2.)-TREATY with the Chief of the Naloes. Caniope, March, 21,


BETWEEN John Francis Smyth, of the Colony of Sierra Leone, Colonial Secretary; Robert Armstrong, also of the Colony of Sierra Leone, Police Magistrate; and Benjamin Campbell, of the Isles de Loss, within the said Colony of Sierra Leone, Justice of the Peace; Commissioners duly authorized and empowered by His Excellency Norman William Macdonald, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Sierra Leone and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, Chancellor and Ordinary of the same for and in behalf of Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. &c.; and Lamina Towle, Chief of the Naloes, and others, his Chiefs.

For Articles I., II., III., see Vol. 9, p. 37.

ART. IV. The Slave Trade is for ever abolished within the territories of the Chiefs, parties hereto. And their subjects are hereby prohibited from being engaged in that traffic, directly or indirectly.

For Articles V. to XVIII., and conclusion, see Vol. 9, p. 38.

(3.)-TREATY with the King or Chief of Fouricaria. Fouricaria, August 2, 1851.*

BETWEEN Joseph Eugene Dillet, Esquire, of the Civil Servic the Colony of Sierra Leone, and Nathaniel Isaacs, F Commissioners duly authorized and empowered by cellency Norman William Macdonald, Captain-Gen

* See Treaty, 10th June, 1861. Page 34.

Governor-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Sierra Leone and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, Chancellor and Ordinary of the same, for and on behalf of Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. &c., and Quia Foday, King or Chief of the Fouricaria Country.

ART. I. There shall be peace between the subjects of the Queen of England and the subjects of the said King or Chief Quia Foday; and should any difference or dispute accidentally arise between the said King or Chief and any other Chief in his dominions, it shall be referred to the Governor of Sierra Leone, and his decision thereon shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned.

Articles II. to XII. The stipulations of these Articles are the same as those of the Treaty with Kykandy, p. 10.

XIII. The bodies of British seamen or other non-resident British subjects, who may die within the territories of the said King or Chief, shall have the right of interment on payment of 6 dollars to the said King or Chief, which sum shall be in full of all burial fees; and all resident British subjects dying within the territories of the said King or Chief, party to this Treaty, shali be interred on payment of the customary tribute or offering, the amount of which shall be arranged and determined between the friends of the deceased and the King or Chief, or his representatives. The graves of persons so interred shall be secure from violation.

XIV. The Queen of England shall have the right to demand the surrender of criminals, being British subjects, guilty of any offence cognizable by the laws of England, for the purpose of being tried in such British Colony as Her Majesty the Queen of England may think fit to appoint; and the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, does hereby agree to surrender all British subjects, who may be charged with any offence as aforesaid, upon demand being made by some competent authority.

XV. All merchandize imported in British vessels within the dominion of the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, shall be exempted from the payment of any duty whatever, and in like manner the productions of the territories of the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, imported into the Colony of Sierra Leone, shall be (subject to the approval of the Governor and Council of the said Colony) exempted from all import or other duties.

XVI. In consideration of the foregoing stipulations of this Treaty being agreed upon and strictly adhered to on the part of the King or Chief aforesaid and his successors, His Excellency Norman William Macdonald, Captain-General and Governor-inChief of the Colony of Sierra Leone, agrees for himself and successors, on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of England, to pay or cause to be paid annually to the said King or Chief and his successors, the Customs hereinafter mentioned and set forth, viz.:


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i, Sealed, and Delivered at the Town of Mellicourie, this QUIA FODAY (1..8.) ay of December, in the year of our Lord, 1831,

In the presence of:


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Governor-in-Chief in and over the Colony of Sierra Leone and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, Chancellor and Ordinary of the same, for and on behalf of Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. &c., and Quia Foday, King or Chief of the Fouricaria Country.

ART. I. There shall be peace between the subjects of the Queen of England and the subjects of the said King or Chief Quia Foday; and should any difference or dispute accidentally arise between the said King or Chief and any other Chief in his dominions, it shall be referred to the Governor of Sierra Leone, and his decision thereon shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned.

Articles II. to XII. The stipulations of these Articles are the same as those of the Treaty with Kykandy, p. 10.

XIII. The bodies of British seamen or other non-resident British subjects, who may die within the territories of the said King or Chief, shall have the right of interment on payment of 6 dollars to the said King or Chief, which sum shall be in full of all burial fees; and all resident British subjects dying within the territories of the said King or Chief, party to this Treaty, shall be interred on payment of the customary tribute or offering, the amount of which shall be arranged and determined between the friends of the deceased and the King or Chief, or his representatives. The graves of persons so interred shall be secure from violation.

XIV. The Queen of England shall have the right to demand the surrender of criminals, being British subjects, guilty of any offence cognizable by the laws of England, for the purpose of being tried in such British Colony as Her Majesty the Queen of England may think fit to appoint; and the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, does hereby agree to surrender all British subjects, who may be charged with any offence as aforesaid, upon demand being made by some competent authority.

XV. All merchandize imported in British vessels within the dominion of the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, shall be exempted from the payment of any duty whatever, and in like manner the productions of the territories of the King or Chief, party to this Treaty, imported into the Colony of Sierra Leone, shall be (subject to the approval of the Governor and Council of the said Colony) exempted from all import or other duties.

XVI. In consideration of the foregoing stipulations of this Treaty being agreed upon and strictly adhered to on the part of the King or Chief aforesaid and his successors, His Excellency Norman William Macdonald, Captain-General and Governor-inChief of the Colony of Sierra Leone, agrees for himself and successors, on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of England, to pay or cause to be paid annually to the said King or Chief and his successors, the Customs hereinafter mentioned and set forth, viz. :

400 bars. The above bars to be computed by the scale of bars in the Schedule hereunto annexed.

XVII. This Treaty shall be proclaimed immediately on its being concluded and signed, and be made law throughout the territories of the said King or Chief, which, for the better maintenance of peace, and the avoidance of all causes of difference and dispute, are hereby fixed and declared by the said Chiefs to be as follows, that is to say: from the entrance of the Fouricaria River on the south side and the entrance of the Bereira River on the north side to the town of Dahree, in the interior.

Signed and Sealed at Fouricaria this 2nd day of August, in the year of our Lord 1851, and of Her Majesty's Reign the 15th. Commissioners: J. E. DILLET (L.S.), Civil Service, Sierra Leone,


In the presence of :


SCHEDULE.-8 pieces of blue baft, 80; 8 pieces of white baft, 80; 8 pieces of satin stripes, 96; 172 lbs. of tobacco, 100;20 gallons of rum in 4 jars, 44: total 400 bars.

Duly proclaimed this 2nd day of August, 1851, at Fouricaria, by Quia Foday, King or Chief of the Fouricaria River, in my presence,


Supplementary Clause. Mellicourie, December 27, 1851. WHEREAS a Treaty of Peace and Commerce was entered into between Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, &c. &c., and Quia Foday, King of the Fouricaria Country, on the 2nd day of August, in the year of our Lord 1851;

And whereas the following Clause was omitted to be inserted therein, it is now agreed upon that the same should be inserted as a Supplementary Clause to the aforesaid Treaty.

That the amount stipulated and set forth in the Treaty above referred to-viz., 400 bars-shall be (and was so understood at the time of making the Treaty) considered in full satisfaction for all charges upon British merchant shipping resorting to the waters of the territories of the said Quia Foday, for the purpose of lawful trade, with the free and unrestricted right to wood and


Signed, Sealed, and Delivered at the Town of Mellicourie, this 27th day of December, in the year of our Lord, 1851.

In the presence of :



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