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United States Philippine Commission,
Manila, P. I.
54.-An Act Appropriating Fifty-eight Thousand, Six Hundred and
Twenty-Five Dollars and Sixty-Four Cents ($58,625.64) in Mex-
ican Money, and Five Hundred and Ninety Thousand, Six
Hundred and Forty-Eight Dollars and Sixty-Nine Cents
($590,648.69) in Money of the United States, for the Payment
of Sundry Expenses Incurred for the Benefit of the Insular
Government for the Mouth of December, 1900, and other
Designated Months...
55.-An Act to Provide for Wholesome Food Supplies and to Prevent
Cruelty to Animals in Transportation.....
56.-An Act Providing for the Retention in Office of Municipal
Councillors Elected under General Order of the Military
Governor, No. 40, Series of 1900, until a Municipal Law shall
have been Enacted and put in Operation...
57.-An Act Requiring the Civil Service Board to report to the United
States Philippine Commission a plan for the Readjustment of
Salaries paid in the Civil Service......
58.-An Act Authorizing the Establishment of Local Police in Cities
and Towns of the Philippine Islands and Appropriating One
Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) in Money
of the United States, for their Maintenance..
59.-An Act Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors Within the
City of Manila and its Attached Barrios
60.-An Act Appropriating One Hundred and Twenty Seven Dollars
and Eighty-One Cents ($127.81) Mexican Money, and Two
Hundred and Eighty-Three Thousand, Five Hundred and
Fifty-Four Dollars and Fifty-Four Cents ($283,554.54) in
Money of the United States to Pay Expenses Incurred and
Salaries Earned, not Provided for in the General Appropri-
ation Act for December.
61.-An Act Authorizing the Construction of a Highway from the
Vicinity of the Town of Pozorubio, in the Province of Pan-
gasinan, to Baguio, in the Province of Benguet, and Appropri-
ating Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), in Money
of the United States, for that purpose
62.-An Act Authorizing the Provost Marshal General to Establish
Police and Health Regulations in the Nature of Municipal
Ordinances for the City of Manila.......
63.--An Act Prescribing the Method to be Adopted in the Construction
of Laws.......
64.-An Act Extending General Order No. 30 of the Military Governor,
Dated March 10, 1900, Relating to Customs Duties in the
Jolo Archipelago, until December 31, 1901, and Enlarging
its Provisions......
65.-An Act Appropriating One Hundred and Twenty-One Thousand
and Ninty-Nine Dollars and Three Cents ($121,099.03) in
Mexican Money, and One Million, One Hu idred and Ninety-
Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty Two Dollars and
Sixty-Six Cents ($1,192,352.66) in Money of the United States,
for the Payment of Sundry Expenses Incurred for the Benefit
of the Insular Government for the First Quarter of the year
1901 and Other Designated Periods...
66.-An Act Amending the Second Paragraph of Or ler No. 38 of Gen-
eral Orders of the Military Governor, Issued March 24, 1900,
Providing for Licensing Small Boats which have a Less Capa-
city than Fifteen Gross Tons Burden........
67.-An Act Making Effective the Certificates of Fegistration Issued
Under General Order No. 58 of the Military Governor, Dated
November 16, 1899, During the Year 1901, or Until Further
Legislation on this Subject..
68.-An Act Supplementary to Act Number Sixty-One Authorizing the
Construction of a Highway from Pozorubio to Baguio.......
69.-An Act Providing a Board of Trustees to Conduct the College of
San José as a School of Medicine and Pharmacy, to Bring an
Action Against the Persons now in Possession of the Property
of the College, Vesting the Supreme Court with Jurisdiction
to Determine the Controversy, and Appropriating Five Thou-
sand dollars ($5,000.00) to Pay the Expenses of the Litigation 341
70.—An Act Providing for the Organization of Three Companies of
Police for the City of Manila and Neighbori ig Towns.......
71.-An Act Appropriating Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-
Eight Dollars and Fifteen Cents ($5,628.15 in Money of the
United States for the Purpose of Paying the Salaries and Ex-
penses of the Philippine Civil Service Board and Office Force
from the Period from December 1, 1900, to and including
March 31, 1901.........................
72.-An Act Declaring that all Trade in Domestic Products of the
Archipelago of Jolo, Carried on by the Sultan and his People
with any Part of the Philippine Islands, and Conducted Under
the American Flag, Shall be Free, and Regulating the Same 354
73.—An Act Providing for the Examination and Licensing of Appli-
cants for the Positions of Master, Mate and Patron of Sea-
Going Vessels
74.-An Act Establishing a Department of Public Instruction in the
Philippine Islands, and Appropriating Forty Thousand Dol-
lars ($40,000.00) for the Organization and Maintenance of a
Normal and a Trade School in Manila, and Fifteen Thousand
Dollars ($15,000) for the Organization and Maintenance of an
Agricultural School in the Island of Negros for the Year 1901. 364
75.-An Act Providing a Remedy Against Judgments Obtained in
Courts of First Instance by Fraud, Accident, or Mistake......... 381
76.—An Act Conferring Admiralty Jurisdiction Upon Provost Courts... 386
77 -An Act Amending Section 1 of the Act Creating the Metropolitan
Police Force of Manila.......
78.-An Act Declaring All Persons in Arms Against the Authority of
the United States in the Philippine Islands, and All Persons
Aiding or Abetting them, on the First Day of April, 1901, or
Thereafter, Ineligible to Hold Office.....
79.-An Act Amending Section 22 of the Provisional Customs Tariff
and Regulations in the Philippine Islands.........
So.—An Act Regulating the Hours of Labor, Leaves of Absence and
Transportation of Appointees Under the Philippine Civil Ser-
81.-An Act Repealing All Acts, Codes and Orders Relating to the
Challenging of Judges, Magistrates, Justices of the Peace,
Assessors and Auxiliaries to Tribunals, and Defining the Dis-
qualifications of Judges, Magistrates, Justices of the Peace,
Assessors and Referees .....
82.—A General Act for the Organization of Municipal Governments in
the Philippine Islands......................
83.-A General Act for the Organization of Provincial Governments in
the Philippine Islands......
84.-An Act Appropriating Thirteen Thousand and Seven Dollars
($13,007.00) in Mexican Money, and One Hundred and Thirty
Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety-Four Dollars and Ten
Cents ($130,294. 10) in Money of the United States to Pay Sal-
aries Earned and Expenses Incurred Not Provided for in the
General Appropriation Act for the First Quarter of the Year