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In the class of Sugar, Evaporators and Mills, there were 37 entries; the following is the lis of premiums offered in this class:

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In the Agricultural Report for 1857 is a statement copied from a publication of Joseph Lovering of his experiments in the manufacture of sugar from the Sorgho, in which he says "it is about as easy to make good sugar from the Chinese sugar-cane as to make a pot of good mush, and much easier than to make a kettle of good apple-butter." This paragraph has been extensively copied by manufacturers of Sorgho Evaporators and Sorgho Mills in their catalogues, and led many persons to think that Sorgho sugar was as readily produced as a pot of mush," or a "kettle of apple-butter-" After repeated experiments many intelligent persons failed to produce any sugar, until many persons, and even some manufacturers, doubted whether sugar could be produced at all, notwithstanding the fact that the Board had paid premiums on Sorgho sugar for three or four successive years. Statements were at various times made to several members of the Board that no Sorgho sugar had been produced in Ohio, and that in all the cases where premiums had been awarded on Sorgho sugar, that it had never been awarded to any person who could prove, or even claimed to have made it. In order to fulfil their mission the Board proposed that of disseminating correct knowledge upon subjects connected with Agriculture, the Sorgho Sugar should be produced upon the Fair Grounds during the Fair. This proposition did not meet the views of parties manufacturing Evaporators, and produced quite a number of protests, from among which we select the following one, because it is the shortest, clearest, fullest, and embraces all the points of the more lengthy ones. It is the desire and object of the Board to give proper encouragement to every branch of productive industry connected with agriculture, and the Board is free from prejudice in favor of or against any special processes or machinery by which the end is attained. The following is a list of awards:

The undersigned, awarding committee on Sugar (Class 7, Fourth Department,) at the last State Fair, having been informed that the awards made are regarded as informal from the absence of our signatures thereto, we respectfully submit the following as our report:

Best Sorgho Mill, Clark Sorgho Machine Company, Cincinnati.

2d best do C. & J. Cooper, Mt. Vernon.

Best Sorgho Evaporator, Blymyer, Bates, & Day, Mansfield. 2d best



no award.

The culture of the plant, and process of manufacture, and quantity of syrup produced, to be stated in writing, sworn to by the manufacturer, and filed with the Secretary.

†The sugar to be manufactured during the Fair, on the grounds, from the Sorgho or Imphee


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Best half acre Sorgho made into syrup, no exhibiter.

Best 10 lbs. Sorgho Sugar made on the ground, no exhibiter.

Best gallon Sorgho Syrup, John L. Gill & Son, Columbus, made in Jacob's Evaporator. 2d best do do Miss M. O. Sprague, made in Cook's Evaporator.

Best gallon Maple Syrup, Z. K. Eggleston, Geauga county.

Best sample Maple Sugar,

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Maple Sugar by Geo. Brockett, and Maple Syrup by G. S. King and G. Brockett, commended.





To the Ohio State Board of Agriculture:

GENTLEMEN :-In your list of premiums, No. 48, Class VII, exhibiters of Sorgho Sugar are required to make it upon the ground during the Fair. The effect of this is to rule out hundreds of farmers who have been successful in the manufacture of Sorgho Sugar since your last Fair and who would gladly have competed for the premium had it been open to them. As they cannot be expected to bring the necessary appliances, they, the real sugar manufacturers of the coun try, are practically ignored. But to say nothing further on this point, as the manufacturers of the only Evaporator that has obtained any notority for, or been at all successful in the produotion of Sorgho Sugar from the Sorgho or Imphee canes, we beg leave to call your attention to a few facts concerning the production of Sorgho Sugar in connection with the above condition, a condition which we presume was inadvertantly adopted.

1st. At the various National and State Fairs and Sorgho Conventions, to this date, about 200 samples of merchantable Sorgho Sugar have been offered, and all but one or two small ones were made on the Cook Evaporator, and this result in face of the fact that large premiums were offered for the production of Sorgho Sugar by any mode whatever, and also of our well known claim that this is the only Evaporator that can with any certainty produce sugar.

2d. You will allow us, then, modestly to assume that the conditon attached to the premium may not inappropriately be considered as pointed at the Cook Evaporator.

Now a few facts in regard to sugar making: In all our publications, and in all remarks at Fairs, Conventions, &c., no other claim has been made by us than substantially this: That by Cook's method the syrup is so prepared as to render crystalization more certain than by any other, and with good cane and the use of the Evaporator, without any chemicals, and a high even temperature, the crystalization may be rendered absolutely certain. It having sometimes occurred within 12 to 24 hours, we have so stated it, and from this has arisen the mistaken supposition that we claimed, always, to be able to effect crystalization immediately upon the ground. But as crystalization is a work of nature, it cannot be told with certainty, and we have never claimed that it could, whether it will be completed in 12 hours or 12 days.

Experience, both North and South, has demonstrated that owing to various causes, the length of time required for crystalization of the syrup is prepared, varies. Hence it is no test of the sugar making quality of any evaporator should the syrup fail to crystalize within a specified short time.

We can cite several cases where parties have gone to work deliberately upon a wager, and on. der the watchful eyes of three disinterested witnesses, and produced sugar in 48 hours, and drained it so completely that it was dry, merchantable sugar within five days from the grinding of the cane.

But with the imperfect appliances on a Fair Ground, with immature cane nipped by the frost

with no warm room where a high even temperature can be kept up, the probabilities would be against the most successful operator.

We respectfully suggest, therefore, that the condition above referred to be waived, and that the premium on Sorgho and Imphee Sugar be awarded to the best sugar made since the last Fair, the samples on exhibition to be not less than 20, 50, or 100 lbs. each, as you may decide. Yours respectfully,


Manufacturers Cook's Evaporator..


In the class of vegetables, roots, &c., there were 312 entries, on which the following awards were made:

Best one-half bushel Neshannock potatoes, G. S. King, Madison, O..... 2d best, W. H. H. Akins, Brooklyn

Best one-half bushel Pinkeye potatoes, F. G. Lewis, Rockport.
Best one-half bushel Peach Blow, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland...

Best of any other variety not named above, E. S. Willard, Cleveland..
Best and greatest variety of Irish, G. S. King, Madison................
Best one-half bushel sweet potatoes, E. S. Willard, Cleveland..
2d best, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland.....

Best 12 parsnips, E. S. Willard, Cleveland.

Best 12 carrots, John Smith, Cleveland...

Best 6 long blood beets, John Kelly, East Cleveland.

Best 6 turnip beets, E. S. Willard, Cleveland...

Best 6 sugar beets, E. S. Willard...

Best display of beets in variety and quality, John Smith, Cleveland..........

Best peck of tomatoes, Peter Herker, East Cleveland

2d best, J. Baisch, East Cleveland..

Best display of tomatoes in variety and quality, John Smith, Cleveland..

Best 3 drum-head cabbage, E. S. Willard, Cleveland

Best 3 red dutch cabbage, E. S. Willard...

Best 3 of any other, not named above, John Kelly, East Cleveland..
Best 3 heads of cauliflower, John Marshall, Brooklyn..

Best head of broccoli, John Marshall..


Best 6 heads of lettuce, John Marshall..



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Best one-half peck red onions, John Seaber, East Cleveland
Best one-half peck of yellow onions, H. W. Payne, Brooklyn.
Best peck of white onions, Peter Herker, East Cleveland....
Best display of onions in variety and quality, E. S. Willard, Cleveland...
Best one-half peck of peppers for pickling, F. T. Sherwin, East Cleveland
Best display of peppers in variety or quality, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland..
Best 6 roots of salsify, Lewis Ford, East Cleveland .....

Best 6 stocks of celery, J. Seaber, East Cleveland...
Best 3 marrow squashes, E. S. Willard, Cleveland..
Best 3 Hubbard squashes, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland
Best 3 crook-neck squashes, M. B. Oviatt, Euclid....


Best display of squashes in variety and quality, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland..
Best and largest pumpkin, J. Baisch, East Cleveland

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Best display of pumpkins in variety and quality, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland.....
Best peck of sweet corn in ear, F. G. Lewis, Rockport..........

Best display of sweet corn in ear, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland

Best 3 mountain sweet watermelons, P. Herker, East Cleveland......

Best 3 watermelons of any other variety, J. S. Blackwell, East Cleveland.

Best 3 green fleshed musk-melons, J. Baisch, East Cleveland

Best 3 yellow fleshed musk-melons, J. B. Lottridge, Rockport.

Best and greatest display of melons of all varietiǝs, both water-melons and musk-melons, P. Herker, East Cleveland

Best 6 radishes, J. Baisch, East Cleveland..

Best one-half peck of Lima beans, J. M. Tubbs, Cleveland..........

Best peck of kidney bunch beans, J. B. Lottridge, Rockport.

Best peck of pole beans other than Lima, J. B. Lottridge, Rockport..

Best peck of field peas, J. D. Herrick, Jefferson..

Best half peck of garden peas, H. Stephens, Sheffield

Best and greatest variety of peas, J. D. Herrick, Jefferson

Best half peck of gherkin cucumbers, G. H. Lodge, Cleveland

Best 2 apple pie melons, Mrs. G. Perrine, Milan




















Best 3 purple egg plants, E. S. Willard, Cleveland..

Best 6 stalks of rhubarb, F. T. Sherwin, East Cleveland..........

Best and greatest variety of vegetables raised by one exhibiter, E. S. Willard, Cleveland.. 10 AWARDING COMMITTEE-D. C. Richmond, Henry Ridenour, Geo. W. Slingluff, Henry Bennett.



In the class of professional flowers, there were 42 entries, to which the following awards were made:

Best collection of not less than 20 varieties, variety and growth being taken into consideration, M. Hagerty, Cleveland......


Best 12 varieties, as above, M. Hagerty, Cleveland..


2d best......

Best specimen plant in or out of bloom, M. Hagerty, Cleveland...

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Best display of not less than 10 varieties of variegated leaved plants in or out of bloom, M. Hagerty, Cleveland...........


2d best, R. H. Boemer, Cleveland...

Best single specimen, M. Hagerty, Cleveland......



Best collection of aloes and cactus in pots, J. P. Fletcher, Cleveland ...


Best collection geraniums in bloom, not less than 10 varieties, M. Hagerty, Cleveland....
Best and greatest display roses named, M. Hagerty, Cleveland..............
Best display of coxcombs and amaranths, J. Gallup, Cleveland

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Best collection of fuchsias in pots, growth and variety to be taken into consideration, G. J. Proback, Cleveland


Best display of asters, Peter Herker, East Cleveland


Best pair parlor boquets, without regard to style, B. H. Boemer, Cleveland...........
Best 20 varieties of dahlias, J. P. Fletcher



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AWARDING COMMITTEE.-H. B. Lum, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. Stephen Boalt.


In the class of amateur flowers there were 83 entries, to which the following awards were made:

Best collection of 20 varieties green house plants, Geo. Morgan, gardener to Jos. Perkins..$10 2d best, H. B. Hulburt........

2d best, Geo. Morgan.....

Best collection of 12 varieties green house plants, H. B. Hulburt..

Best collection 6 varieties greenhouse plants, H. B. Hulburt.

2d best, John Smith......

Best collection 10 variegated plants, Geo. Morgan...

2d best, H. B. Hulburt.......

Best collection cut flowers, Geo. Morgan..

2d best, John Smith....

Best collection 10 gloxinias and achimenes, Geo. Morgan..

Best collection ferns and Lycopodiums, H. B. Hulburt..
Best collection verbenas in pots, John Smith....

2d best, H. B. Hulburt......

Best collection petunias in pots, H. B. Hulburt...........


Best collection dahlias, committee awarded first premium to H. B. Hulburt and Geo. Morgan....

Best collection cut verbenas, John Smith....

2d best, H. B. Hulburt....

Best collection cut roses, H. B. Hulburt....

Best collection fuchsias in pots, John Smith..... 2d best, H. B. Hulburt.....

Best collection geraniums, Geo. Morgan.

2d best, John Smith......

Best specimen variegated plant, Geo. Morgan...
Best hand boquet, Thos. Marshall, Painesville..
Best parlor boquet, Mrs. M. Church, Painesville.
Best display of asters, Mrs. N. Fitch, Concord..
Best specimen plant, in or out of bloom, Geo. Morgan..
Best coxcombs amaranths, Mrs. N. Fitch, Concord...

2d best, T. Jenkins, Cleveland..




























The display in this department is very superior, especially in variagated foliage plants. Far excelling, in the opinion of the committee, any previous exhibition.





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