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LETTERS TO "THE TIMES" UPON WAR AND NEUTRALITY (1881-1909), WITH SOME COMMENTARY. BY THOMAS ERSKINE HOLLAND, K. C., D. C. L., F. B. A., Late Chichele Professor of International Law, President (1913) de l'Institut de Droit International, etc., etc. Second Edition, with Additional Letters from 1909 to 1913. Longmans, Green & Company. London, etc. 1914.

The appearance of a new and up-to-date edition of Professor Holland's valuable letters on War and Neutrality is particularly acceptable at this time. The learned and illuminating exposition and discussion of such questions as "Friendly Measures" and "Reprisals," "The Commencement of War," and "The Conduct of Warfare," and of "The Rights and Duties of Neutrals," are of the greatest possible interest in relation with recent events in Europe. Students of International Law in its military and naval aspects will be able to test the actual workings of formulated rules of international warfare.

The new material in this volume consists of a discussion and criticism of the British Naval Prize Bill of 1911, a section on the closing of the Dardanelles (1912) in connection with the question of "The Rights of a Belligerent Over its Narrow Waters," some discussion of Aerial Warfare, of the Declaration of Paris (1911) in relation to Privateering, and of various matters relating to Neutrality. A good index and full Table of

Contents make the work useful for rapid reference.

A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF CARRIERS AS ADMINISTERED BY THE COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND ENGLAND, covering the Principles and Rules applicable to Carriers of Goods, Passengers, Live Stock, Common Carriers, Connecting Carriers, and Interstate and International Transportation by Land and Water, and the Method and Procedure for their Enforcement, furnishing a Practical Guide to Litigants in the Jurisdictions Named, and Including the Text of The Act to Regulate Commerce, as amended, and all Acts supplementary thereto, revised to January 1, 1914. By DEWITT C. MOORE, of the Johnstown, N. Y., Bar; Author of "The Law of Fraudulent Conveyances." Second Edition, 3 vols. Matthew Bender & Company. Albany, N. Y. 1914.

This substantial and comprehensive three-volume work is a greatly enlarged revision of a one-volume treatise on Carriers brought out by Mr. Moore in 1906. In addition to a careful revision of his original chapters no less than eight new ones have been added and much new material incorporated in the Notes and Appendices.

The last eight years have witnessed such a tremendous expansion in connection with all the complicated phases of the law of Carriers that a work of this character and scope is exceedingly welcome and should be well received by the legal profession in general. Particular attention should be drawn to the excellent organization of the subject in Mr. Moore's volumes and to the full and practical character of the citations and notes. Nothing, in fact, is missing that can make the Law of Carriers and its principles and doctrines clearer and more intelligible in all its phases to the student and practitioner. The Appendix has a full reprint of all important documents and the work is provided with an Index to the Appendix and a General Index. The latter would be more serviceable if the sub-topics were arranged alphabetically and it would

also be a desirable innovation for law-book publishers to change the pagination of such works to volume standard instead of continuously, the last page of Vol. III of the present work being 2444. The typography and binding are of creditable character and the proof reading seems to have been carefully done.

A TREATISE ON THE AMERICAN LAW RELATING TO MINES AND MINERAL LANDS Within the Public Land States and Territories and Governing the Acquisition and Enjoyment of Mining Rights in Lands of the Public Domain. By CURTIS H. LINDLEY, of the San Francisco Bar. Third Edition, 3 vols. Bancroft-Whitney Company. San Francisco. 1914.

A new and thoroughly revised and up-to-date edition of this standard treatise is welcome, as it is now eleven years since the second edition appeared. Much new material has been added by the author and his assistants, so that the work is a most satisfactory and comprehensive guide to the whole intricate subject of Mining Law. No pains have been spared to provide notes, illustrations and documents in connection with the text and practitioners will find every phase of the subject carefully gone into. There is a useful Table of Cases in the first volume, and an Appendix of Documents, Forms and Precedents at the end of the treatise. The Index is adequate, but might be better arranged sub-topically, as it is difficult to find special information quickly when references are nonalphabetical. A table of contents and paging by volumes would also be an improvement.

THE FORUM. A book of 355 questions on 50 subjects relating to policy writing in legal form and adjustment of losses, with direct answers by experts, originating in the Forum department of Rough Notes. The Rough Notes Company. Indianapolis, Ind. 1914.

This is a useful little compendium of questions concerning insurance asked by managers and agents of insurance companies with answers by legal experts citing cases and giving opinions. An alphabetically arranged topical treatment and a comprehensive index of subject-matter make the work easy to consult. It will appeal to both insurance men and lawyers as a convenient little guide and reference work for the legal aspects of insurance in the several states of the Union. It is well printed and is serviceably bound in flexible leather.

REPORT OF THE HEIGHTS OF BUILDINGS COMMISSION to the Committee on the Height, Size and Arrangement of Buildings of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of New York, New York. 1913. This handsome cloth bound volume contains a full and interesting discussion of the regulation of the height and character of buildings in American cities with particular reference to control of building in New York City. The work is well worth while as a source of information and reference in connection with building restrictions and town planning. There are a number of excellent plans and the Appendices contain building regulations in force in European cities as well as many special reports and discussions. A full Table of Contents and an adequate Index add to its value and will promote its use.


THORNTON (EDWARD M.). Treatise on Attorneys at Law (2 Vols.). Edward Thompson Co., 1914.

AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES. 1914 B. Bancroft-Whitney Co. Edward Thompson Co.

WILLIAMS (EDWARD H.). The Question of Alcohol. The Goodhue Co., 1914.


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St. Louis, Mo.

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