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gested in the bibliography. The new Ruskin Labor College at Oxford is one of the most significant of twentieth century developments. If time permits, read in such biographies as are available the experiences at Oxford of some of her greatest men. In this way one comes to feel the atmosphere of such a place and its influence upon the whole English speaking world.


Associated with our present Reading Journey through England are three great elegiac poems which are the proper heritage of every cultivated man and woman. We found the scene of Milton's "Lycidas" in Lancashire. At Clevedon in the Severn valley is the church described in "In Memoriam," where Arthur Hallam rests, and in Matthew Arnold's "Thyrsis" we have exquisite pictures of the scenery round about Oxford and of that rare personality, Arthur Hugh Clough. To understand "Thyrsis" fully, one should first read "The Scholar Gypsy" for in the days when Clough and Arnold roamed over the Oxford meadows the Scholar Gypsy played an important part in their thought. Those of us who are making the acquaintance of "Thyrsis" for the first time will feel that it is an event in our lives. In Macmillan's excellent series of Pocket Classics (25 cents each), the volume entitled "Sohrab and Rustum" contains among other poems both "Thyrsis" and "The Scholar Gypsy."


Some of our countrymen we remember were inclined to shake their heads dubiously when Mr. Cecil Rhodes left his endowment for scholarships at Oxford. They had visions of impressionable young Americans being partially anglicized and henceforth a sort of mongrel contribution to our civilization. Sufficient time has elapsed to enable the scheme to show some of its practical workings and at this time while our Reading Journey is developing in us enthusiasm for Old Oxford it will be a good opportunity to look with some understanding on the Oxford of today. In

the circle programs on page 119 mention is made of one or two magazine articles by Rhodes Scholars which will be found illuminating.


An illustration of the tragic results of bringing the higher education within the reach of those not fitted for it is related by Miss Jessica Lewis of Camden, Maine, a graduate of the C. L. S. C. Class of 1900, and known to many readers as the author of an excellent Shakespeare game:

"Into a little treasure closet where I keep boxes of books, lesson courses finished, water color sketches and all sorts of interesting things, a gray squirrel made her way under the eaves and through the partition. In two days she had dragged up old pieces of calico from the ash barrel and begun a nest. Attracted as any one would be by courses offered by the Chautauqua Class of 1900, she actually devoured the examination papers, and having mastered them took her diploma fearlessly! Such a sorry looking sight was presented when I opened the door and she scampered through the wall like a flash. There was my prized diploma in its original roll, torn half way down on one side and the bits of paper from the papers on history, French Traits, etc., were massed in a mound as large as a muff. There was no doubt that she finished the course."


Following Mr. Andrew Lang's suggestion of rival cricket teams drawn from the poets of Oxford and Cambridge, members of circles might submit suggestions for an ideal dinner party of twelve selected from distinguished Englishmen and women. They should be seated with reference to their congeniality and care should be taken to exclude any clashing elements. Possible subjects for discussion by the different couples might also be suggested. Answers to the question, If you could be escorted through Oxford by some one of her famous sons whom would you choose and why? would also give opportunity for a study of individual traits both of circle members and of the men whom they would choose as companions.


Circles and readers will find great pleasure in making frequent reference to "England Without and Within" by Richard Grant White, a fine series of studies of English life first published in the Atlantic Monthly, and later in book form, (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., $2.00). The several chapters present a comprehensive

Anecdotes of Some Oxonians

We are indebted to the late Mr. Lawrence Hutton, indefatigable literary archæologist, for gathering toget in his "Literary Landmarks of Oxford" (Scribners) many luminating anecdotes of Oxford's famous men. A few these we may quote here with the suggestion that the rea will be repaid for further researches in this little volume

Almost the only picture of Gladstone at Christ Church wl has come down to use is a very slight sketch from the pen of L Houghton, who says: "At that time (1829) we at Cambridge v full of Mr. Shelley; and a friend of ours suggested that as She had been expelled from Oxford, and had been very badly treated that University, it would be a good thing for us to defend him th We accordingly went to Oxford, then a long, dreary p chaise journey of ten hours; and were hospitably entertained t young student of the name of Gladstone." The debate at the U by the way, was a hot one, but the young student named Gladst took no part in it. It resulted in a vote of ninety to thirty-th affirming the superiority of Shelley over Byron. The only onian who spoke in Shelley's favor was a young student of liol, named Manning, afterwards to become Cardinal of the Chi of Rome, but then in close and familiar relationship with Gladst

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John Wilson, better known as "Christopher North," was g uated from Magdalen in 1807. He was a Gentleman Comm and he made a most decided mark for himself, not only his head but with his heels, and his arms, and with the res his physical anatomy. He was, even at college, what is calle character;" but a fine, manly, breezy, intellectual, enthusiastic acter, as he was throughout life. He boxed, he ran, he rod walked, he sculled, he dived, he swam, he skated; he tramped Oxford to London in a night; and he jumped the Cherwell v it was twenty-three feet in width. In 1806, while he was doin these extraordinary physical things, he sat himself down, no whip-cord or wet towel around his head, and calmly w poem on "The Study of Greek and Roman Architecture," won the Newdigate Prize.

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MISS KATE F. KIMBALL, Executive Secretary.

Nature lavishes sunlight and rain and warmth and the perfume of flowers and glorious views far beyond our power to assimilate them, yet we take these gifts with unquestioning gladness and we turn away from their overwhelming abundance without discouragement, secure in the thought that they are inexhaustible and at our command whenever we are ready to claim them.

Here also is our world of great thinkers and of poets with their enchanting word pictures. The very bigness of this thought world makes for our encouragement. No one of us can take it all in, and hence the felicity of choosing is open to every one of us. We can make a new selection every day if we like and can keep up the process into infinity!

This is an age of orderly studiousness, of fountain pens and card catalogues. We can keep in every book that we read some thin slips of paper, cut to fit a small pasteboard case. As we meet thoughts that appeal to us, a suggestion for living, a brief reference to some great life, a word of courage, some exquisite lines from a poet, not merely the conventional quotation but the one that fits our case peculiarly, we may note it down and drop the slip into the case.

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