Page images

Comparison of rates, test of under $1,
distinguished from broader $3
inquiries 609

ConRail's cancellation of TOFC rates at
designated terminals, in part not just
and reasonable 59, 911

County subsidy, resulting in lower fares
to county residents, not unreason-
able 453

Detention charges on trailers owned or
leased by railroad, used in plan II 1/2
TOFC, unjust and unreasonable, for
motor carrier to impose in absence of
interchange agreement 834
Disposable bedding pads, rates on found
unjust and unreasonable 514, 520
Distinct rail service rates, criteria 697,

Distressed, wet fish meal, emergency

movement, legal rate unreason-
able 143

Dual rate structure, container and bulk
movements, factors 808

Emergency single-car, transcontinental

rates on iron or steel ingots, found
unjust and reasonable 136
Exceptions ratings higher than

unreasonable 193, 462, 464, 467
Failure to challenge rates. not proof
of 7

Fully allocated costs, rates in excess of,
do not necessarily exceed maximum
reasonable level 300

Grain door furnishing, cancellation
unreasonable practice 933
Great Lakes ports, rates to for from,
general commodities, grain.
TOFC/COFC, FAK export-import, not
unreasonable 293

transactions with
affiliates. fare increase cases. test
for 765

Heavy electrical machinery. oversized,

class and commodity rates on.
allowance on private cars for carriage
of, not shown relatively and per se
unreasonable 611

Lawfulness, primary requirement of 81
Longstanding, unapproved tariff rules.
presumption of 797

Market dominance does not imply
unreasonableness 14, 21

Overflow shipments in excess of full CL.
minimum weight rule, unreason-
able 905

Package express, intercity bus, proposed
rule prohibiting property in excess of
$500 actual value, found unjust and
unreasonable 800

Passenger fares, increased between New
York, N.Y., and New York and New
Jersey, to match increased costs, found
just and reasonable 767
Pipeline rates

Consent decree standard (1941) 81.

Petroleum: initial, joint. La., to Tex.;
existing and increased. Midwest and
Southwest 496

Plate glass carload and TOFC rates.
Tennessee to mountain Pacific
territory, found unjust and
unreasonable 8

Prescription See PRESCRIPTION OF

Prima facie unreasonable tariff items.
Commission cannot cancel without
formal hearings 473

Reciprocal switching charge, elimination
not found just and reasonable 837
Reduced or canceled rates, wheat. N.

Mex. and Tex. to Tex. ports, just and
reasonable, not in violation of port
equalization orders 241

Reduced TOFC plan V rates, joint rail-
motor, foodstuffs, beverages. or
beverage preparations, Florida to Ohio.
found just and reasonable 773
Revenue-cost ratio over 200 percent, not
per se unreasonable 598
Routing restriction on interterritorial
traffic to or from Theodore. Ala., not
shown just nd reasonable or consistent
with public interest 818

TOFC service, cancellation. Columbia,
Mo. 897

[blocks in formation]

General increase, refunding accounting
order 299

Rate structure, general increases,
investigation of effect on 298, 326

Burden of proof 775
mileage 777
TOFC plan V. joint rail-motor,
foodstuffs, beverages, or beverage
preparations, Florida to Ohio, found
just and reasonable 773

to reduce empty

Wheat, N. Mex. and Tex. to Tex. ports.
not in violation of port equalization
orders 241

Routing restriction not shown just and
reasonable, charges under 819
Trans Alaska pipeline rate case.
discussed 82

ACT OF 1973 See also CONSOLI-
Final System Plan, TOFC service 29,

$301(b): 28
$601(b): 28



49 CFR 1005.2: 63

49 CFR 1005.3: 64

49 CFR 1104.6: 893

49 CFR 1104.7: 893

690, 699

49 CFR 1109, adopted: 22
49 CFR 1109.1(f): 16
49 CFR 1109.10: 594
49 CFR 1109.15: 752
49 CFR 1109.15(a):
49 CFR 1109.15(b): 715
49 CFR 1109.15(e): 721
49 CFR 1109.15(f): 721
49 CFR 1109.15(h): 703, 721
49 CFR 1109.15(h)(8): 705

49 CFR 1204, account 260: 488
49 CFR 1300: 913

49 CFR 1307, Subpart B: 95, 913
49 CFR 1308: 913

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Demand-sensitive rates, standards
for 522

Distinct rail services, separate rates
for 684

Freight bills, information on 61
Long-term debt reclassification, pro-
ceeding unnecessary when regulations
revised, many firms having already
adopted change 665

Market dominance, standards for 12, 22
Modes, affecting single 166

Modification of regulations, Commis-
sion's power 842
Notice required 165, 841

Reasonable dispatch, perishable com-
modities 162

Replies to exceptions in complaint case
requesting, inappropriate 466
Tariffs containing joint motor-water
rates, regulations revised 95, 115
TOFC regulations, elimination of circuity
requirements 841

[blocks in formation]

Class rates, tables of percentage, frac-
tions, multiples 105

Commodity descriptions, more specific
applies 514

Concurrences, revocation, tariff revision
required 114

Cubic foot, rates per 104

Descriptions See COMMODITY DE-

Distance guides are not 113

Distinct rail services, publication of sep-
arate rates for 698, 723
Errors, notice of correction 114
Equipment Register. Official Railway,
filed with Commission as 397
Filing out of sequence 98

General increases, incorporation in, re-
quired 291

Generic headings, commodity classifica-
tions, required 106

ICC numbers, assignment of 99
Indexing to greatest extent practicable
required 115

Looseleaf, elimination of 97

Motor and water carrier, containing joint

motor-water rates, construction, filing,
and posting regulations revised 95,

Omnibus clause, makes transit applicable
with joint transcontinental rates on
household electrical appliances despite
lack of concurrence 636, 642
Page size 100

Perishable commodities, reasonable dis-
patch 176

Point-to-point rates, indexes requir
ed 102

Posting, period of notice 99

Power of attorney, revocation, tariff re-
vision required 114

Publication, joint, not subject to
$5a 625

Publication of, governed by $217 and reg-

ulations, no $5a relief necessary 860
Reference marks, change of 111
Reissued matter, designation of 111
Short notice, published on, regula-
tions 114

States or counties, indexing of 104
Supplements, rules regulating 108
Suspension notice

Title page


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Connections on private sidetracks, sep-
arate maintenance charge for
Line-haul rates, previously part of, re-
quirements 210

Long Island R., Bethpage, N.Y., not
shown just and reasonable 215
Intraplant switching and temporary hold-
ing of cars, pending shipping instruc-
tions, line-haul rates cover 634
Intrastate rate, inapplicable to intraplant

switching from loading spot to hold
track prior to issuance of shipping
orders, when all cars move inter-
state 632

Line-haul carriers, duty of delineat-
ed 632, 928

Originating yard to destination yard, part
of line-haul movement 694
Pickup and delivery, within cost of line-
haul carrier not shipper 694

Charge, restricted to export-import
and noncompetitive domestic traffic.
not shown unlawful when protestants
seek its expansion to other traffic and
proposal does not cancel effective
charges 77

Elimination of charge equivalent to
cancellation of joint-through rate, not
found just and reasonable 837
Not required under $15, refusal to es-
tablish not $1(4) or §1(6) violation 79
Short haul, resulting in, not required
absent discrimination or prejudice 77
Team track or simple delivery and pickup
under line-haul rates, common carrier
duty 633, 928




MF No. 3: 95

Motor and water carriers, tariffs contain-

ing joint motor-water rates, construc-
tion, filing and posting regulations re-
vised 95, 115

No. 20, Rule 10(b): 636

[blocks in formation]

Cancellation of

Burden of proof 815, 817
Criteria for, $15(3) 815, 816
Proposed routing restriction on inter-
territorial traffic to or from Theodore.
Ala.. results in, not shown just and
reasonable or consistent with public in-
terest 818

Public interest criterion 815

Freight forwarders cannot establish, with
any other carriers 914

Joint, cancellation of See CANCELLA-

Long haul, preservation of. §15(4) limits
Commission's power to prescribe
through routes. but cancellation of ex-
isting routes subject to $15(3)
criteria 816

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