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survey of English life under such titles as "English Men," “English Women," "English Manners," "English in England," etc. In the hands of so able a critic as Mr. White, charming and sympathetic also as a writer, English life is presented in a manner well worth our study.

* * * *

"A Child's Recollections of Tennyson" (E. P. Dutton, $1.00 net) by the daughter of Dean Bradley of Westminster, sketches in picturesque fashion the Tennyson household on the Isle of Wight in the days when the poet's sons were in their teens. The author recalls with gentle humor some of Tennyson's characteristic traits and portrays with great charm the life of the young people, with some of their favorite diversions such as playing "Idylls of the King" in the poet's favorite summer house. The book is daintily bound in green and gold and illustrated with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson and the boys.


Interest in the individuality of the Oxford colleges is shown by the new and most artistic little series of "College Monographs" of Oxford and Cambridge which are now being issued by E. P. Dutton & Co. (75 cents net). Of the Oxford colleges Magdalen, New, and Merton are already out and others will follow. They contain such antiquarian information as the lover of Oxford is eager to find and in addition give the visitor the right point of view of things modern, being illustrated with many sketches of characteristic features of the architecture of each college.


"We study the Word and the Works of God."
"Let us Keep Our Heavenly Father in the Midst.”
"Never be Discouraged."



In THE CHAUTAUQUAN: "Oxfordshire" and "Oxford" to page 39. Required Books: Rational Living. Chapters IV, V and VI to pg. 78.


IN THE CHAUTAUQUAN: "Oxford" concluded.

Required Books: Rational Living. Chapter VI concluded.


IN THE CHAUTAUQUAN: English Men of Fame: "Burne-Jones and the Pre-Raphaelites."

Required Books: Rational Living. Chapter VII. Literary Leaders of Modern England. Chapters XIX and XX. The chapters on Carlyle will be taken up in May.


Required Books: Literary Leaders of Modern England. Chapter XXI Rational Living. Chapter VIII.



Map Review of Oxfordshire including neighboring towns referred to in Reading Journey article.

Oral Reports: Distinctive features of the following colleges with all available illustrations: Worcester, University, Merton, Broadgates. Balliol, and Hertford. (See Baedeker's Great Britain, encyclopedias and books available in bibliography.) Reading: Review with selections of Matthew Arnold's "Thyrsis" or from Richard Grant White's "England without and Within." (See The Atlantic, 46:385.) Anecdotes of some famous Oxford men from the above colleges: Shelley, Samuel Johnson. Stanley, Matthew Arnold, Clough, DeQuincey. (See "Literary Landmarks of Oxford," Laurence Hutton. Biographies of the above men and DeQuincey's account of Oxford in his "Memorials and Other Papers.") Discussion: Article on Augustine Birrell in this magazine. Review of Chapters IV and V in Rational Living.

Roll Call: Notes of personal experiences or of observations of those of others which illustrate the "suggestions for living" in Chapter VI, part 1.


Paper: The Methodist Movement in Oxford. (See encyclopedia articles and books on Wesley.)

Oral Reports: Distinctive features of the following colleges with all available illustrations: Exeter, Oriel, Queen's, New, All Souls, Lincoln, and Magdalen.

Reading: Descriptions of social life at Oxford in Howell's "Certain_Delightful English Towns," James' "Portraits of Places" or Davis" "Undergraduate Life at Oxford." (See references to these and magazine articles in bibliography.)

Informal Talks on: 1. How the Church of England was affected by its separation from Rome under Henry VIII. 2. The Cause and Result of the Tractarian Movement at Oxford. (See Green's and other histories of England and articles in encyclopedias.) Character Sketches: Newman, Keble, and Pusey. (See encyclopedias, biographies, and articles in the Warner Library of the World's Best Literature.)

Discussion of Chapter VI in Rational Living from page 78. It would be interesting in this connection to see how many of the "suggestions for living" can be illustrated from the lives or teachings of persons about whom we have been studying this year.


Brief Paper on Present-Day Requirements at Oxford: Examinations, degrees, fellowships, etc. (See Baedeker's Great Britain, encyclopedias, etc.)

Oral Reports: Distinctive features of Trinity, St. John's, Brasenose, Jesus, Corpus Christi, Christ Church, and Wadham and anecdotes of the men associated with them. (See Baedeker's "Great Britain," Hutton's "Literary Landmarks," etc.) Roll call: Answers to the question "If you could be escorted through Oxford by one of her famous sons whom would you choose and why?"


Review with selections of article on "An American Rhodes Scholar at Oxford." Living Age 248:603, March 10, '06. (A copy of this magazine can be secured by sending fifteen cents to The Living Age, 6 Beacon street, Boston, Mass.) Discussion of Burne-Jones and Rossetti. Each member should

bring all available illustrations of their work. The "Masters in Art" include both artists. Pamphlets containing ten illustrations and much useful material can be secured for 20 cents each from the Chautauqua Press.

Reading: The Blessed Damozel. (See Library Shelf.)

Review and Discussion of article on Garden City Movement in this magazine.


Roll Call: Quotations from Ruskin's "Sesame and Lilies."

Reading: Selections from "Praeterita."

Review of article on Ruskin as an Oxford Lecturer. Century Magazine, 33:590.

Reading: Significent incidents of Ruskin's life. (See Collingwood's "Life of Ruskin," "Praeterita.")

Review of "Seven Lamps of Architecture."
Review of chapter VIII in Rational Living.



Map Review of Oxfordshire including neighboring towns referred to in Reading Journey article.

Reading: Selections from Matthew Arnold's poem "The Scholar Gypsy."

Discussion: Oxford versus Cambridge Poets as contrasted by Andrew Lang in article in Library Shelf. The acknowledged masterpieces of the poets mentioned might be listed for purposes of comparison.

Brief paper on Arthur Hugh Clough with reading from Matthew Arnold's "Thyrsis." This and the preceding poem refer to the region around Oxford.

Discussion: The Pre-Raphaelites. (See article on Burne-Jones in this magazine. The "Masters in Art" series contains pamphlets on both Burne-Jones and Rossetti with ten illustrations of the work of each. They can be secured from the Chautauqua Press for twenty cents each.)

Reading: The Blessed Damozel (see Library Shelf).


Papers: Oxford before the Reformation; Oxford during the Renaissance and Reformation. (See Oxford, Charles W. Boase. Green's Short History of the English People and other works in bibliography.)

Reading: From DeQuincey's account of his Oxford experiences. (See bibliography.)

Oral Reports on the following colleges: Worcester, University, Merton, Broadgates, Balliol and Hertford-giving distinctive traits of each with all available illustrations. (See Baedeker and books by Lane, Boase, and Evans in bibliography.) Roll Call: Anecdotes of famous Oxford men from the above colleges. (See Baedeker for list of men, also Literary Landmarks of Oxford and Library Shelf in this magazine.)


Paper: The Methodist Movement in Oxford. (See bibliography, also encyclopedia articles and books on Wesley.)

Brief Report:

The essential features of the "Tractarian Movement." (See encyclopedias.)

Character Sketches: Newman, Keble, and Pusey. (See encyclopedias, bibliographies, and the Warner Library of the World's Best Literature.) Reading: J. R. Green's acount of his boyhood at Oxford in "Letters of J. R. Green," edited by Leslie Stephen; or from Howell's "Certain Delightful English Towns," Henry James' "Portraits of Places;" Richard Grant White's "England Without and Within." R. H. Davis' "Undergraduate Life at Oxford." Oral Reports: Exeter, Oriel, Queen's, New, All Souls, Lincoln and Magdalen-their distinctive traits.

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Roll Call: Anecdotes of famous men from these colleges. (See Literary Landmarks of Oxford.)


Oral Reports on Present Day Requirements at Oxford: Examinations, degrees, fellowships, etc. (See Baedeker and encyclopedias.) Roll Call: Different aspects of the Social Life at Oxford as given by various writers (see books above mentioned).

Oral Reports: Trinity, St. John's, Brasenose, Jesus, Corpus Christi, Christ Church, and Wadham.

Reading: Review with Selections from article "An American Rhodes Scholar at Oxford." Living Age 248:603-9, March 10, '06. Discussion: Some of Oxford's Present-Day problems (see Andrew Lang's Oxford, Chapter "A General View;" Article on "Higher Education of Working Men," Fortnightly Review, 86:247, August, '06.


Richard II. 2. Midsummer Night's Dream. 3. Richard Neville. He sided with Yorkists, won many victories and held high positions. Turned Lancastrian and was overthrown by Edward IV in 1471. 4. The Earl of Stratford was Chief Adviser of Charles I, accused by Commons of turning the sovereign against the people, etc. He was executed in 1641. 5. Some authorities consider it the Forest of Ardennes in France, others the Midland Counties of England. As You Like It. 6. Henry IV, first and second parts, and in Merry Wives of Winsor. 7. Attributed to Richard III in Shakespeare's play during his defeat on Bosworth field. 8. In Scott's Kenilworth the wife of the Earl of Leicester who divorced her and brought about her death. 9. An endowment for the chanting of masses often providing for a chapel to be built over the grave of the testator, for mass to be said for his soul and others whom he might specify. IO. In Winter's Tale, a witty thieving pedlar. II. The author of the penny post system in England which was introduced in 1840.


"I know you'll smile when you see me getting here on time," laughed a Kentucky delegate famous for her late appearance at the Round Table, "but the fact is I'm practising James' 'Maxims on Habit.' I had an 'emotional prompting' this morning to reach here at the proper hour and as our book said 'seize the very first

possible opportunity to act in the direction of the habits you aspire to gain.' I 'seized' and here I am!" A member from a Minnesota village looked across at the Kentuckian with an amused glance. "My bugbear is fear," she said. "I've been afraid of things all my life and I think I must look so. Fortunately I've a sense of humor and in desperate moments I've resorted to that homely advice of the poet :

'Brace up, brace up, dejected soul
And strike a merrier jog,

You're not the only one that totes
The butt end of the log.'

But I hadn't realized what 'Rational Living' tells us, that the unconscious processes of the body are hurtfully influenced by fear and that they are stimulated by the exercise of great emotions like hope and trust. So I've been experimenting also and I've really quieted down some of my foolish fears by persistently thinking about people and things which rouse my admiration."

At this point Pendragon called the Round Table to order. "You musn't deprive the rest of us of the benefit of your experiences," he said. "I suspected that we should hear from our fourth book at the Round Table and you will let me urge you to make the most of this extraordinarily stimulating little volume. It will hold some of us back and push others along. The important thing is not to miss its message. Try the card catalogue plan for quotations from the book, or have a note book or mark your copy and keep it where you can often see it but in any case use the book just as the gymnast does his dumb-bells-every day. And this reminds me while you are inspired to live rationally, you might look up an article in World's Work for November by Dr. Gulick entitled 'Perfect Working Health.' You can get a copy of the magazine for a quarter and it will be worth that to anybody who hasn't yet discovered how to keep well."

"I think President King's emphasis upon the importance of possessing 'A considerable store of permanent interests' appeals to us," commented the delegate from New London, Ohio. “Our members are doing good work and each in turn takes the responsibility of leadership. Four of our number are mothers with very young children, so we have a sort of kindergarten annex, the members of which seem to consider it advisable to let their mothers secure a 'store of stable and worthy ends' as our book says, and so we prosper. I'm delighted with the new form of THE CHAUTAUQUAN.”

The Circle at Webster, South Dakota, reported itself as enjoying its seventh year of work with unabated pleasure. "I'm

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