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June 18, United States senate advise the president to confirm the Oregon treaty with Great Britain.

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Aug. 3, President Polk vetoes the river and harbor bill.
"6, revolution in Mexico, in favor of Santa Anna.
"8, President Polk vetoes the French spoliation bill.

❝ 10, Congress adjourns.

66 18, Brigadier-General Kearney of United States army, takes possession of
Santa Fe.

"19, Commodore Stockton blockades the Mexican ports on the Pacific.
Sept. 21, 22, 23, battles of Monterey, Mexico.

"26, California expedition with Colonel Stevenson's regiment of 780 offi
cers and men, sails from New York.

Oct. 25, Tabasco in Mexico, bombarded by Commodore Perry.
Nov. 14, Commodore Conner takes Tampico.

Dec. 6, General Kearney defeats the Mexicans at San Pasqual.

"25, Colonel Doniphan defeats the Mexicans at Brazito, near El Paso.
"28, Iowa admitted into the Union.

Jan. 8, Mexican Congress resolve to raise fifteen millions of dollars on the prop
erty of the clergy for the war with the United States.

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8, 9, battles of San Gabriel and Mesa in California, fought by General Kearney, who defeats the Mexicans.

14, revolt of the Mexicans in New Mexico against the United States authorities.

"24, battle of Canada, in New Mexico. Mexicans defeated by the Americans under Colonel Price.

Feb. 22, 23, battle of Buena Vista.

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Mexicans 21,000 in number, under Gen

eral Santa Anna, defeated by 4,500 Americans under General Taylor.
"28, battle of Sacramento. Colonel Doniphan, with 924 Americans, defeats
4,000 Mexicans.

Mar. 1, General Kearney declares California a part of the United States.


20, city and castle of Vera Cruz taken by the army and navy of the United States, under General Scott and Commodore Perry.

April 2, Alvarado taken by the Americans under Lieutenant Hunter.

"18, battle of Cerro Gordo. Mexicans under Santa Anna defeated by the Americans under General Scott.

❝18, Tuspan in Mexico taken by Commodore Perry.

May 1, Smithsonian Institution at Washington, corner-stone laid.

Aug. 20, battles of Contreras and Churubusco, in Mexico. Mexicans defeated
by Americans under General Smith, part of General Scott's command.
31, new constitution of Illinois adopted by state convention.


Sept. 8, battle of Molina del Rey, near the city of Mexico. The Americans under General Worth (part of Scott's command), defeat the Mexicans under General Santa Anna.

« 12, 14, battle of Chapultepec, near Mexico; the Americans, under Generals Scott, Worth, Pillow, and Quitman, defeat the Mexicans under Santa Anna. General Scott and American army enter the city of Mexico, on the 14th. Sept. 13, to Oct. 12, siege of Puebla, held by the Americans against the Mexicans. The latter repulsed by the former, under Colonel Childs.

Oct. 9, the city of Huamantla, in Mexico, taken by the Americans, under General Lane.

"20, port of Guayamas, in Mexico, bombarded and captured by the Americans.

Dec. 31, the several Mexican states occupied by the American army placed under military contributions.

Jan. 27, a national convention to nominate president and vice-president called by the whig members of Congress. At an adjourned meeting it was resolved that the convention meet at Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

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Feb. 18, By a general order, Major-General Scott turns over the command of the U. S. army in Mexico to Major-General Butler.

May 22-26, the democratic national convention at Baltimore nominate Gen-
eral Lewis Cass of Michigan, for president, and General William O. Butler
of Kentucky, for vice-president.

"25, Major-General Scott received by the municipal authorities of the city
of New York. There was a large military and civic procession.
"29, Wisconsin admitted into the Union.

"30, treaty of peace between the United States and Mexico, which had been
signed at Guadalupe Hidalgo, Feb. 2, 1848, afterward modified at Washing-
ton, and confirmed by the Mexican Congress; ratified by the American com-
missioners, Sevier and Clifford, and the Mexican minister of foreign rela-
tions, Don Luis de la Rosa. It was proclaimed in the United States, July 4,

June 7, 8, the whig national convention meet at Philadelphia, and on the second day, fourth ballot, nominate General Zachary Taylor for president, and, on second ballot, Hon. Millard Fillmore for vice-president.

"22, 23, democratic convention at Utica, N. Y., nominate Martin Van Buren for president and Henry Dodge (who declined June 29) for vice-president. July 4, corner-stone of monument to General Washington, laid at the city of Washington. Oration by Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, speaker of the United States house of representatives.

Aug. 13, Oregon territorial bill, with prohibition of slavery, passed by Con


66 9, 10, free-soil convention at Buffalo, nominate Martin Van Buren, of New York, for president, and Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, for vicepresident. Sixteen states were represented by delegates.

14, Adjournment of 30th Congress, 1st session.

17, destructive fire at Albany, N. Y.

Sept. 9, destructive fire at Brooklyn, N. Y.

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Nov. 7, presidential election.


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Dec. 4, meeting of the 30th Congress, second session.

6, Taylor and Fillmore elected president and vice-president by the electoral colleges.

1849. March 5, inauguration of Zachary Taylor as president, and of Millard Fillmore

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as vice-president, of the United States.

May 15, the cholera breaks out in New York; May 17, great fire at St. Louis. Aug. 11, Gen. Taylor, president of the United States, issues his proclamation against the armed expedition fitting out for Cuba.

Aug. 31, convention of delegates, called by Gen. Riley of the United States atmy, to frame a state constitution for California, meet at Monterey.

Aug. 21, citizens of Santa Fe county, New Mexico, meet to organize a territorial government.

Sept. 4, California convention organize.

Oct. 10, annexation to United States memorial, at Montreal, Canada, signed by over 300 citizens of Canada.

Oct. 10, initial point of the boundary line between the United States and Mexico settled, and a monument with inscriptions erected. Lat. 32° 31′ 59′′.58, and long. 119 35' 0.15, west from Greenwich.

Oct. 16, convention of delegates from fourteen states in favor of a national
railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific, meet at St. Louis, and issue an
address. Senator Douglass, of Illinois, presides.

Oct. 16, Mr. Chatfield takes possession of the island of Tigre, in the state of
Honduras, in the name of the British queen.

Nov. 1, the first territorial legislature of Minnesota closes its sitting of sixty days.


19, the survey of the boundary line, between Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, comprising a greater part of Mason and Dixon's line, is completed. Dec. 2, first session of thirty-first Congress commences.


21, house of representatives organized by the election of Howell Cobb, speaker, on the sixty-third trial.

1850. Jan. 9, the British government announce to Lord Elgin, governor-general of Canada, their determination to maintain the connection of Canada with Great Britain.

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Jan. 15, the Hungarian exiles call on President Taylor, and the usual interchange of civilities takes place.

Jan. 19, the Spanish minister at Washington complains to the secretary of state, of the Cuban juntos at New York, New Orleans, and Washington.

Feb. 12, the original manuscript of Washington's Farewell Address is sold at auction, by the heirs of Mr. Claypole, printer, and purchased by James Lenox, Esq., of New York, for $2,300.

Feb. 22, President Taylor attends the laying of the corner-stone of the Virginia monument to Washington, at Richmond.

April 20, the people of Santa Fe county, New Mexico, hold a convention, and
request the military governor of New Mexico, Col. John Munroe, to call upon
the citizens to elect members for a convention to form a state constitution.
April 27, Collins' line of steam-packets goes into operation. The steamer At-
lantic sails from New York for Liverpool.

May 7, a meeting of southern members of both houses of Congress is held at
Washington, and reports an address to the people of the southern states.
May 23, two vessels, the Advance and Rescue, fitted out by Mr. Henry Grin-
nell, of New York, to search for Sir John Franklin in the Arctic seas, sail
from New York.

June 3, a southern convention of delegates meet at Nashville, Tennessee, to
consult on the slavery question agitated in the north and in Congress. They
afterward issue an address, and adjourn, after a short session.

*June 14, great fire at San Francisco, California, destroys three hundred buildings. July 1, Governor Bell of Texas calls a special session of the legislature on the boundary question, to meet on the 12th of August.

July 9, death of President Taylor; great fire in Philadelphia.

31, railroad convention at Portland, Maine, in favor of a railroad to Halifax, through the British provinces.

Aug. 12, the legislature of Texas meet at Austin, and assume hostile attitude on the boundary question; which, however, is afterward settled by the action of Congress.

Sept. 9, California admitted into the Union.

"9, Texas boundary bill passed by Congress.

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9, New Mexico and Utah bills passed; Sept. 18, fugitive slave act passed.
20, act for the suppression of the slave trade in the District of Columbia,

30, thirty-first Congress adjourns after a session of 302 days.

Oct. 7, Indiana convention, for amending the state constitution, assembles at

Oct. 14, Virginia convention, for amending the state constitution, assembles at

Oct. 23, a woman's rights convention is held at Worcester, Massachusetts.

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"30, great Union meeting at Castle garden, New York.

Nov. 1, the mortal remains of the late President Taylor deposited in the family
cemetery, near Louisville, Kentucky.

Nov. 4, Maryland convention, to amend the state constitution, meets at

Nov. 6. New Hampshire convention, to amend the state constitution, meets at

Nov. 11, southern states rights convention meets at Nashville, Tennessee.

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Dec. 16, great Union meeting at Bath, Maine.

April 25, President Fillmore issues his proclamation against Cubɛn expeditions May 3, great fire at St. Francisco, California. Nearly two thousand five hun dred buildings destroyed, and several lives lost.

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May 5, South Carolina southern rights convention meets at Charleston, and resolves for a dissolution of the Union.

June 22, another great fire at St. Francisco, which lays a large portion of the
city in ashes.

Aug. 3, expedition against Cuba, under General Lopez, sails from New

Aug. 29, convention of delegates at Lewis county, Oregon, memorialize Con-
gress for a division of the territory into two governments.

Sept. 10, the steam-frigate Mississippi, by order of the United States government, receives Kossuth, ex-governor of Hungary, and suite on board, at the Dardanelles, from a Turkish frigate.

Oct. 22, President Fillmore issues his proclamation against a private military expedition against Mexico.

Nov. 10, the United States steamer Mississippi arrives in New York with the exiled companions of Kossuth, forty-two in number, Kossuth having remained to visit England on his way to the United States.

Dec. 6, Kossuth, ex-governor of Hungary, arrives in New York from England, and is honored with a public reception.

Dec. 24, library of Congress, at Washington, destroyed by fire.


31, Kossuth formally received at Washington by President Fillmore. Jan. 5-7, Kossuth publicly received by Congress.

June 24, first national agricultural convention, representing twenty-two
states, assembles at Washington.

July 5, Louisiana convention, for revising the state constitution, assembles at
Baton Rouge.

July 16, Kossuth leaves New York for Liverpool, on his return to Europe.
Aug. 31, thirty-second Congress, first session, adjourns.

Dec. 1, Mr. Everett, secretary of state, declines, on the part of the United
States government, the tripartite convention respecting Cuba, proposed by
England and France.

Dec. 20, William R. King, on account of ill health, resigns his office of presi-
dent, pro tem, of the senate.

Feb. 9, votes for president and vice-president opened and counted in Congress. Pierce and King are declared duly elected for four years from March 4.

Feb. 25, President Fillmore convenes the senate, by proclamation, for twelve o'clock, on the 4th of March, instead of eleven o'clock, as by a former proclamation; the present senate deeming that their term does not expire until noon of that day.

March 4, inauguration of Franklin Pierce as president of the United States. March 24, William R. King is sworn in as vice-president, at Cunibre, near Matanzas, on the island of Cuba, Consul Sharkey administering the oath. April 30, Delaware state convention adopt a new constitution and adjourn, after a session of fifty-five days. The constitution was rejected by the people, October 11, 1853.

May 4, Massachusetts state convention, to revise the constitution, meets at Boston. It adjourns August 1, having framed a state constitution, which was rejected by the votes of the people.

June 6, a southern convention assembles at Memphis, Tennessee.

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21, Martin Koszta, a Hungarian refugee, who had declared his intentions to become a citizen of the United States, being seized by the officers of an Austrian brig-of-war in the harbor of Smyrna, in Turkey, is rescued by Captain Ingraham, of the United States sloop-of-war St. Louis. July 8, the United States expedition to Japan, under Commodore Perry, arrives at Japan. He lands on the 14th, and delivers to the Japanese authorities a letter to the emperor, from the president of the United States, and, a few days after, leaves the islands, intending to return to Japan the following year.

July 14, the Crystal Palace, or exhibition of the arts of all nations, is opened at New York, in presence of the President of the United States and other dignitaries, attended by a large audience.

Aug. 29, Mr. Hulsemann, the Austrian minister at Washington, addresses a note to the American government, complaining of Captain Ingraham's conduct in the affair of the release of Koszta, at Smyrna; to which the secretary of state, Mr. Marcy, afterward replies, in justification of Captain Ingraham.

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