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Justification. Should present (1) the importance of the problem to the agriculture and rural life of the State or region; (2) reasons for doing the work such as the needs the project will fill and the importance of doing the work now; and (3) ways in which public welfare or scientific knowledge will be advanced.

Previous Work and Present Outlook. A brief summary covering pertinent previous research on the problem (citing the more important and recent publications from other stations, as well as your own station); the status of current research; and the additional information needed, to which the project is expected to contribute. (Literature citations may be listed at the end of the project outline.)

Objectives. A clear, complete, and logically arranged statement of the specific objectives of the project.

Procedure. A statement of the essential working plans and methods to be used in attaining each of the stated objectives. The procedures should correspond to the objectives and follow the same order. Phases of the work to be undertaken currently should be designated. The location of the work and the facilities and equipment needed and available should be indicated. Wherever appropriate, the procedure should provide data suitable for statistical analysis. The statement on procedure should indicate that the research has been carefully planned and should provide for changes when they are necessary to improve the work.

Probable Duration. An estimate of the maximum time likely to be required to complete the research originally planned and publish the results. Whenever any material change in the objectives of a project is advisable, a new or revised project outline should be prepared. A major change in procedure might also necessitate a revision of the project outline.

Financial Support. Estimated annual allotments (by funds) to (1) salaries, (2) maintenance, based on analysis of requirements for labor, equipment, supplies, travel, and other operating expenses.

Personnel. The leader or leaders and other technical workers assigned. Institutional Units Involved. Each subject matter unit in the agricultural experiment station and any other units of the institution contributing essential services or facilities. The responsibilities of each should be indicated. If there is an advisory, coordinating, or directing committee for the project, this should be shown.

Cooperation. A statement as to cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any other stations, institutions, or other agencies cooperating formally or informally on the project. List Regional project if project is contributing.


Act of 1862 (May 15) Establishing the USDA, 3

Act of 1862 (July 2) Donating Lands for Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanic
Arts (Morrill Act)

establishment of land-grant colleges, 3, 29

impetus to station movement, 32-34

provisions for research and teaching, 3, 19, 29–34, 72, 77

signing, Abraham Lincoln, IV

text, 217-219

Act of 1887 Establishing Agricultural Experiment Stations (Hatch Act)

historical background, IV, 19, 29–52

initiation of conjoint experimentation, 33, 34, 38

passage, 52

provisions for station research, 52, 63, 64, 90

station-college relationship, 63, 64, 72, 73

text, 219-220

Act of 1906 For the Further Endowment of Agricultural Experiment Stations
(Adams Act)

federal-state research cooperation, 126, 159

passage, 106

provisions for expanding research, 107, 117, 159–164

text, 221, 222

USDA administrative policy letter, 236, 237

Act of 1914, Smith-Lever Agricultural Extension

provision for cooperative extension services, 113, 115

Act of 1925 for the More Complete Endowment of the Agricultural Experiment
Stations (Purnell Act)

administration, 237, 238, 248, 249

provisions, 116, 175

support of cooperative regional research, 192, 193

text, 222, 223

use of funds, 134, 179

Act of 1935 Providing for Agricultural Research and More Complete Endow-
ment and Support of Land-Grant Colleges (Bankhead-Jones Act)

administration, 119, 238–243

amendment, ESCOP recommendation, 178

amendment (1946), provisions, 179

amendment (1946), text, 225–228

provisions, 193, 194

text, 223-225

use of funds, 134

Act of 1946, Agricultural Marketing

administration, 179-187

passage, 178, 195

provisions, 179–183, 186

text, 225-232

Act of 1947 (July), Agricultural Appropriation

first program, 198

Act of 1955 Consolidating the Hatch Act and Laws Supplementary Thereto
consolidating federal payments to stations, 170-173

provision for regional research, 196

text, 232-235

Adams Act

See Act of 1906 for the Further Endowment of Agricultural Experiment

Adams bill

See under Bills of Congress.

Agricultural Appropriation Act of July 1947

See Act of 1947 (July), Agricultural Appropriation.
Agricultural Chemistry Association of Scotland, 8–11

Agricultural colleges

See Colleges, agricultural and under individual names and states.
Agricultural economics

establishment of BAE, 175

Purnell Act provisions for economic research, 116, 175–179
See also Marketing research.

Agricultural education

emergence in United States, 11-14

See also Agricultural training and Colleges, agricultural.
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946

See Act of 1946, Agricultural Marketing.
Agricultural research

accomplishments, 153, 203, 207

conjoint college-station experimentation, 31-34
definition of regional research, 204
duplication of efforts, 125, 194, 202

economics. See Agricultural economics.

extent of cooperative regional work, 19, 207, 210
federal-state relations, 120, 121, 126–128
government-university sponsorship, 208
historical background, 1, 2, 5-11, 15-17, 19–24

impact of chemistry, 5–13, 16, 17

introduction of project system, 162–167

marketing. See Marketing research.

plurality and decentralization, 207

practical problems vs. scientific inquiry, 84-89, 164
procedures for cooperative regional, 196, 198, 199
public relations, 153

regional, under Purnell Act, 192

role of colleges and universities, 23, 24, 30, 31, 59, 62

scope under Adams Act, 106, 107, 159-164

scope under Hatch Act, 81, 82

strengthening basic, 81, 82, 107, 124, 159, 161, 212, 214
Agricultural Research Administration, 137, 243, 244
See also Agricultural Research Service.

Agricultural Research Service

administration of cooperative research, 132
establishment, 137

inclusion of Office of Experiment Stations, 139
Joint Committee on Cooperative Research, 131
See also under specific divisions.

Agricultural science

emergence, 1-4, 21

Liebig's treatise, 16

impact of chemistry, 5–13, 16, 17

movements towards subsidy, 17, 22, 23

See also Agricultural research.

Agricultural societies

See Societies, agricultural and under specific names.

Agricultural training

aid of cooperative research program, 192

emphasis of Morrill Act on instruction, 27, 28

federal-state relations in science education, 115

utilization of college faculty in experiment stations, 30, 31


Civil War, 30, 55, 210

depression of the 1930's, 175

factors affecting farm prices, 187-189

historical highlights, 1–3, 19–28

legislation. See Legislation.

public relations, 121, 152, 154

technological growth, IV-VI, 188, 191, 211

World War I, 115, 175, 192

World War II, 129, 170, 177, 187

Agriculture, Department of

cabinet rank, elevation to, proposed, 25, 26, 44

conduct of own research, 122, 126, 148

cooperation in regional research, 200, 201

early conventions convened by Commissioners, 35, 40, 41, 49, 59, 62, 112
early research policy, 27, 28

establishment, IV, 19, 27

federal-state cooperation at college stations, 45-52, 122, 123, 127, 128

Graduate School, 210

history, 1, 2, 25-27

policies and activities under different Commissioners, 35, 40, 41, 45, 49, 122
policy letters concerning federal payments to state programs, 236-243

policy statements concerning departmental organization affecting relations
with experiment stations, 243-247

publications. See Publications.

relations with agricultural colleges, V, 122

relations with stations, V, VI, 89, 99, 100–107, 113, 120, 126–129

reorganization of 1923, 117

reorganization of 1947, 136, 244

reorganization of 1953, 137, 139

responsibilities under Adams Act, 126, 159, 160


USDA-Land-Grant College Centennials (1962), IV, 2

See also under specific subjects, offices, bureaus, and services.

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, 192

Albemarle Agricultural Society, 3

American Association of Agricultural College Editors, 155

American Association of Land-Grant Colleges.

Colleges, American.

American Journal of Arts and Sciences

founder and editor, 8

American Philosophical Society, 2

See Association of Land-Grant

Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations
Armsby Amendment to constitution, 67, 72, 78, 79

Commission on Agricultural Research, 124

Committee on Cooperative work between USDA and Experiment Stations,

Committee on Experiment Station Organization and Policies, 148

Committee on Indexing Agricultural Literature, 147

Committee on Uniformity of Station Publications, 146

concerning administration of station research, 73, 82-86, 90

concerning station-college relations, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72-75, 78, 82
development, 56-79

early conventions, 33, 63, 69, 74

establishment, 63

functions, 63, 66, 71, 76

impact of Johnson-Atwater-Cook report on station research, 65, 66, 73
Joint Committee on Projects and Correlation, 113, 115

Jordan report on teacher-investigator dualism, 75

name change, 147

new constitution, 147, 153

Association of Land-Grant Colleges, American

centennial conference, 213

change of name, 213

Committee on Agricultural and Home Economics Publications, 152
constitutional changes, 213

Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy. See as separate

Joint Committee on Projects and Correlation of Research, 193, 194

opposition to Cooley bill concerning marketing practices, 176

See also Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment

Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges

See Association of Land-Grant Colleges, American.

Association of Teachers of Agriculture

annual meetings, 38, 44, 58

Committee on Conjoint Experimentation. See Committee on Conjoint

formation, 38

Atwater-Johnson-Cook Report on Station Work, 65, 66, 73, 209

Bankhead-Jones Act

See Act of 1935 Providing for Agricultural Research and More Complete
Endowment and Support of Land-Grant Colleges.

Bills of Congress

bill, Adams

provisions for further endowment of stations, 106

bill, Carpenter

advocacy of national experiment stations, 43-45
bill, Christgau

provisions for cooperative regional research, 193

bill, Cooley

provisions for marketing practices, 176

bill, Cullen

plan for organizing station as college department, 47, 48, 60
bill, Flannagan

proposed amendment of the Bankhead-Jones Act, 178, 179
bill, Flannagan-Hope

enactment, 178

bill, Hawley

proposal for federal support of college stations, 51, 52
bill, Hope (H.R. 5925)

provisions for a National Food Research Institute, 178

bill, Hope (H.R. 6692)

proposal for an Agricultural Marketing Administration, 178, 179
bill, national stations (Knapp proposal), 44-46, 81, 116

Bureau of Agricultural Economics

establishment, 175


[blocks in formation]

roles of USDA and states in establishing college stations, 45-52

See also under names of states.

"Colleges for Our Land and Time," 126

Colleges, land-grant

See Colleges, agricultural.

Committee on Conjoint Experimentation

establishment of stations recommended, 38

station features outlined, 39

state subsidy of stations recommended, 39

See also Association of Teachers of Agriculture.

Committee on Experimental Stations

stimulus to early station-founding, 35-37
See also Experiment stations, state.


Agricultural Experiment Station, 14, 22

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