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It is, I believe, proposed to place, for the ensuing year, these departments under the control and supervision of one professor.

In view of this, I would suggest that the appropriations made to these departments be consolidated under one head, called horticultural department. Formerly, they were under separate superintendents, and there was necessity for separate appropriations to each, and for the keeping of separate accounts with each; but since this superintendence is to be changed, it would simplify his work as well as the keeping of his account to classify them all under one head in the appropriation schedule, and enable him to use the funds appropriated where it seemed most necessary.

The appropriation to the college library was $200, all of which was expended.

The appropriation to the chemical department was $200. The department shows a balance of $198 36 gain.

The physics department shows a loss of $99. The appropriation to it was $300.

The mechanical department expended $317 65 out of its appropriation of $400, leaving a balance of the appropriation unexpended of $82 35. The appropriation to the department of agricultural chemistry was $400. It overdrew its account $28 66.

The mathematical department shows a balance to its credit of $95 85. The appropriation to traveling and general expenses was $1,000. expenses were,


General expenses,


$396 11

328 47

510 31

$1,234 89

Making an overdraft of $234 89. It will be noticed that the postage account has reached the sum of $328 47. It is suggested that either a separate appropriation be made for this purpose, or that it be hereafter considered a part of the advertising, and be posted to advertising and printing ac


The military department shows a loss of $2 05.

The appropriation to repairs and improvements was $2,000. There is a balance of $21 07 unexpended. The principle items of this account are as follows:

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Hardware, nails, locks, hinges, glass, cement, &c.,

367 14

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The balance of $202 59 is for mason work and various small items of tinning, &c. The pointing on portions of the college building was out, and the stone work exposed to the weather, besides letting in a great deal of cold. A good deal was done in the way of repointing the worst places, and in filling in around windows where the casings had shrunk away from

the walls; as a consequence, the rooms are much warmer and the building in better condition.

The college building shows a loss of $1,485 21. This account is made up of the following accounts: Oil and light, water supply, janitor, incidentals, coal, furniture, room rent, and general damages.

The receipts of the students do not pay the expenses of their different departments of the college building, and some provision should be made for supplying the deficiency.

The past year was somewhat exceptional, in that the winter was unusually severe, and the drouth of the summer caused a greater drain on our water supply on the part of our neighbors than is usual. The furniture of the college, which was very much broken, was repaired, and the free scholarship established recently, together with the reduced rates for admission of students, helped to bring about the result.

The music account shows a gain of $16 75.

The house rent account has contributed to the income of the college, in addition to the amount charged to the department of instruction, $34 50. The college farm shows a net gain, after paying $318 62 for the campus, of $464 11.

The ice-house shows a loss of $37 43. The ice was sold at one half cent per pound, and it should have been sold at a cent. It was believed that the cheaper rate would have paid the expenses, but the waste was greater than was anticipated. The college last year endeavored to make use of an excavation near the reservoir for the purpose of an ice pond, and, by laying a pipe to it from the reservoir, fill it with water. The attempt was made, but when the pond was about half full a large portion of the bottom fell out, and the experiment was a failure. The ice, therefore, had to be hauled about four miles, which made it expensive.

For the year 1882 it is proposed to run water into the old quarry near the east entrance to the college grounds, and fill the ice-house from that. If this pond were enlarged a little the college could use it for this purpose very satisfactorily, and I recommend that during the coming year this quarry be so enlarged as to make it suitable for this use.

The uniform account shows a gain of $24 15.

Loss and gain account shows a net gain in the past year in all the departments of the college of $2,837 99, being $262 99 more than the sinking fund appropriation, which was $2,575.

The treasury account shows a balance on hand of $2,676 26.

The bills payable account shows notes outstanding December 31, 1881, amounting to $46,324 73. A complete list is hereto appended :

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The total indebtedness of the college, December 31, 1881, is as follows:

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Amount of indebtedness to be paid for by renewal of notes, $30.871 75

The business manager desires instruction in regard to the charges made to students for college expenses.

1st. Are students who enter college late in a term to be charged full rates, from the beginning of the term, or from the time that they enter? 2d. When students leave college before the end of the term, are they entitled to drawbacks on their accounts? and if so, how is the amount to be refunded to be estimated?

The attention of the board is called to the account of J. P. Neshikian, a student from Armenia, who has been in college during the past year, but whose work and other payments do not meet his expenses. Shall the college assume his bills or must he look up some other way of settling his accounts?

The business manager has rented a house for the use of J. C. Johnstonbaugh, an employé of the college, and has agreed to give it to him for Occupancy on the 1st of next April.

This was rendered a necessity in order to retain the services of this man, who is a valuable employé. The rent to be paid is fifty-five dollars and the taxes.

The business manager also placed in the kitchen end of the president's house, John Garner, who is to have the use of the house for keeping it in order. Great difficulty was experienced in keeping this house closed, and this plan was resorted to in order to secure the house against invaders.

A boarding club has been given possession of a portion of what is known as the steward's apartments, free of rent and fuel charges.

Balance Sheet of the Pennsylvania State College, December 31, 1881.

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