inclusive for reduction of Debt, distinguishing the sums expressly provided for service of the Debt, the Old Sinking Fund, and Miscellaneous Receipts; the Gross amount of Debt redeemed; the amount of Debt created, and the net Increase or Decrease of Debt in the Year. A similar statement in respect of Other Capital Liabilities.
A similar statement in respect of the Aggregate Gross Liabilities of the State (in continuation of No. 82 of 1927).
103 [July 12.] East India (Budget)
The Budget of the Governor General of India in Council for 1928-29.
104 [July 16.] Royal Hospital, Chelsea
Account of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Com- missioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, for Ser- vices other than those voted by Parliament) in the Year ended 31st March 1928; with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In con- tinuation of No. 90 of 1927.)
105-[July 16.] Foods and Drugs (Adulteration Bill) [H.L.] ... First Report by the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons appointed to consider all Consolidation Bills in the present Session, with Appendices.
106 [July 17.] Registration (Births, Deaths and Marriages) Bill
Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee A. 107 [July 18.] Educational Endowments (Scotland) Bill (Lords)
Report and Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills.
108 [July 18.] Petroleum (Consolidation Bill) (Lords) Special Report from the Joint Committee on Consolida- tion Bills.
109 [July 18.] Experiments on Living Animals Sir Vivian Henderson.
Return showing the Number of Experiments on Living Animals during the Year 1927, under Licences granted in pursuance of the Act 39 and 40 Vict. c. 77, distinguishing the Nature of the Experiments (in continuation of No. 87 of 1927).
110-[July 19.] Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act,
Tithe (Administration of Trusts) Measure, 1928, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England.
111-[July 19.] Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act,
Thirty-third Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee, being a Report on the Tithe (Administration of Trusts) Measure, 1928.
112-[July 19.] Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act,
Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure, 1928, passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England.
113 [July 19.] Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act,
Thirty-fourth Report by the Ecclesiastical Committee being a Report on the Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure, 1928.
First and Second Reports from the Select Committee on Estimates, with Proceedings, Evidence, Appen- dices and Index.
115 [July 23.] Consolidation Bills, 1928
Special Reports from the Joint Committee on Con- solidation Bills on the Food and Drugs (Adultera- tion) Bill [H.L.] and the Petroleum (Consolidation) Bill [H.L.], with Appendices; with the Proceedings and Evidence.
116 [July 24.] Publication and Debates Reports
Report from the Select Committee with the Pro- ceedings, Evidence, Appendix and Index.
117-[July 24.] The Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland VI, 863 Report from the Select Committee with the Proceed- ings, Evidence, Appendices and Index.
118 [July 25.] Housing Act
Account showing the Money issued out of the Consoli- dated Fund; the Money borrowed and the Securities created in respect thereof; and the Expenditure of a capital nature incurred by the Scottish Board of Health and the Commissioners of Works respectively, under the Housing Act, 1914, for the period ended 31st March, 1928, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of No. 109 of 1927.)
119 [July 25.] Development Commission
Eighteenth Report of the Development Commissioners for the Year ended 31st March, 1928.
120-[July 26.] Merchant Shipping (Line-Throwing Appliance)
Report and proceedings of Standing Committee C.
121-[July 26.] Rag Flock Act (1911) Amendment Bill
Report and proceedings of Standing Committee A.
122-[July 27.] Adjournment Motions under Standing Order
Return of Motions for Adjournment under Standing Order No. 10, showing the date of such Motion, the name of the Member proposing, the definite matter of urgent public importance, and the result of any Division taken thereon, during Sessions 1926 to 1928 (in continuation of No. 202 of 1924-25).
123 [July 27.] Business of the House
The Deputy-Chairman.
Return showing with reference to Session 1928 the total number of days on which the House sat and the days on which business of Supply was considered
(in continuation of No. 131 of 1927).
124-[July 27.] Closure of Debate (Standing Order No. 26).. XIX. 189
Return respecting application of Standing Order No. 26 (Closure of Debate) during Session 1928 in the House and in Committee of the Whole House, and in the Standing Committees (in continuation of No. 132 of 1927).
125 [July 31.] Local Legislation
Special Report from the Select Committee with the Proceedings of the Committee.
126 [Aug. 2.] British Sugar (Subsidy) Act, 1925 By Act.
Statements, in the form of balance sheets, transmitted by companies which manufactured, in Great Britain in 1927-28, sugar and/or molasses from home-grown beet. Section I.-Factories.
127-[Aug. 2.] Ministry of Pensions
Eleventh Annual Report of the Minister of Pensions for the year ended 31st March, 1928.
Standing Orders of the House of Commons. Part I.- Public Business. Part II.-Private Business. With Table of Fees and Index, 1928.
129 [Aug. 3.] State Management Districts
Annual Report for the year ended 31st March, 1928.
130-[Aug. 3.] Parliamentary Papers
List of Bills, Reports, Estimates, and Accounts and Papers, printed by Order of the House, and of Papers presented by Command, Session 1928, with a General Alphabetical Index thereto. 34th Parlia- ment, Fourth Session, 18th George V., 7th February, 1928, to 3rd August, 1928.
0.001-[July 27.] Private Bills and Private Business The Deputy-Chairman.
Return of the number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Provisional Order Bills introduced into the House of Commons and brought from the House of Lords, and of Acts passed in Session 1928: Of all the Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Provisional Order Bills which, in Session 1928, have been re- ported on by Committees on Opposed Private Bills or by Committees nominated partly by the House and partly by the Committee of Selection, with the names of the selected Members who served on each Committee; the number of days on which each Com- mittee sat, and on which each selected Member served; the number of days occupied by each Bill; the Bills the Preambles of which were proved; the Bills the Preambles of which were not proved; and, in the case of Provisional Order Bills, whether the Provisional Orders ought or ought not to be confirmed:
Of all Private Bills and Provisional Order Bills which, in Session 1928, have been referred to the Com- mittee on Unopposed Bills, with the names of the Members who served on the Committee, the number of days on which the Committee sat, and on which each Member was summoned and attended: And of the Number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Provisional Order Bills withdrawn or not pro- ceeded with by the parties (in continuation of No. 0.005 of 1927).
0.002-[July 27.] Public Bills
The Deputy-Chairman.
Return of the number of Public Bills, distinguish- ing Government from other Bills, introduced into this House, or brought from the House of Lords, during Session 1928; showing the number which received the Royal Assent; the number which were passed by this House, but not by the House of Lords; the number passed by the House of Lords, but not by this House; and distinguishing the stages at which such Bills as did not receive the Royal Assent were dropped or postponed and re- jected in either House of Parliament (in continua- tion of No. 0.001 of 1927).
0.003 [July 27.] Public Petitions
The Deputy-Chairman. Return of the Number of Public Petitions Presented and Printed in Session 1928; with the Total Number of Signatures in that Session (in continuation of No. 0.002 of 1927).
0.004-[July 27.] Select Committees
Return of the Number of Select Committees appointed in Session 1928, and the Court of Referees; the Subjects of Inquiry; the Names of the Members appointed to Serve on each, and of the Chairman of each; the Number of Days each Committee Met, and the Number of Days each Member Attended; the Total Expense of the Attendance of Witnesses at each Select Committee, and the Name of the Member who moved for such Select Committee; also the Total Number of Members who Served on Select Com- mittees (in continuation of No. 0.003 of 1927).
The Deputy-Chairman. Return, for Session 1928, of the Total Number and the Names of all Members (including and distinguish- ing Chairmen) who have been appointed to serve on one or more of the five Standing Committees ap- pointed under Standing Order No. 47, showing, with regard to each Member, the number of sittings to which he was summoned and at which he was present; the number of Bills considered by all and by each of the Standing Committees, the number of days on which each Committee sat, and the names of all Bills considered by a Standing Committee, distin- guishing where a Bill was a Government Bill or was brought from the House of Lords, and showing, in the case of each Bill, the particular Standing Com- mittee by whom it was considered, the number of days on which it was considered by the Committee, and the number of members present on each of those days (in continuation of No. 0.004 of 1927).
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