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Dear Sir:-

Kindly reply in full to questions below and return

to writer at earliest convenience.

A. 1. Does your railroad do work in agricultural development?

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5. How much is your annual appropriation for agricultural development work?

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

8. How many years has your agricultural work been carried

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

11. How do you settle the proportion of expenses in cases

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B. Please enumerate below all the different lines of agricultural development work which your railroad is carrying on. (examples; agronomy, farmers' institutes, animal husbandry, agricultural trains, etc;)



3. •


5. •

C. Please state below the methods that you emply in carrying
out the different lines of work in agricultural development.
Give the different lines of work. This should tally with
Question B.




D. Please attach to this questionnaire any literature, publications or bulletins that you have put out in reference to your agricultural development work.



Name of R.R.



In a letter of transmittal to the Secretary of Agriculture,Dr.A.G.True, Director of the Office of Experiment Stations, in regard to the recommendation of the publication of a bulletin, says, the manifestation of interest by the transportation companies of the country in the development of agriculture has recently become so pronounced and general as to attract the attention of all who are engaged in rural betterment. This interest has been shown chiefly in their providing and running special trains for the dissemination of agricultural information among farmers, and in their appointment of agricultural experts to positions in the management of the roads to give attention to the development of rural communities and to the proper handling of agricultural products shipped over their routes.

Development in this direction is now so extended and the extension service has become such an important feature in agricultural extension that definite information respecting it is needed in order that it may be utilized still more widely and efficiently by the institutions engaged in agricultural 1

extension work."

Motives for Extension Work.

The primary purpose for attention given by the railroads to agricultural development, is increased tonnage. A second reason is the development of the lands tributary to 1. Office of Experiment Stations. Circular. No. 112.

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