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Second-We heartily indorse the motto: essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity."


"In essentials, Unity; in non

Third-We shall endeavor to advance our cause by laboring to accom- . plish the following objects: To develope a better and higher manhood and womanhood among ourselves; to enhance the comforts and attraction of our homes, and strengthen our attachments to our pursuits; to foster mutual understanding and co-operation; to maintain inviolate our laws, and to emulate each other to labor to hasten the good time coming; to reduce our expenses, both individual and corporate; to buy less and produce more, in order to make our farms self-supporting; to diversify our crops, and plant no more than we can cultivate; to condense the weight of our exports, selling less in the bushel and more on the hoof and in fleeces; to systematize our work, and calculate intelligently on the probabilities; to discountenance the credit system, the mortgage system, the fashion system, and every other system tending to prodigality and bankruptcy. We propose meeting together, talking together, working together, buying together, selling together, and generally acting together for our mutual protection and advancement, as occasion may require. We shall avoid litigation as much as possible, by arbitration in the Grange. We shall constantly strive to secure entire harmony, good will and vital brotherhood among ourselves, and to make order perpetual. We shall earnestly endeavor to suppress personal, local, sectional and national prejudices, all unhealthy rivalry and all selfish ambition. Faithful adherence to these principles will ensure our mental and moral, social and material advance.


Fourth-For our business interests we desire to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into the most intimate relations possible. Hence, we must dispense with a surplus of middle men: not that we are unfriendly to them, but we do not need them. Their surplus and their exac. tions diminish our profits. We wage no aggressive warfare against any other interests whatever. On the contrary, all our acts and all our efforts, so far as business is concerned, are not only for the benefit of producers, but also for all other interests that try to bring those two parties into speedy and economical contact. Hence, we hold that transportation companies of every kind are necessary to our success; that their interests are intimately connected with our interests, and that harmonious action is mutually advantageous. Keeping in view the first sentence in our declaration of principles of action, that "individual happiness depends upon the general prosperity," we shall therefore advocate for every State the increase, in every practicable way, of all facilities for transporting cheaply to the seaboard, or between home producers and consumers, all the productions of our country. We adopt it as our fixed purpose to open out the channel in Nature's great arteries, that the life-blood of commerce may flow freely. We are not enemies of railroads, navigable and irrigating canals, nor of any corporation that will advance our industrial interests, nor of the laboring classes. In our noble Order there is no communism, no agrarianism. We are opposed to such spirit and management of any corporation or enterprise as tends to oppress people and rob them of their just profits. We are not enemies to capital, but we oppose tyranny of monopolies. We long to see the antagonism between capital and labor removed by common consent, and by an enlightened statesmanship worthy of the nineteenth century. We are opposed to excessive salaries, high rates of interest, and exorbitant per cent. profits in trade. They greatly increase our burdens, and do not bear a proportion to the profits of produ cers. We desire only self-protection and the protection of every true interest of our land by legitimate transactions, legitimate trade, and legitimate

profits. We shall advance the cause of education among ourselves and for our children by all just means within our power. We especially advocate for our agricultural and industrial colleges that practical agriculture, domestic science, and all the arts which adorn the home, be taught in their courses of study.

Fifth. We emphatically and sincerely assert the oft repeated truth taught in our organic law, that the Grange-National, State or subordinate — is not a political or party organization. No Grange, if true to its obligations, can discuss political or religious questions, nor call political conventions, nor nominate candidates, nor even discuss their merits in its meetings; yet the principles we teach underlie all true politics, all true statesmanship, and, if properly carried out, will tend to purify the whole political atmosphere of our country, for we seek the greatest good of the greatest number. But we must always bear it in mind that no one, by becoming a Grange member, gives up that inalienable right and duty which belongs to every American citizen to take a proper interest in the politics of his country. On the contrary, it is right for every member to do all in his power legitimately to influence for good the action of any political party to which he belongs. It is his duty to do all he can in his party to put down bribery, corruption and trickery; to see that none but competent, faithful and honest men, who will unflinchingly stand by our industrial interests, are nominated for all positions' of trust, and to have carried out the principles which should always characterize every Grange member-that the office should seek the man, and not the man the office. We acknowledge the broad principle that difference of opinion is not crime, and hold that progress towards truth is made by differences of opinion, while the fault lies in the bitterness of controversy. We desire a proper equality, equity and fairness; protection for the weak, restraint upon the strong-it short, justly distributed burdens and justly distributed power. These are American ideas, the very essence of Ameriean independence, and to advocate the contrary is unworthy of the sons and daughters of an American Republic. We cherish the belief that sectionalism is, and of right should be, dead and buried with the past. Our work is for the present, and the future. In our Agricultural Brotherhood and its purposes we shall recognize no North, no South, no East, no West. It is reserved by every Patron, as his right as a freeman, to affiliate with any party that will best carry out his principles.

Sixth.-Ours being peculiarly a farmer's institution, we cannot admit all to our ranks. Many are excluded by the nature of our organization, not because they are professional men, or artisans, or laborers, but because they have not a sufficient direct interest in tilling or pasturing the soil, or may have some interest in conflict with our purposes; but we appeal to all good citizens for their cordial coöperation to assist in our efforts towards reform, that we may eventually remove from our midst the last vestige of tyranny and corruption. We hail the general desire for fraternal harmony, equitable compromise and earnest coöperation as an omen of our future success. Seventh. It shall be an abiding principle with us to relieve any of our oppressed and suffering brotherhood by any means at our command.

Last, but not least, we proclaim it among our purposes to inculcate a proper appreciation of the abilities and sphere of woman, as is indicated by admitting her to membership and position in our Order.

Imploring the continued assistance of our Divine Master to guide us in our work, we here pledge ourself to faithfully and harmoniously labor for all future time to return by our united efforts to the wisdom, justice, fraternity and political purity of our forefathers.

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The Patrons of Husbandry are a class organization; other class organizations have sprung up in various states, and under various names, some of them palpable swindles to coin money through the sympathies of the masses who are constantly uniting to lift a mighty "Groundswell," which it is to be hoped will carry before it the last vestige of corruption and wrong doing, spreading the debris far out upon the sands of obscurity.

In some respects all these societies have objects in common, but in many others they are widely divergent.

What is wanted now is a tie that shall bind all the industrial classes of the country, whether they work with the hand, the brain, or both, earnest men and women into a fraternity that shall seek the greatest good to the greatest numbers; and, through co-operation, sway the destiny of the nation for good. Whose motto shall truly be, "Equal and exact justice to all, according to the just deserts of the individuals."

Such an organization is even now called into life, and has already spread into several states. Under the broad folds of its banner are received those in every walk of life, who, while not warring upon classes, will frown down any attempt by certain classes which conspire against the public weal, either by the monopoly of capital, oppressing labor, or by the enactment of laws unjust to the many, while favoring the few; who will not create one monopoly to kill another, but by buying and selling in the best markets, shall save to themselves profits that are now divided amongst a horde of scalpers; who will so educate the fraternity that each individual shall use his suffrage intelligently and firmly.



Will they accomplish the object? Yes; if they can combine the agriculturist; if they can combine the industrial classes, as have the class organizations, for particular classes..

Once we feared it could not be done. It cannot certainly be accomplished except through a secret organization which will hold its members to a unity of action for the general weal.

Can it be done now? Let us hope so.

The primary feature of class organizations like the Patrons of Husbandry, the Farmers' Clubs, trades' unions, or by whatever name they may be called, should be to so educate its members that intelligent thought, moral deportment, and a consciencious performance of duty shall be the rule and guide of their actions. Sooner or later, if the order be not now developing, an organization must arise that shall include in its ranks every legitimate industry, whether of the brain or the hand, composed, in fact, of the best men of all organizations. So, only, can we hope to take out of the hands of corrupt men the power that has carried, many times, to the verge of ruin, not only legitimate business, but the best interests of the nation itself.

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