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This assessed valuation will be of interest in connection with the following table of high schools accredited to the University of Missouri showing the numbers in relation to assessed valuation.

Number of accredited high schools with an assessed valuation of

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These are town schools and do not have to transport children. If we allow for transportation, the $383,835 assessed valuation of this district will be about the equivalent of $290,000 in a town district. And there are of such districts 17 which have accredited high schools (about 12 per cent of the high schools of the state).

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This means that under the law this district may organize as a town school district, having as it does over 200 children of school age (R. S. Mo. 1911, sec 10864), and will thereby be entitled to certain privileges, as for instance the privilege of increasing the maximum levy to 100 cents for school purposes (R. S. Mo. 1911, sec. 10825).

II. TRANSPORTATION. - Five routes will take care of all the children living more than one-half mile from the school house (children living less than one-half mile distant are not entitled to transportation under the law). The roads are in the main good clay roads.

The distances in every route are very reasonable and no child need be on the road more than one hour. The average will be twenty minutes. The wagons will usually carry less than the totals given because of absences from school.

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Length of Term, months.

Salary of Teachers

Salary of Janitor

Salary of Clerk


Total Incidentals

Total Salary and Inc.
Assessed Valuation

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$350.00 $400.00 $440.00 $400.00 $805.00 $2395.00

6.30 22.90 16.45 16.00 35.00 96.65 5.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 42.00 13.48 22.71 40.40 15.00 35.00 126.59 60.55 74.36 209.38 47.00 153.97 745.26 410.55 474.36 649.38 447.00 958.97 3140.26 53,030 97,850 69,635 73,010 111,755 383,835 40 40 75



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Transportation. There are 117 children to be transported daily. Those living in the village would walk. Figuring from cost in other states, we may set the cost at $1 per child per month. The total cost will be approximately $1000.

Teachers. The average daily attendance is 162. Five teachers can take care of these and the principal can teach some high school work in addition. Four of these teachers can be easily secured for $40, because while $50 is paid to get rural school teachers, as good a quality or better can be secured in a graded school for less money. The present principal of the village school can be retained for $65.

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A five-room school building can be heated for $65 a year in this locality.

Janitor service can be secured for $75 for the year on the basis that the two-room school in the village pays $35 a year.

Clerk's expenses would amount to about $15 for all purposes. These total as follows:

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This means practically, however, that three of the districts, B, C, and D, levying 40 cents, would have to raise their assessment while the other two would lower to strike an average.

The best proposition to be made and fought out in these districts is this: Are you willing to raise your levy to 65 cents and have a graded school with three years' work in the high school and six teachers employed?

This can be easily done for 65 cents on $383,835 assessed valuation of the whole district. The whole district would give an increase of $490, which would more than enable the district to hire an additional high school teacher and give three years of high school work.

Natural growth of sentiment with the success of the school would undoubtedly increase the levy because that always happens in towns, and farmers are just as friendly to education as are city patrons if they can see that they are getting the worth of their money in better schools.

Initial Cost of Consolidation. This is difficult to state in terms that would hold for every locality. It so happens that there are three buildings in these districts, none more than 21 miles from the village, in good condition, that could be moved in and used. This with the two-roomed village school would take care of all the pupils and the initial cost would be largely the cost of moving them in and repairing them. This cost would be largely defrayed by the sale of the sites and the remaining school building. Later the district could build a good modern building, and the sooner the better.

A proposition to build a new building would depend upon what the sentiment of the district is. The village would very probably be willing as individuals to pay a good part of the initial cost of putting up such a building on ample school grounds.

Five covered wagons to be owned by the district would cost in addition about $150 each.


Another group of districts in which the saving would be much greater is the following. The saving is greater because the number of pupils in each school is smaller.

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Two teachers could take care of these children easily in a central school. Two buildings are in excellent condition, and could be moved into the center. Three wagons would cost $450. They could pay their teachers $40 a month, as at present. The estimates of expense would be as follows:

2 teachers at $40 a month for 8 months
46 pupils to transport at, say, $1.50 a month
(Three wagons would be necessary)
Incidental expense in total


Comparison. 4 districts at present spend

Consolidated district


$ 640



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This means that all the children would have an eight-month school where now only one school has, that they would have two teachers with four grades to a room and only 23 pupils in each

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