REGULAR ARMY. No. 86. REGIMENTAL STRENGTH of the REGULAR ARMY, by ARMS, YEARS (Compiled from the General Annual Reports on the British Army.) Royal Royal (IST OCTOBER). Cavalry. Artillery. Engineers. Infantry. Service Corps. Royal Corps. borrowed. (c) (a) The figures for these years include the Territorial Force. Prisoners of War are included except those of the Territorial Force for the years 1915, 1916 and 1917. (b) The figures for 1919 and 1920 include that portion of the old Territorial Force not disembodied; those for 1920 do not include the new Territorial Force as reconstituted in February, 1920. (c) Troops of the Indian Army borrowed from India, and employed on garrison duties in China, Singapore, &c; the figures for the 1st October, 1920, include, also, all Expeditionary Indian Troops employed under the War Office. TERRITORIAL ARMY. No. 87. STRENGTH of the TERRITORIAL FORCE, by ARMS, ALL RANKS, on the 1st October from 1911 to 1913; and of the TERRITORIAL ARMY (as reconstituted in February, 1920) on the 1st October, from 1920 to 1924. (Compiled from the General Annual Reports on the British Army.) (a) Separate details are not available for the years 1914 to 1919, when the Territorial Force was mobilized and serving with the British Forces in the Field. ROYAL AIR FORCE. No. 88. STRENGTH of the ROYAL AIR FORCE and ROYAL AIR FORCE RESERVES on 31st March in each YEAR from 1920 to 1926. IMPERIAL REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c. No. 89.-АMOUNT of the ESTIMATED and ACTUAL IMPERIAL REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the UNITED KINGDOM, with the difference between the ESTIMATED and ACTUAL AMOUNTS, and the SURPLUS or DEFICIENCY of INCOME. (Compiled from the Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom.) (a) These amounts were applied in purchasing and paying off debt during the respective years, and, under the Finance Acts, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923 and 1924 respectively, did not become Old Sinking Fund, but were deemed to be expenditure within the meaning of the Sinking Fund Act, 1875. (b) This includes £25,000,000 provided in the Budget for Supplementary Estimates, which, however, only amounted to £18,831,000. IMPERIAL REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c. No. 90. AMOUNT of the IMPERIAL REVENUE (Exchequer Receipts) of the UNITED (Compiled from the Finance Accounts 1911-2.1912-3. 1913-4. 1914-5. 1915-6. 1916-7. 1917-8. 1918-9. Customs Excise 33,649,000 33,485,000 35,450,000 38,662,000 59,606,000 70,561,000 71,261,000 102,780,000 38,380,000 38,000,000 39,590,000 42,313,000 61,210,000 56,380,000 38,772,000 59,440,000 1 25,392,000 25,248,000 27,359,000 28,382,000 31,035,000 31,232,000 31,674,000 30,262,000 9,454,000 10,059,000 9,966,000 7,577,000 6,764,000 7,878,000 8,300,000 12,438,000 750,000 700,000 700,000 630,000 660,000 640,000 665,000 630,000 2,130,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,930,000 1,990,000 1,940,000 1,960,000 1,850,000 41,804,000 41,206,000 43,929,000 59,279,000 111,555,000 185,930,000 216,252,000 255,591,000 | 3,000,000 3,600,000 3,320,000 10,120,000 16,765,000 19,103,000 23,257,000 35,595,000 481,000 455,000 715,000 412,000 140,000 139,920,000 220,214,000 285,028,000 363,000 521,000 685,000 664,000 155,040,000 154,753,000 163,029,000 189,305,000 290,088,000 514,105,000 613,040,000 784,278,000 Postal Service Telegraph Service Crown Lands (Net Receipts) 19,650,000 20,300,000 21,190,000 20,400,000 24,100,000 24,350,000 25,200,000 29,400,000 Nominal rate Rate on Earned Income Rate of Super 1915-16.(c) 1916-17 and 1918-19 and 2s. 6d. } 1920-21.(d) 1922-23.(d) 1923-4 and 1925 and 1921-2. 1924-5.(d) 4s. 6d. 68. 58. 46. 1s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. 2s. 3d. to 5s. 28. 3d. to 6s. IMPERIAL REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &C. KINGDOM under the PRINCIPAL HEADS thereof in each Year ended 31st March. of the United Kingdom.) 1919-20. 1920-1.1921-2. 1922-3, 1923-4. 1924-5. 1925-6. 149,360,000 134 003,000 130,052,000 123,043,000 119,958,000 99,344,000 103,487,000 Customs. 1 7,073,000 11,096,000 12,321,000 14,691,000 16,164,000 18,056,000 40,904,000 47,729,000 52,191,000 56,871,000 57,800,000 59,450,000 61,200,000 22,586,000 26,591,000 19,638,000 22,222,000 21,570,000 22,850,000 24,700,000 680,000 650,000 630,000 650,000 600,000 700,000 675,000 1,960,000 1,900,000 1,960,000 2,110,000 1,900,000 500,000 30,000 316,926,000 338,865,000 337,027,000 314,836,000 269,331,000 273,836,000 259,411,000 | 42,173,000 55,281,000 61,730,000 64,209,000 60,640,000 62,680,000 68,510,000 290,045,000 219,181,000 30,452,000 2,004,000 700,000 2,000,000 650,000 17,516,000 18,977,000 23,340,000 18,100,000 11,670,000 245,000 663,000 20,000 130,000 220,000 260,000 250,000 998,960,000 1031,725,000 856,713,000 774,738,000 718,060,000 689,702,000 634,544,000 Motor Vehicle Duties House Duty. Excess Profits Duty. Total. 31,000,000 36,100,000 40,000,000 34,150,000 32,840,000 34,850,000 35,750,000 4,850,000 5,200,000 5,900,000 5,500,000 5,570,000 5,600,000 5,650,000 8,300,000 8,200,000 10,500,000 13,550,000 14,390,000 15,000,000 15,950,000 680,000 660,000 820,000 900,000 920,000 960,000 950,000 14,951,921 30,770,729 13,807,337 10,016,255 12,606,900 11,940,883 14,944,459 Postal Service. 1,359,000 1,803,000 1,361,000 1,653,827 1,695,000 1,686,879 1,914,488 279,470,459 311,526,937 195,778,536 73,504,370 51,087,381 39,695,833 52,358,711 Miscellaneous: Fee and Patent Stamps. Receipts by Civil Departments, &c. 280,829,459 313,328,937 197,159,536 75,158,197 52,782,384 41,382,712 54,273,199 Total Miscellaneous. 1339,571,380 1425,984 666 1124,879,873 914,012,452 837,169,284 799,435,595 812,061,658 TOTAL REVENUE. (b) The rates for 1914-15 were doubled for the last four months of the Income Tax year. (c) The rates of Income Tax for 1915-16 were increased by 40 per cent, for the second half of the Income Tax year and the scale of Super Tax extended to 3s. 6d. (d) Relief for earned income was given for the years 1920-21 to 1924-25 inclusive by deducting one-tenth (with maximum deduction of £200) from the total income to be taxed. For 1925-26 this deduction was increased to one-sixth, with a maximum deduction of £250, IMPERIAL REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &C. No. 91. AMOUNT of the IMPERIAL EXPENDITURE (Exchequer Issues) I.-CONSOLIDATED FUND National Debt Services: (d) Interest of Funded Debt Interest of Unfunded Management of the Debt Total Outside the Permanent or From 1923-4 inclusive: Interest of Funded Debt Interest of Terminable Interest of Treasury Interest of U.S.A. Interest of Other Unfunded Debt. Management and Expenses. New Sinking Fund (1923) Total National Debt Services Development Fund Road Fund (a) Payments to Local Taxation Accounts, &c. (b) Year ended (Compiled from the Finance Accounts | 1911-2. 1912-3. 1913-4. 1914-5. 1915-6. 1916-7. 1917-8. 1918-9. 15,202,702 15,000,752 14,787,109 14,632,008 12,934,406 7,965,587 7,952,475 7,949,299 24,500,000 24,500,000 24,500,000 22,668,896 60,249,311 127,250,494 189,851,066 269,964,650 500,000 1,209,859 1,172,205 1,394,951 1,528,365 694,395 9,636,399 9,653,299 9,734,128 9,529,134 9,756,851 9,895,466 9,730,538 9,680,812 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 470,000 315,029 332,487 338,331 56,122 | 55,891. 524,370 521,353 Total Consolidated Fund Services (carried for-} 37,539,100 37,017,930 37,322,969 35,419,809 73,488,347 139,119,657 201,252,085 281,344,868 (a) Including Road Improvement Fund, to 31st December 1920. (b) For details, see pp. 158 and 159. (c) Interest, &c., on debt created under the War Loan Acts, 1914 to 1919. |