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of its indebtedness, then the overpayment will be refunded, together with interest at the rates ruling on three-months British Treasury bills over the period during which such excess payments shall have been in the hands of the British Clearing Office.

3. By way of reduction of the sum in arrear under the said British note, which amounts to £793,000 or thereabouts, the Austrian Government will pay to the British Clearing Office on or before the 30th September, 1924, the sum of £100,000, and in consideration of such payment being duly made, the balance of such amount shall not be regarded as in arrear.

4. Without prejudice to the contention of the Austrian Clearing Office, which is not admitted by the British Clearing Office, that nationality and ownership should be established at and from the 12th August, 1914, the Austrian Clearing Office agrees that it will admit the British claims under article 248 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain in respect of the bonded debt for which the Austrian Government is liable without requiring any further evidence as to the claimants' nationality or ownership, except in particular cases where it may show special grounds for doubt upon these points. Even in such cases it will not require further evidence as to nationality and ownership if the British Clearing Office certify to the Austrian Clearing Office that it has satisfied itself that there is no ground for questioning the correctness of the claim in these respects. Except in particular cases in which the nationality or ownership may be questioned, the whole of the claims now outstanding in which the relative bonds and coupons have been or shall be delivered to the Austrian Clearing Office before the 30th September next, will be dealt with by the Austrian Clearing Office before the 31st December, 1924, and in respect of any claims not so dealt with penal interest shall run from that date under paragraph 10 of the annex to article 248 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain.

5. This Agreement shall come into force as from the date of the signature thereof upon notification through the usual diplomatic channels of its approval by the two Governments.

Signed in London on this the 24th day of July, 1924.

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Austrian Department of Foreign Affairs to British Legation. Bundeskanzleramt, Auswärtige Angelegenheiten.


BEZUGNEHMEND auf die geschätzte Verbalnote vom 11. August,* beehrt sich das Bundeskanzleramt, Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, bekanntzugeben, dass die österreichische Bundesregierung das am 24. Juli laufendes Jahres in London zwischen dem Präsidenten des

* No. II (i).

österreichischen Abrechnungsamtes und dem Administrator of Austrian Property abgeschlossene Übereinkommen, betreffend die Regelung rückständiger Clearingzahlungen, genehmigt hat.

Wien, am 11. September 1924.


Federal Chancellery, Department for Foreign Affairs.

Note verbale.

WITH reference to the esteemed note verbale of the 11th August, the Federal Chancellery, Department for Foreign Affairs, has the honour to state that the Austrian Federal Government has approved the Agreement concerning the settlement of arrears of Clearing Office payments concluded in London on the 24th July, 1924, between the President of the Austrian Clearing Office and the Administrator of Austrian Property.

Vienna, September 11, 1924.

No. III (i).

Memorandum of Agreement.

HAVING regard to the Agreement between the two Clearing Offices signed in London on the 24th July, 1924, it is hereby agreed on behalf of the Governments concerned :

(1.) That the British Clearing Office shall make a repayment to the Austrian Government of the sum of £341,670 4s. 11d.

(2.) That the British Clearing Office shall deduct and retain from the above-mentioned sum of £341,670 4s. 11d. :

(a.) The amount of £35,401 in full and final discharge of the claim of the British Government (including the claims. of the Government of India, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and also Southern Rhodesia, but not including the claim of the Dominion of Canada) for the costs of repatriation of Austrian prisoners of war and civilians.

(b.) The amount of £9,955 10s. 3d. in full and final payment of the British costs of all Boundary Commissions including the Czechoslovak Boundary Commission, Austria-Hungary-Yugoslavia Commission, Austria-Italy Commission and Sopron Plebiscite Commission.

(c.) The amount of £46,313 14s. 8d. as security for the costs of the British section of the Inter-Allied Commissions of Control, namely, Military Commission, Aeronautical

Commission and Naval Commission, it being understood that this sum and the use thereof shall be at the disposal of the British Government until such time as payment is agreed upon and made, but that in the event of the Reparation Commission finally deciding that such payment, in whole or in part, is not to be made, the sum in question shall in so far be refunded by the British. Clearing Office.

(3.) That the amount of £250,000, resulting after a deduction of the amounts mentioned under (a), (b) and (c) above, shall be remitted by the British Clearing Office to the Österreichische Nationalbank in favour of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance within fourteen days after coming into force of this Agreement.

Together with the sum above mentioned of £250,000, interest on the sum of £341,670 4s. 11d. shall also be paid by the British Clearing Office, calculated according to paragraph (2) of the Agreement of the 24th July, 1924, namely, at the rates ruling on three months' British Treasury Bills. Such interest shall be calculated as to the amount of £250,000 from the 30th September, 1925, to the date of payment, and, as to the amount of £91,670 4s. 11d., from the 31st March, 1925, to the date of payment.

Should any further refunds be made of the instalment monies paid by the Abrechnungsamt under the provisions of the AngloAustrian note of the 27th August, 1920, the interest to be paid by the British Clearing Office in accordance with the Agreement of the 24th July, 1924, shall be calculated month by month as follows that is to say, upon the balance to Austria's credit on the first of each month, to an amount not greater than the balance of the instalments after deducting any refund of those instalments already made, and not greater than the amount of the refund then about to be made.

(4.) That, in connexion with future repayments under the Agreement of the 24th July, 1924, the British Clearing Office will not seek to deduct or retain any sums except :—

(a.) Sums due to the British Clearing Office under the Clearing Office procedure;

(b.) Sums arising from any debt of the Austrian Government to the British Government which may have fallen due at or before the moment of such repayment.

(5.) That in the event of the Dominion of Canada signifying its assent to the payment by the Austrian Government of the agreed quota together with interest, namely, the sum of £1,211, as full and final settlement of its claim for the costs of repatriation of Austrian prisoners of war and civilians, the sum of £341,670 48. 11d. mentioned in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) and the sum of £35,401 mentioned in paragraph (2) (a) and the sum of £91,670 4s. 11d. mentioned in paragraph (3) shall be increased to the sums of £342.881 4s. 11d., £36,612 and £92,881 4s. 11d. respectively.

The interest on the amount of £1,211 shall in that case be paid by the British Clearing Office within fourteen days of the notification by the Dominion of Canada to the British Government that the Dominion accepts the Agreement, but not before the payments provided for in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) are to be made.

(6.) That this Agreement shall come into force upon notification through the usual diplomatic channels of its approval by the two Governments.

Signed in Vienna on this the 11th day of August, 1927.

Deputy Controller of Finance,
His Britannic Majesty's


For the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance,


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Mr. Federal Chancellor, Vienna, September 19, 1927. I HAVE the honour, by instruction of His Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to notify your Excellency that the Agreement* concluded between the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and Clearing Office on the one part and His Majesty's Treasury and the British Clearing Office on the other part, which I had the honour to communicate to you on the 27th August, has been formally approved by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain.

I avail, &c.


Herr Gesandter,

No. III (iii).

Dr. Seipel to Viscount Chilston.

Bundeskanzleramt, Auswärtige Angelegenheiten,

Wien, am 19. September 1927.

ICH beehre mich, Euer Exzellenz bekanntzugeben, dass die österreichische Bundesregierung das mit der geschätzten Verbalnote vom 27. August laufendes Jahres, übermittelte, zwischen dem Bundesministerium für Finanzen und dem Abrechnungsamte einerseits und dem britischen Schatzamte und dem Clearing Office andererseits

* No. III (i).

am 11. August 1927 in Wien abgeschlossene Übereinkommen,*
betreffend die Rückzahlung von Clearingzahlungen, genehmigt

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I HAVE the honour to inform your Excellency that the Austrian
Federal Government has approved the Agreement concerning the
reimbursement of Clearing Office payments, transmitted with the
esteemed note verbale of the 27th August last, concluded in Vienna
on the 11th August, 1927, between the Federal Ministry for Finance
and the Clearing Office of the one part and the British Treasury
and Clearing Office of the other part.

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