The National Geographic Magazine, Volume 87National Geographic Society, 1945 - Geography Indexes kept up to date with supplements. |
rated Europe Live Again By Lt Col Frederick Simpich Jr 747 | xix |
BornholmDenmark in a Nutshell By Mason Sutherland 239 | xxxviii |
Gilbert Islands in the Wake of Battle By W Robert Moore 129 | xliv |
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Abemama Allied American Anthony Stewart Army Air Forces Army Signal Corps birds bomb Bornholm British building built Burma Burma Road camp China Chinese civilians coast coconut color coral crew east enemy farm feet Fijians Filipinos fish Formosa French Geographic Society Kodachrome German Gilbert Gilbert Grosvenor Gilbertese guns harbor head hills island Japan Japanese Japs jungle land Ledo Ledo Road live look Luzon Maynard Owen Williams miles military mountain NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE National Geographic Society Nazi nest night North ocean Official Okinawa Pacific Painting Paris Philippines planes plants Plate Poon Lim ports prau raft River road Robert Moore rock sailed Saipan Sevastopol Shima ship soldiers Staff Photographer Tarawa Texas Tinian tion town trees troops trucks U. S. Army Air U. S. Army Signal U. S. Navy United village walls women