POLICY DETERMINATION 31, EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT, December 9, 1965. RESTRICTION OF PROCUREMENT TO THE UNITED STATES OR LDCS MEETING CERTAIN CONDITIONS The attached Policy Determination was approved by the Deputy Administrator on December 6, 1965. It restricts commodity procurement under grant program assistance to the United States or to Less Developed Countries that meet certain conditions. The policy is designed to reduce foreign payments under the AID program and thereby further lessen AID's adverse impact on the U.S. balance of payments. Responsibility for installation of these procedures and the drafting and clearing of appropriate manual orders is assigned to AA/MR with regard to manual orders on geographic source (1414.1, 1414.1.1) and on commodity financing by SLC's (1457.5); and to A/CONT with regard to manual orders on methods of payment and accounting for SLC's. Clearance of manual orders should be through usual procedures in cooperation with A/MP. Attachments List B-4, Pos. 5 List C-2 List M., Pos. 13 FREDERIC L. CHAPIN, List B-6, Pos. 13 I. PURPOSE This policy is designed to reduce foreign payments under the AID program and thereby further lessen AID's adverse impact on the U.S. balance of payments. II. POLICY Commodity procurement under grant program assistance is restricted to the United States, or to LDCs where the following conditions are met: A. A major U.S. assistance purpose would be served as a result of such procurement. In general, such procurement would be limited to Less Developed Countries where the United States has a major aid program, and/or which can supply urgent aid requirements for third countries more promptly than the United States, as in Taiwan for Vietnam, Thailand for Laos and the Philippines and Malaysia for Southeast Asia. B. The supplying Less Developed Country must agree to accept payment in dollars tied to financing imports from the United States through a special letter of credit. (413) PROBLEMS FACING THE TOOL AND DIE INDUSTRY HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON SPECIAL SMALL BUSINESS PROBLEMS OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION PURSUANT TO H. Res. 66 A RESOLUTION CREATING A SELECT COMMITTEE TO CONDUCT WASHINGTON, D.C., MAY 20, 21, JUNE 3, 4, AND JULY 5, 1969 32-579 Printed for the use of Select Committee on Small BushAW LIBRARY DEC 22 1969 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1969 |