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Acts of Parliament. Warrants.
Treaty. Friendship. Commerce


Vol. Page
Postage...........1837-1856. See ARABIA, &c.

ADEN, &c.

Ennowya, 2nd Nov., 1849. IX. 1

ABBADEE. Engagement. Peace. Commerce...............18th Feb., 1839.
ABDALEES. Treaty. Peace. Friendship.........2nd Feb., 1839. VIII.
HAGRABEES. Engagement. Peace. Friendship ............ 4th Feb., 1839.
HAZZABEES. Treaty. Peace. Friendship 31st Jan., 1839. VIII.
LAHEDGE, Treaty. Peace. Friendship


4th Feb., 1839.


LAHEJ. Engagement. Transfer of Aden to British......23rd Jan., 1838.
LAHEJ. Bond. Peace. Monthly Payment... 18th June, 1839.
LAHEJ. Engagement. Peace. Friendship. Commerce...11th Feb., 1843.
LAHEJ. Bond. Peace. Monthly Payment.........20th February, 1844.
LAHEJ. Treaty. Commerce, &c.

.....7th May, 1849.

ΙΧ. 4
2; 1065
IX. 4
1; 1065
2; 1065
XI. 12

IX. 7

IX. 7

IX. 9
IX. 10
IX. 5

MAIDEE. Engagement. Peace. Friendship..................18th Feb., 1839.
MUSWADEE SUBEES. Engagement. Friendship. Peace....19th Feb., 1839. IX. 5

SHERZEBEE. Engagement. Friendship

10th March, 1839. IX. 6

IX. 5
1; 1065
IX. 6

....18th Feb., 1839. IX 5

SUBEES, SOUTHERN. Engagement. Friendship. Peace...20th Feb., 1839.
WAHERT. Treaty. Peace. Friendship ............2nd Feb., 1839. VIII.
TAFFAAES. Engagement. Peace. Commerce ........21st Feb., 1839.
ZAIDEE. Engagement. Peace. Friendship.....

Act of Government of India. Aden a Free Port

[blocks in formation]

Acts of Parliament. Warrants. Postage 1837-1856. See ARABIA, &c.


AUELIMIDEN. Engagement. Peace. Friendship

BORNOO. Treaty. Commerce

GANDO. Engagement. Commerce

SOKOTO. Treaty. Commerce

TEDEMEKET. Engagement. Friendship.

1854. Χ. 705

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Act of Parlt. Slave Trade Offences



.....59 Geo. 3, c. 97. 1819. X. 158

Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101.
Warrant. Postage. Letters. Newspapers, &c. (riâ France) 20 Dec., 1856. X. 136


Warrant. Postage. Letters, &c. (Goree, Fernando Po)...8th Sept,, 1852. IX. 55
Warrant. Postage. Letters, &c. (Madeira, Canaries, &c.) 23rd Noc., 1852. IX. 395
Warrant. Postage. Letters. Books, &c. (Liberia, &c.) 20th Feb., 1858. X. 896
Warrant. Postage. Letters, &c. Portuguese Colonies...14th June, 1859. XI. 423
Partially repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863.


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FINGO. Treaty. Peace. Commerce, &c................10th December, 1836. IX. 73
FINGO. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. 30th Jan., 1845. IX. 97
GAIKA. Treaty. Peace. Boundary. Commerce, Sc.......5th Dec., 1836. IX. 63
Annulled by Treaty, 22nd November, 1845.

GAIKA. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c.

.30th Jan., 1845. IX. 96

Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847.
GAIKA. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. 21 Jan., 22 Nor., 1845. IX. 100
Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847.



KAFIR TRIBES. Proclamation, &c. Treaty of 1836.........7th Dec., 1840. IX. 76
Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847.

PHILLIPPOLIS GRIQUA. Treaty. Friendship, &c.......5th October, 1843. IX. 80
PHILLIPPOLIS GRIQUA. Territories. Justice, &c.......... 5th Feb., 1846. IX. 106
TAMBOOKIE. Treaty. Peuce. Commerce, &c.......... 18th January, 1837. IX. 73
T'SLAMBIE. Treaty. Peace. Commerce, &c..........5th December, 1836. IX. 73
T'SLAMBIE. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. ......30th Jan., 1845. IX. 98
Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847.


Act of Parliament. Non-intercourse (St. Helena) 56 Geo. III, c. 23. 1816. X. 781
Act of Parliament. Offences. Slave Trade ......59 Geo. III. c. 97. 1819. X. 158
Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101.

Vol. Page
Circular. Revival. Intercourse (St. Helena) 30th July, 1821. IV. 493
Order in Council. Trade (Cape)

Repealed by Order in Council, (1) 24 April, 1847.
Act of Parliament. Foreign Trade (Cape, &c.)
Order in Council. British & Foreign Trade. Free
Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101.

Order in Council. Trade (Cape)...

....... 30th April, 1827. IV. 198

.....16th July, 1827. IV. 184
Ports... 22nd Feb., 1832. IV. 206


...1st April, 1835. IV. 276

Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101.
Order in Council. Port Elizabeth (Cape). Free W. Ports...13th April, 1836. V. 154

Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101.

Act of Parlt. Offences. Virinity of Cape....6 & 7 W. 4. c. 57. 1836. IX. 121

Repealed by Act 26 and 27 Vict. cap. 35.

Order in Council (Cape). Imports

Altered by Order in Council, 11th March, 1842.
Order in Council Customs' Duties (Cape).........
Altered by Order in Council, 11th March, 1822.
Order in Council. Imports from India......
Altered by Order in Council, 11th March, 1842.
Order in Council. Customs (Cape)
Revoked by Order in Council (1), 24th April, 1847.
Order in Council. Imports (Cape)...

Revoked by Order in Council (1), 24th April, 1847.

Act of Parlt. Government, Africa, &c....
Amended by Act 23 & 24 Vict. cap. 121.

Act of Parlt. Jurisdiction abroad.
Order in Council. French Trade (St. Helena)
Trade (Natal)

Order in Council.
Order in Council.

10th Aug., 1840. V. 598
....... 8th May, 1841. VI. 467
....... 8th May, 1841. VII. 494
11th March, 1842. VII. 508
.....2nd Oct., 1843. VII. 564
......6 Vict. c. 13. 1843. VI. 489

6 & 7 Vict. c. 94. 1843. VI. 500
......20th Nov., 1845. VII. 369
......26th Sept., 1846. VIII. 223

Repeal. Trade (Cape) .........(1) 24th April, 1847. VIII. 235

Order in Council. Trade. Free W. Ports (Cape)...(2) 24th April, 1847. VIII. 238
Proclamation. Treaties with Kafirs. Boundary (Cape) 17th Dec., 1847. IX. 114
Proclamation. Condition and Rule of Kafirs (Cape) ......23rd Dec. 1847. IX. 115
Proclamation. British Gort. Rights of Kafirs (Cape) ...3rd Feb., 1848. IX. 117
Act of Parliament. Customs' Duties (Natal)
Order in Council. Free W. Ports (Cape)

Revoked by Order in Council, 1st March, 1849.

......27th June, 1848. VIII. 298
.......16th Dec., 1848. VIII. 329

Order in Council. Free W. Ports (Cape.) Repeal ...1st March, 1849. VIII. 346
Order in Council.
Free W. Ports (Cape)..................1st March, 1849. VIII. 347
Order in Council. Tonnage Duty (St. Helena) ............8th Jan., 1850. VIII. 448
Ordinance. Aliens. Legislature. Cape of Good Hope ...3rd April. 1852. X. 234
Proclamation. Peace. (Kreili.) Boundary...K. W. Town, 14 Feb., 1853. IX. 120
Proclam. Peace. (Sandilli & Gaikas) K. W. Town, 2nd March, 1853. XI. 3
Order in Council.

Order in Council.

Order in Council.

Legislature (Cape)
Foreign Coasting Trade.
Copyright (Natal)...

.........11th March, 1853. X. 234
(Cape).........7th Dec., 1855. X. 405
....16th May, 1857. Χ. 711

Act of Parlt. Government. African Settlements, &c. 23 & 24 V.c.121.1860. XI. 265

Act of Parliament. Offences



..........26 & 27 Vict. c. 35. 1863. ΧΙ. 904

Warrant. Postage. Letters. Cape of Good Hope, &c....... 21st Feb., 1851. IX. 305
Warrant. Postage. Books, &c. Cape of Good Hope......30th Jan., 1852. ІХ. 123

Repealed by Warrant, 22nd February, 1855.

Warrant. Postage. Books, Votes, &c. (Cape)

Repealed by Warrant, 21st July, 1857.

Warrant. Postage. Books, &c. (Natal)

Repealed by Warrant, 21st July, 1857.

.....22nd Feb., 1855. Χ. 291

................12th May, 1856. Χ. 425

Vol. Page

Warrant. Postage. Letters (Ascension, &c.) .........................................21st March, 1857.
Repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863.

Warrant. Postage. Letters (Cape).

Partially repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863.

Warrant. Postage. Letters (Natal)...

.20th April, 1857. X. 708

....... 19th May, 1857. XI. 924

Partially repealed by Warrants, 18th and 17th March, 1863.
Warrant. Postage. Books, &c. (Cape and Natal).........21st July, 1857. XI. 688
Warrant. Postage. Books, &c. (Ascension).............. .2nd Sept., 1857. XI. 701
Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863.
Warrant. Postage. Letters (St. Helena)..

.16th Aug., 1858. XI. 932

Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863.

Warrant. Postage. Letters (St. Helena)

.6th Sept., 1858. XI. 936

Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863.
Warrant. Postage. Books, &c. (Cape Ports)..
Warrant. Postage. Letters (Cape).........

Partially repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863.

Warrant. Postage. Letters (Natal)...

Repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863.

Warrant. Postage. Letters (Cape and Natal)

.6th June, 1859. XI. 950
.7th February, 1860. XI. 27

.12th November, 1861. XI. 5

16th March, 1863. XI. 997

Warrant. Postage. Letters (St. Helena, Ascension, &c.) 16th March, 1863. XI. 997



ABBEOKUTA. Agreement. Slave Trade. Human Sacrifices. 7th Nov., 1861. XI. 42
ABO-DEN-ARFO. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ......27th Jan., 1852. IX. 12
ABOH. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ..................28th Aug., 1841. VII.




ADAFFIE. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ...... .29th January, 1852. IX.
ADINNAR COOMA. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ...29th Jan., 1852. IX.
AFFLOWHOO. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce............28th Jan., 1852. IX. 13
AGHWEY. Treaty. Slave Trade, Commerce .2nd February, 1852. IX. 13
AKEDO. Declaration. Commerce
......24th November, 1860. XI.
AMBRIZ. Treaty. Commerce, &c.................................... ........Ambriz, 15th Dec., 1849. IX.
AMBRIZETTE. Treaty. Slare Trade. Commerce ...17th September, 1855. X.
ANGIANA. Agreement. Slave Trade. Commerce ...27th Nov.. 1860. XI.
ANTONIO LAHOU. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ...28 Feb., 1848. VIII.
BADAGRY. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce..... .18th March, 1852. IX. 14

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BADAGRY. Treaty. Commerce

BASSAMBRA. Agreement. Reparation

.19th June, 1861. XI. 39

8th November, 1860. XI. 29

BATANGA. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ............5th July, 1847. VIII. 17
BATANGA BENITO. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce...7th April, 1848. VIII. 47
BENIN. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation
4th April, 1851. IX. 14

BENTO (BRASS) RIVER. Agreement. Commerce, &c. ......17th Nov., 1856. X. 691
BEREIRA. Treaty. Commerce. Slave Trade....28th May, 1845. VII. 67
BIAFOROS. Treaty. Slave Trade. Cession. Bulama, &c. ...24th June, 1827. XI. 7
BIMBIA. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ...........17th Feb., 1844. VII. 54
BIMBIA. Acts. Ratification &c. of do............Bimbia, 24th Feb., 1846. VII. 55, 56
BIMBIA. Engagement. Human Sacrifices.......... ...31st March, 1848. VIII. 42
BIMBIA. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation
.19th December, 1850. IX.
BIMBIA. Engagement. Peace. Government
7th February, 1855. X.
BIOMBO. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce.
..24th May. 1849. VIII. 56




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