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Activities, classification of, 193-
194; description of, 76-146.
Administrative assistants, ap-
pointment, promotion, and sal-
ary of, 180-181.
Agriculture Department, assist-
ance to, 145.

Alaska, surgical and medical re-
lief for natives of, 32.
Aliens. See Immigrants.
Allied soldiers, authority to give
medical service to, 78; physical
examinations of, 88; relief fur-
nished, 81.

American Association

for Ad-

vancement of Science, health
work of, 33.

Antitoxins, control of, 27, 41,

Appointments, method of, 8, 13,
14, 15-16, 163-169.
Appropriations, annual required,
30; statements of, 264-272.
Army, authority to give medical
service to men of, 52, 77, 78;
relief furnished officers and
men of, 80; physical examina-
tions for, 88.

Assistant surgeons, appointment
and promotion of, 13, 15-16,
164; salaries and allowances of,
15, 38, 54, 170.
Assistant surgeons general, ap-
pointment of, 166; positions
established, 26, 49; salaries and
allowances of, 38, 54, 170.

Bacteriological laboratory, estab-
lishment of, 15; removal to

[blocks in formation]

Canal boats, seamen not to re-
ceive medical relief, 5.
Carriers, interstate, regulations
affecting, 101-102.

Charleston, establishment of hos-
pital at, 4.

Chase, S. P., quoted on number
of hospitals, 5.

Chemical researches, work in, 144.
Chemistry Bureau, transfer to
Public Health Service proposed,
35, 37.
Chemistry, Division of, organ-
ized, 30.

Chief Clerk, organization of of-
fice of, 147-148, 184.
Child hygiene, work in, 133-136.
Coast and Geodetic Survey, au-
thority to give medical service
to, 10, 78; physical examina-

tions for, 88; relief furnished
officers and men of, 81.
Coast Guard, authority to give
medical service to, 77; physical
examinations for, 88; relief
furnished employees of, 80.
Collectors of Customs, duties as
directors of hospitals, 3, 7.
Commission on Economy and Ef-
ficiency, recommendations re-
garding consolidation of health
activities, 36-37.
Commissioned personnel, appoint-

ment, 8, 13, 14, 15-16, 163; pro-
motion, 14, 16, 21, 164-168;
salaries and allowances, 15, 38,
54, 169-171; retirement, 16, 21,
171-173; leave of absence,
173; discipline, 174.
Consular officers, reports on sani-
tary conditions by, 12.
Contract hospitals, relief fur-
nished at, 82.

Court decisions relating to health,
digests of, 141.

Cuba, quarantine activities in, 22.
Cummings, H. S., appointed Sur-
geon General, 168.

Domestic Quarantine Division,
organization of, 154-155, 191.
Drugs, assistance in detecting
misbranding of, 145.

Education, Bureau of, detail of
officer to, 32.

Edwards, T. O., and Loring, G.
B., quoted on hospital adminis-
tration, 7.

Employees' Compensation Com-
mission, authority to give med-
ical service to beneficiaries of,
42, 78; physical examinations
for, 88; relief furnished bene-
ficiaries of, 81.

Engineer Corps, authority to give
medical service to, 10, 77; phys-
ical examinations for, 88; re-
lief furnished officers and men
of, 81.
Engineering, sanitary, activities
in connection with, 103-105.
Epidemics, control of, 103-105.
Examinations, physical, extent of,
Expenditures, statements of, 264–


Decisions relating to health, di- Federal Board for Vocational

gests of, 141.

Dental treatment, work in, 66.
Department. See next word of


Dietitians, salaries of, 181.
Director of Hygienic Laboratory,
salary of, 39, 178.
Discharged soldiers, medical
treatment of, 55-75, 79, 80.
Discipline, method of enforcing,

Diseases, investigations of, 136–

Division. See next word of


Domestic quarantine, work in con-
nection with, 16, 99–105.

Education, physical examina-
tions for, 87; relief furnished
beneficiaries of, 58-59, 80.
Fisheries, medical aid to crews
engaged in, 40, 86.
Fisheries Bureau, authority to
give medical service to employ-
ees of, 77.

Food supplies of vessels, inspec-
tion of, 146.

Forecastles, supervision of fumi-
gation of, 41.

Foreign and Insular Quarantine

and Immigration Division, or-
ganization of, 155-156, 187-190.
Foreign countries, work in, 12,
14, 20. 22, 121.

Foreign seamen, authority to give
medical service to, 4, 9, 78;
physical examinations of, 88;
relief furnished to, 81.

Insular Quarantine and Immi-
gration Division.

Immigration Inspection Stations,
list of, 189-190.

Fort Stanton Sanitarium, estab- Immigration Service, physical ex-
lishment of, 23.

[blocks in formation]

Hamilton, J. B., appointed Super-
vising Surgeon General, 13;
resignation of, 19.
Hawaii, leprosy hospital in, 29-

30, 84; quarantine operations
in, 24, 119.

Health education, work in, 146.
Health organization and adminis-
tration, studies of, 140–141.
Hospital Division, organization
of, 151-153, 185-187.
Hospital service for discharged

soldiers, discussion of, 55-75-
Hospitals, classification of, 68,
75; transfer to Veterans' Bu-
reau, 75. See also Marine Hos-
pitals; Veterans' Hospitals.
Hygiene. See Child hygiene; In-

dustrial hygiene.
Hygienic Laboratory, erection of
building for, 24; organization
of, 26; publications of, 29, 195;
salaries of personnel of, 39,
179; work of, 143–144.

Immigrants, authority to give
medical service to, 78; medical
inspection of, 17-18, 22, 28, 31,
43, 105-III.

Immigration. See Foreign and

aminations for, 88; relief fur-
nished to, 81.

Indians, investigation of conta-
gious diseases of, 39.
Industrial hygiene, work in, 136–

Infantile paralysis, control of epi-
demic of, 103.

Influenza, control of epidemic of,

[blocks in formation]

Laboratory. See Bacteriological
Laboratory, Hygienic Labora-

Lake Erie, authority for hospitals
on, 4.

Laws, index to, 198-206; com-
Laws, health, digest of, 141.
pilation of, 206.
Leave of absence, regulations
governing, 173.

Lepers, National Home for, 41-

Leprosy, commission to investi-
gate, 23; hospitals for treat-
ment of, 29-30, 85.
Lighthouse Service, authority to
give medical service to, 10, 78;

physical examinations for, 88; | Naval hospitals,
relief furnished officers and

men of, 81.

Loring, G. B., and Edwards, T.
O., quoted on hospital adminis-
tration, 7.

Malaria, control of, 139–140.
Marine Hospital Fund, source
and use of, 2, 3, 8, 14.
Marine Hospital Service, history
of, 1-25.

Marine hospitals, establishment of,
1-7; list of, 184, 254-255; per-
sons with infectious diseases to
be admitted, 31.

Matches, duties in connection
with tax on, 38–39.
Medical treatment, extent of, 80-
81; history of, 1-7, 31, 41, 42,
51, 55-75; persons entitled to,

Military forces, Public Health

Service made part of, 44.
Miners, study of diseases of, 32.
Mines Bureau, detail of officers

to, 32, 145.


of, 3.
Navy, authority to give medical
service to men of, 3, 9, 52, 78;
physical examinations for, 88;
relief furnished officers and
men of, 80.

New Orleans, establishment of
hospital at, 4.

New York, purchase of property
for Marine Hospital at, 25.
Newport, establishment of hos-
pital at, 4.

Norfolk, establishment of hospital
at, 3.

Nurses, salaries of, 181.

Occupational diseases, work in,

Occupational therapy, work in,

Officer. See Commissioned Per-

Ohio River, authority for hos-
pitals on, 4.

Mississippi River, authority for Passed assistant surgeon, appoint-

hospitals on, 4.

Mississippi River Commission,
authority to give medical serv-
ice to employees of, 77; phys-
ical examinations for, 88; re-
lief furnished officers and men
of, 81.

Morbidity statistics. See Statis-

Mortality statistics. See Statis-

ment and promotion of, 164;
grade created, 14; salaries and
allowances of, 170.
Pathology, work in, 143.
Pellagra, hospital for study of,

Personnel and Accounts Division,
organization of, 150-151, 184-

Pharmacists, appointment, pro-
motion, and salaries of, 179-

National Board of Health, history Pharmacology, work in, 143.

and duties of, 13.

National Home for Disabled Vol-

unteer Soldiers, use of hospitals
for discharged soldiers, 70.
National Parks, sanitary surveys
of, 146.

Pharmacology Division, establish-
ment of, 29.

Philippine Islands, quarantine
operations in, 23, 120.
Phosphorus matches, duties in

connection with tax on, 38–39.

Physical examinations, extent of, Relief. See Medical Treatment.
Research, Scientific, work in, 133–

Physiotherapy, work in, 66.

Plague, work in suppression of, Reserve Corps, appointment to,


174-175; creation of, 53.

Poliomyelitis, control of epidemic Retirement, provisions for, 16, 21,

of, 103.

Pollution of streams, work on,


Porto Rico, quarantine activities

in, 22, 24, 120.


Roosevelt, Theodore, appointment

of commission on scientific
work, 33; quoted on health ac-
tivities of government, 33-34.

Promotions, provision for, 14, 16, | Rural sanitation, work in, 41, 122.

21, 164-168, 177, 180.

Public Health and Marine Hos-

pital Service, history of, 26–32.
Public Health Bulletins, descrip-
tion of, 195.

Public Health Education Section,
creation of, 53; organization
of, 159.

St. Elizabeth's Hospital, admis-
sion of patients of service to,


Salaries, provisions for, 15, 38,
54, 164-168, 178, 179, 180, 181.
Sanitary engineering, activities
in, 103.

Public Health Reports, descrip- Sanitary Reports and Statistics

tion of, 196.

Public Health Service employees,
authority to give medical serv-
ice to, 77; physical examina-
tion of, 88; relief furnished to,

Public Health Service Hospitals

names changed to Veterans'
Hospitals, 75.

Publications, description of, 195-

Purveying Service, creation of,

Quarantine, domestic. See In-

terstate spread of diseases.
Quarantine duties, extent of, III-

121; history of, 10-12, 15, 19–
21, 23, 25, 30, 54. See also For-
eign and Insular Quarantine
and Immigration Division.
Quarantine stations, list of, 187–

Reconstruction aides, salary of,

Division, organization of, 156–
159, 190.

Sanitation, rural, work in, 41, 122.
Scientific personnel, appointment,
promotion, and salary of, 175-
Scientific Research Division, or-
ganization of, 159–161, 190-191.
Scientific work, discussion of,
Seamen, authority to give medical
service to, 1, 77; history of
medical relief of, 1-7; physical
examinations of, 88; relief fur-
nished to, 80; tax on, 2, 6,
14; See also Foreign seamen.
Senior surgeon, appointment and
promotion of, 165; establish-
ment of grade, 38; salary and
allowance of, 170.

Serums, control of, 27, 41, 129–

discharged, medical
treatment of, 55-75, 79, 80.
State health authorities, annual
conference with, 27, 28, 144.

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