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The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. SIEMINSKI).

Mr. SIEMINSKI. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the amendment. My purpose in supporting it is in the hope that we do not compound blood shed in World War I and World War II in Europe and the Pacific, with world war III. That justifies anything you might say, it seems to me, for this bill. If it If it can save bloodshed in the future for America, and preserve its interests, it is worth while.

Now, three points. I want to reaffirm the remarks I made yesterday in the RECORD on the Voice of America. We are interested not only in gaining new customers, new friends, and regaining lost ones, but keeping those we now have. I spoke to this Polish MIG pilot, Lieutenant Jarecki, as soon as he came to New Jersey. I asked him about our offer of cash, $100,000, and freedom, for any Iron Curtain pilot who would fly the coop. He said, "That is all right, but the Communists can turn it against you. As soon as you start offering bribes or cash they will say behind the Iron Curtain that the only way America can win your heart is with bribery."

There is no bribery in the Voice of America. Its job is to hold out the truth and the hope that people are going to be free. It has the job of kindling a glow in the hearts of people abroad not only on what America stands for but what their own heritage stands for. I hope that the Voice of America is talking a little bit about the background of the Russian people, and all the people in the satellites, about their courage under fire against the greatest odds in World War II, and how the brigands in the Kremlin snatched the fruit of victory from them and turned it into ashes in their mouth. We must not just talk about America, we must talk about the people in those countries and the courage they have shown, and are showing, in hoping to realize a

better and a freer tomorrow.

In closing, let us remember, as General Motors once said about Cadillac cars, in one of the most classic ads ever written, it is not what General Motors. says about Cadillac cars, it is what is being said about Cadillac cars, what people think about them, what they say about them, what they know and do about them.

The test now of the Voice of America is not what anyone in America says about it but what the people abroad say about it on the ground, not the Government people, not the people in NATO, not anyone else except the people thirsting for the information that is ours to give and theirs to disseminate. God grant that truth shall yet make all men free.

And now, under a slight extension of my remarks, adding to those made yesterday, as referred to above-on our information program, two points:

First. I am delighted my views of yesterday find confirmation or support in the following news release of today made by others, which I have just taken off the ticker tape, in part:

The intention is from now on to control the purchase of books from Washington.

Yesterday I said:

The Government certainly has a right to purchase for the libraries whatever books it wants. Also to decline to purchase books that it does not want. This does not involve the abridgment of the press. To ban or condemn a book may come close to the abridgement of the press.

The motto on the face of the United States Supreme Court Building, here in Washington, reads, "Equal justice under Washington, reads, "Equal justice under the law," as I recall it. To further implement my colloquy of yesterday with the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. KERSTEN] I would say books by the two people referred to or by any other people, I believe, can be removed, whether purchased by the Government or not. The manner in which books were recently removed, singling out learned and non-Communist authors, their books and ideas, with Communist authors, their books and ideas, resembled to me a mass lynching or slaughter of names and reputations, and I so stated in the House reading room several weeks ago to an official of the State Department. The manner in which the situation could manner in which the situation could have been handled, I also discussed with him. We have laws on the books banning obscenity. Can a book, like a person, be condemned at law and banned from society for advocating conspiracy to overthrow by force our Government? One would think so. I am inquiring as to the law on this, and on banning books otherwise not classed as obscene, publicly.

The CHAIRMAN.. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from California [Mr. WILSON].

(Mr. WILSON of California asked and was given permisson to yield the time allotted to him to Mr. JUDD.)

The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. JUDD].

likes to come down to the well of the Mr. JUDD. Mr. Chairman, nobody House to speak in opposition to the position of many of his best friends including leaders in his own party. But just as I respect their views, I know they will respect my strong conviction that

the cut in this appropriation for the in

contained in the rider requiring a oneformation program and the restrictions third cut in personnel of each unit, would constitute, if retained, a grave mistake which I do not want the Congress or my at a time when victory in the cold war party to make. That is especially true may be nearer than any of us have dared to hope could be possible.

The only way to give real relief to our long-suffering taxpayers, whom my friend, the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. GAVIN], has just mentioned, is to end this war. How can we end it? The

only way to end it is to win it. There

never was any way to end a war of this sort with the kind of enemy we face except to win it.

How can we win it? Well, it is a war of arms and a war of ideas. We must win both. We appropriate tens of billions of dollars to be able to win a war of arms. For we cannot defeat arms with ideas. We can defeat arms only with stronger and better arms.

But we cannot defeat ideas with arms. We can defeat ideas only with better ideas, more skillfully and successfully presented.

Now, we have the better ideas, but they have to be presented. The greatest teacher in the world did not say just "The truth shall make you free." He said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." How are people to know the truth if we do not tell it-over and over and in every possible place and manner?

Nobody has been more critical of parts of this program than I have been. I was on the subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs which worked out in 1947 the original legislation establishing the information program. At that time Mr. William Benton, later Senator from the State of Connecticut, was in charge of it in the Department of State. We had many doubts about some practices and people in it, and we wrote conditions in the bill designed to improve them. We studied the program in 22 countries of Europe and wrote a long constructive report, yet somehow the program has never clicked as it should have. But the concept is sound. The basic mechanism is sound. The problem is to make it more effective, not to cut it down. The Kremlin is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on its information or propaganda program. The greatest heroes and the highest paid persons in the Soviet Union are not industrial giants or generals. They are the skillful users of words; those who know how to take an idea and, no matter whether true or false, present it in attractive, convincing form. They know how a man named Hitler turned Europe upside down with some words and the ideas they conveyed. They know what some ideas put down in words by a man named Karl Marx are doing to our civilization, our world. They know that some ideas proclaimed by men named Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln set fires in the world, this time moving in the right direction, as the ideas of Marx and Hitler took society almost to destruction.

Our enemies understand the potential power in this kind of program, and we ought to understand it, too.

Yes, the project is sound, the trouble is that it has not been operated as effectively, many times, as it should and could have been. Some things that were done just made one sick at heart. Nobody has criticized the incredible failures more than I have. For a long time they insisted on concentrating their effort on telling how rich and comfortable and powerful we are, which either made other people think what we said was a lie or it made them resentful of our wealth. That is not the way to create good will and confidence anywhere in the world.

When we first studied the program 6 years ago, they told us that our radio signal was bad, especially behind the Iron Curtain. They explained plans to set up better broadcasting stations in Germany and north Africa from which people in east Europe and Russia could get a strong, clear signal. I remember discussing this here years ago. They

were given money, but the job has not been well done. Only recently one of our men in Egypt, when asked, said, "We can always hear Big Ben from London and hear plainly almost every other voice that of Russia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the rest of them; but we can hardly hear the Voice of America." After 6 years and with as good radio engineers in America as there are in the world, we still do not have stations or equipment that give good reception. There is no excuse for such failures.

But the answer is not to destroy or cut down the program; the answer is to clean house and get men in charge who Ican and will do the job. The last administration did not clean house as I think it should have, but now we have a new administration elected because of demand for a change. I am not willing to deny this new administration the opportunity to do the job it was elected to do.

We spend in America $5 billion a year for commercial, domestic advertising. When General Motors and General Mills and General Foods and General Electric decide it is not worthwhile to spend such enormous amounts for advertising their products, then will be the time for us to talk about cutting this program for telling the story of freedom by another $20 million, in addition to the $35 million already cut. In the long run this is our greatest weapon. Military victories will not be enough if we fail to win people to our faith.

Particularly just now, in view of the situation we see developing in Eastern Europe, when at long last some cracks are appearing in the Iron Curtain revealing serious troubles on the other side, is not the time to cut this program. How long we have looked and hoped and worked for the day when such weaknesses would develop. They are developing. Look at just two: when 76 percent of the Chinese Communist prisoners declared they would die rather than go

back to their homes under the Communist regime, that exploded for all in Asia to see, if we will play it up adequately, the Red propaganda that theirs was a democratic government supported by the people.

Again, when workers by the thousands rose in East Berlin against the "workers' revolution," fighting with bare hands against Red tanks, the Communist myth was exploded by the very people who are under it. But the story has to be told, it has to be explained, it has to be shown on films, it has to be hammered in 24 hours a day, if we are to get the benefit of these dividends that are at long last beginning to come as a result of the program into which we have put literally tens of billions of dollars. Is it not plain folly to throw away much of what it has cost so much to win, in order to cut another $20 million?

For if the amendment is adopted, it still does not restore the amount asked by the Eisenhower administration, and its request was $27 million below that of the previous administration. Even with this amendment, the appropriation will be more than $7 million below what the new administration feels is necessary.


After these long years of spending and After these long years of spending and taxing and working to get some results, and when results begin to appear, and victory may be almost in our grasp, or nearer than we dared to dream, it seems to me almost incredible that we will to me almost incredible that we will choose this time to do something that may jeopardize the favorably developing situation. Even if it cost a billion dollars more, I would not favor doing anything that would weaken our chances to win. win. To win the cold war, the war of ideas is the only way, in the long run, to make real savings for the American taxpayer.

Four things are necessary for a successful program: a sound concept, a cessful program: a sound concept, a sound mechanism; good personnel; and sound mechanism; good personnel; and adequate funds. The concept of this program is sound. program is sound. The mechanism is sound. We have not had good enough personnel in the past. Now we are getting new personnel who say that they will clean up. More money is essential only if we have the other three. I think we are going to have the other three; and so I urge, with as much earnestness as I am capable of, or has ever motivated me in any talk to this House, that we adopt this amendment and give ouradopt this amendment and give ourselves every possible chance for victory in these critical years of our Lord 1953 and 1954 when we have perhaps the opportunity to win this battle, and thereby to end it, and to get back to living again like normal American citizens.

The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from Massachusetts is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Chairman, yesterday afternoon, in the remarks that I made, which will be found on page 8831 of the RECORD, I gave evidence and I can assure the House that it came from authentic sources that in Italy alone the Communists are spending $24 million every year for propaganda; that they have over 100,000 full-time workers most of whom are not being paid in their most of whom are not being paid in their fanaticism to destroy our way of life; that in France, as we know, the Communists control the largest labor union; that there are thousands of Communists in the French civil service. There are 3 Communist daily newspapers in Paris, and 14 dailies and 61 weeklies in the provinces; that the party spends between $35 million and $38 million for propaganda each year, and uses thousands of workers.

That presents a problem to us. We are practical men and women. It presents a very, very serious situation to us as part of the overall picture in meeting the challenge that confronts us.

I think the committee has acted unwisely. I think this reduction for all practical purposes interferes so seriously with the operation of this program as to make it practically negative in its results.

I would admire those Members much more if they completely eliminated the program, although I would vote against such action. But if those who oppose the program would do so directly, instead of trying to kill it indirectly, and eliminate the funds completely for the program and say that we are not going to have any Voice of America or that we

are not going to engage in this field, I would respect them more.

Only this morning in the Committee on Government Operations, of which I am a member, the approval of the Reorganization Plan which President Eisenhower sent up, to reorganize the Voice of America, came up for consideration. I favor the plan.

Today, in this appropriation bill we have recommended an appropriation which for all practical purposes defeats the very purposes of President Eisenhower's Reorganization Plan. In addition to making a reduction in the appropriation, a very crippling limitation on this agency is represented in the language appearing in lines 11, 12, and 13 on page 7, which says: "from this appropriation and the average number in each unit shall not exceed 66% percent of the number employed both as to United States and local personnel respectively."

That is a further restriction upon the reduced appropriation. If you are going to continue the appropriation, if you want to get the maximum benefit out of the $60 million appropriated, you ought to eliminate that language. However, the Rooney amendment should prevail.

The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Georgia [Mr. PRESTON].

Mr. PRESTON. Mr. Chairman, on yesterday I assigned all of the reasons why I thought we should support the amendment to restore this money; I shall not repeat those reasons today. I simply want to say that in my opinion two things have happened recently that have tended to lull us to sleep in this country with respect to our responsibilities in opposing communism. First of all, when Stalin died and another man was chosen as his successor he apparently changed the program of Russia somewhat and gave the impression throughout the world that they were going to become soft, that they were going to free political prisoners, that they were going to change their attitude toward diplomatic representatives in Russia, and various other things which tended to fool many people in the world and many in America. Many people became convinced that here was a new era which would lessen the tension that had existed between our counin Korea which in my opinion today may tries. Then came the prospects of truce be as fleeting as a rainbow. They are sitting at a table with our negotiators and meeting day after day, but the largest offensive in 2 years has just been launched by the Communists. Many think this is a good omen; that truce is right around the corner, that we can back up, we can slow down, we can rely on some of these signs as evidence of the lessening of antagonism between these two great powers in the world.

I think one thing that prompts some of the sponsors of this cut in the information program is the fact that these evidences have come forward at this time. I think a year ago a Republican Congress would not have cut this program this much, but it is the result of the feeling of more security, the lack of

need for furthering the cold war because of the signs on the horizon. It is to be deplored that such a feeling exists in this country. We have been guilty of this before and we paid high in terms of dollars and blood every time we made the mistake. I hope that the wisdom of the House of Representatives and rarely does it err on issues vital to the welfare of our country; it might err in the political field but when it comes to security rarely does the House of Representatives err-I hope it will not permit grave error here today and render this agency absolutely incompetent to perform the mission for which it was created.

The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. CLEVENGER] for 3 minutes.

Mr. CLEVENGER. Mr. Chairman, I hope we can get some of this superemotionalism out of the atmosphere before we vote on this amendment. You might think we had had no hearings on the result. There are 300 pages. If there is evidence of a reorganization or a betterment of this program the hearings do not reveal it. It would be strange, as chairman of the Subcommittee on State, Justice, and Commerce, if the State Department or Information Service thought this cut was too deep that someone down there would not contact the chairman of the subcommittee and tell him so. I want to tell you that if I thought a program like you have had would not be bettered I would blush if I stood up here and asked you to vote $60 million for a program like you have had. As I said, there are 300 pages in the complete hearing on this. One of the worst indictments of this program came from the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. JUDD] who was one of the legislative creators of this agency. Did they follow through to see what their creature was doing? I have seen no evidence of it.

Last year we were hopelessly outnumbered on this committee, we were 2 to 5, yet the House of Representatives cut another $53 million off it and they wound up the year with a surplus. Dollars are getting too precious.

I want to get all of the emotionalism out of this vote. Let us get our minds down to hard facts. The sum of $80 million is just too much money to put into this program. Not one person from the State Department or Information Office has contacted me asking for more money or indicating that this program will be hurt.

The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from New York [Mr. ROONEY].

Mr. ROONEY. Mr. Chairman, the previous speaker, the chairman of the subcommittee, my very good friend from Ohio [Mr. CLEVENGER], stated that the State Department has not been in touch with him in regard to this drastic action of the majority members of the subcommittee. I am amazed at that statement. The State Department and the so-called Voice of America have gotten out a 7page mimeographed explanation of the viciousness of this proposed cut-I have it here in my hand, 7 full pages-in which they describe how the Eisenhower

budget has been cut 48.4 percent by the committee action.

It seems very strange that of all those on the majority side of the aisle it was only the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. only the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. JUDD] who had the recklessness to get up here and defend President Eisenhower, his budget his budget and his program. That seems very strange indeed, Mr. Chairman. This is the program of President Eisenhower. I keep repeating that in the hope that some of the folks on the other side of the aisle will succumb to rightful thinking and do the correct thing with regard to this amendment. If it is defeated here this afternoon the funds will be reinstated in the bill by the other body, and you know that very well as you sit here today. The same thing will happen with this bill that happened with regard to the State, Justice, and Commerce regular bill under the chairmanship of the gentleman from Ohio when he drastically cut out completely funds for the census of business and manufactures and agriculture. Of course, funds for these censuses have been put back in the bill by the other body.

Mr. CLEVENGER. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ROONEY. I yield to the distinguished gentleman from Ohio.

Mr. CLEVENGER. Is the gentleman's statement a personal attack on me or is it a statement of fact that all of those censuses have been put back in the bill?

Mr. ROONEY. Most of the censuses have been put back in the bill, the gentleman knows that. We are going to conference with the Senate at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Now, let us not get off on another subject, time is very limited, and I want to point out once again that President Eisenhower's budget has been cut 48.4 percent by this committee.

Are you going to sustain the President? I assure you that I shall make a fair effort to put everyone on record with regard to his vote on this amendment.

I trust my amendment will be adopted and that you will give the President a fair chance to improve the Voice of America.

The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from New York [Mr. TABER].

Mr. TABER. Mr. Chairman, I do hope that the Committee, when it comes to a vote on this, will vote thinkingly. Here is the picture. For 4 long months we had a man in there who did not grasp what the situation was. He only got rid of 70 or 80 of those people that we needed to be gotten rid of, and he left thousands and thousands of incompetents on the payroll. The only possible way to get rid of them is to cut this appropriation to size and see that those people who are such a handicap to this organization and to the information program that our Government is trying to put across, are removed; see that the thing is cleaned up; support the Eisenhower administration and give them a chance in these critical days in the world to put across something, and do not keep them tied up with that everlasting gang of personnel that needs to be gotten rid of. That is the only way to make this an efficient organization and make it of

use and effective in our foreign picture. Those who are in favor of giving them all this money and letting them keep all these people on the payroll are against an effective broadcasting setup for the United States of America. I want to see an efficient, effective setup, and that is why I am opposed to dumping $20 million in this appropriation that there is absolutely no excuse for and which is a menace to the information program. By keeping this down, that is the only way that you can do anything. Now, if there had been anything in this action of the committee that the State Department objected to, whom would they have come to first? They would have come to me or they would have come to the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. Clevenger], the chairman of this subcommittee. They came to neither of us, and if they got out a lot of propaganda, that was just some of the cheap stuff that some of those on the payroll who should be gotten rid of must have put out.

Mr. Chairman, I do hope that the Members of this Committee will vote with their thinking apparatus and not with the idea of perpetuating those in positions who must be gotten rid of if this Voice is to be made effective for the United States of America.

Mr. Chairman, I hope you will vote down the amendment. Mr. KERSTEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks at this point in the RECORD.

The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Wisconsin?

There was no objection.


Mr. KERSTEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Chairman, the remarks I am setting forth herein are by way of extension. I had expected to be on the floor earlier today to participate in the actual debate, as I did yesterday, but, unfortunately, I missed my plane from New York this morning and arrived here this afternoon just in time to vote in favor of the increase to the information program made necessary, in my opinion, by the substantial committee cut.

I can understand the sentiments of my good friend, the distinguished gentleman from New York [Mr. TABER] and of the distinguished gentleman of Ohio [Mr. CLEVENGER], whom I also regard as my good friend, for both of whom this House has the highest esteem. I can understand their disposition to cut down this program to the bone and render it a virtual standby operation on the basis of the record of the past 6 years and of the program under the old policy of containment of communism.


That was a discouraging policy, particularly when the top directive from Secretary of State Acheson was to do nothing that would interfere in the internal affairs of the Communist-slave world. That world is one in which lies and falsehoods are dominant and control the lives of 800 million victims.

How can you broadcast truth into that kind of a world without interfering considerably in its affairs?

There was, therefore, a fundamental inconsistency between the containment policy of Achesón and any attempt to broadcast the facts of life behind the Iron Curtain.

This inconsistency produced many stultifying effects. Many foolish practices were developed to try to harmonize Acheson's no interference with truth telling in a world of lies. As a result some individuals got into the operation who tried to sit on the fence between truth and falsehood who never should have had anything to do with the pro


Some think that the evidence, which during the past 6 months has shown certain things that were harmful in our information program, is a reason why it should be cut.

I think this is a reason why it should be strengthened rather than weakened. For the first time now we are beginning to clean out the Augean stables.

We are getting the program in shape so it can be much more effective than ever before. I think the action taken today was largely because of a failure fully to appreciate this point.

This should never have become a partisan issue in any respect.

I think the democratic side of the aisle has sought to make this a political issue.

I know that when properly understood our side of the aisle will support an effective information program even to a greater extent than the other side of the aisle seems to have given this afternoon.

One of the most serious aspects of the committee's action was the limitation of two-thirds placed upon the number of employees. This would make it very difficult to put new blood into the organization.

The CHAIRMAN. All time has expired.

Mr. DIES. Mr. Chairman, I ask unan

imous consent that, notwithstanding

the limitation, I may proceed for 5 minutes.

The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman

from Texas?

Mr. ROONEY. I must object, Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from New York [Mr. ROONEY].

The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by Mr. ROONEY) there were-ayes 91, noes 109.

Mr. ROONEY. Mr. Chairman, I demand tellers.

Tellers were ordered, and the Chairman appointed as tellers Mr. ROONEY and Mr. CLEVENGER.

The Committee again divided; and the tellers reported that there were-ayes 102, noes 155.

So the amendment was rejected.
The Clerk read as follows:

For expenses necessary for the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the purposes of this appropriation, and not to exceed $16,700 for expenses of travel, $500,000, to remain available until September 1, 1954; Provided, That this para

graph shall be effective only upon the enactment into law, during the 1st session of the 83d Congress, of S. 1514 or H. R. 4406.

Mr. TABER. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.

The Clerk read as follows:

Amendment offered by Mr. TABER: On page 15, lines 17-20, strike out "Provided, That this paragraph shall be effective only upon the enactment into law, during the 1st session of the 83d Congress, of S. 1514 or H. R. 4406."

Mr. TABER. Mr. Chairman, this amendment is offered because that language is no longer needed. The purpose is to strike out a proviso that makes the appropriation effective only on the adoption of a certain bill. That bill has already become law, so we do not need the proviso any longer.

The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from New York [Mr. TABER].

The amendment was agreed to. Mr. DIES. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike out the last word.

Mr. Chairman, in the course of the debate this afternoon some of the speakers tried to justify an increase in this appropriation in order to meet the Communist threat. We seem to have some sort of an idea in this country that when any problem arises, the way to answer it is to appropriate money and hire a lot of people to travel throughout the world.

We have overlooked the fact, the important fact, that Communists are working tirelessly and ceaselessly, without pay, because they believe in something. However much I despise communism, there is one thing I can say in tribute to the Communists: They believe in something and they are willing to fight for it and work for it and to devote themselves unselfishly in order to achieve it.

I think the Rosenbergs got what they deserved. But this may be said in tribute to them, that they were willing to

die because they believed in communism.

Our great weakness in America and in the free world is that we have too few people who believe in democracy with anything that approaches the zeal, the sincerity, and the fanaticism that the Communists demonstrate.

You cannot change the world with paid officials traveling throughout the world. We have got to develop in Italy, in France, and in all the countries of the free world enough sincere advocates of democracy and the principles of freedom if we hope to combat communism.

But we have been spending money so long that our answer for every problem today is to write hot checks on the Treasury. As individuals we would not write hot checks, because we would be put in jail. But we sit in this body as legislators and day in and day out appropriate money that is not in existence. We cannot get the money; we cannot get it by taxation, and we cannot get it by selling defense bonds to those who have the money. The only other way we can get it is through the dishonest process of having the Federal Reserve System print greenback credit money. I am tired of appropriating money until President Eisenhower, or Secretary

Humphrey, or someone else can show us where we are going to get the money. They are either going to have to raise taxes to get it or we are going to have to reduce the expenditures of this Government, or we are going to have to exempt defense bonds and begin to sell enough bonds to get the money, if we hope to have an honest policy in this country.

There is such a thing as, Can you afford a given program?

I agree that some of the program has been helpful, but how can we continue to spend money that we do not have and that we can no longer get except by the most dangerous and dishonest policy any government can adopt, and that is the policy of outright inflation? So I submit, Mr. Chairman, that the time has come when we must begin to devise some way of recruiting sincere advocates of democracy. You cannot bribe the world to stay free. The ridiculous idea of offering a bonus of $100,000 to men to turn traitors to their country; that we can pay everybody to resist communism. The Communists in this country and throughout the world have not required pay. I have seen literally scores of them before my committee. They are sincere; they believe in something; they are willing to work for it; they are not around asking the Kremlin to give them a handout in order to support communism. As a matter of fact, the Kremlin did not finance the Communist program in the United States; they did not spend money

to finance it. Our forefathers did not conduct the Revolutionary War by offering people bribes to do their duty to this country. The time has come when we are out of money with no prospect of getting sufficient money to finance our farflung programs, and we must by sheer necessity begin to give sober thought to the idea of living within our means and confining our program throughout the world to the ability of the American people to pay for that program.

The Clerk read as follows:

For expenses necessary for the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the purposes of this appropriation, and not to exceed $14,700 for expenses of travel, $250,000: Provided, That this paragraph shall be effective only upon the enactment into law, during the 1st session of the 83d Congress, of S. 106.

Mr. TABER. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.

The Clerk read as follows: Committee amendment offered by Mr. TABER: On page 16, lines 3 to 6, strike out the proviso: "Provided, That this paragraph shall be effective only upon the enactment into law, during the 1st session of the 83d Congress, of S. 106."

Mr. TABER. Mr. Chairman, this amendment is just like the others; the law which would be necessary for the authority for this appropriation has been passed and signed by the President. The committee amendment agreed to.

The Clerk read as follows:
"Fuel, Navy," fiscal year 1949, $25,543.


Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Mr. Chair- cation exhibits, and dissemination of informan, I offer an amendment.

The Clerk read as follows:

Amendment offered by Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois: On page 19, after line 13, add a new paragraph:


"CIVIL FUNCTIONS "Rivers and harbors and flood control construction, general

"Not to exceed $48,933 of the amount available under this head shall be available for payments to the Nutwood drainage and levee district, Illinois, as authorized in H. R. 4779: Provided, That this paragraph shall be effective only upon the enactment into law, during the first session of the 83d Congress of H. R. 4779."

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Mr. Chairman, the purpose of this amendment is to provide funds, $48,933, that have been due the Nutwood Drainage and Levee District, Illinois, since 1945. Seven other districts at that time received their capitalized damage; this district did not. The Congress about a month ago made this authorization, and it is contained in House Document No. 144 of the 82d Congress.

Mr. RILEY. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. I yield. Mr. RILEY. Then I understand this money has been due this drainage district for some years.

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Since 1945. Mr. RILEY. Will the gentleman explain why it was not incorporated in previous appropriation bills?

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars of it was incorporated in 1944. The $48,933 now is due to a resurvey and study by the United States Army Engineers.

Mr. RILEY. If I understand this correctly, this has been authorized in a bill that has been passed by both Houses of the Congress; is that correct?

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. The gentleman is correct.

Mr. RILEY. Mr. Chairman, I do not think this is good legislation, but in view of the fact the Congress is moving toward adjournment and that this money has been due for some time, and has been authorized by both Houses of the Congress, we will not interpose any objection on this side.

Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. I thank the gentleman.

The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. SIMPSON].

The amendment was agreed to.
The Clerk read as follows:

For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to meet the responsibilities and obligations of the United States in connection with the government or occupation of the Ryukyu Islands, including, subject to such authorizations and limtations as may be prescribed by the head of the department or agency concerned, tuition, travel expenses and fees incident to instruction in the United States or elsewhere of such persons as may be required to carry out the provisions of this appropriation; travel expenses and transportation; services as authorized by section 15 of the act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S. C. 55a), at rates not in excess of $50 per diem for individuals not to exceed ten in number; translation rights, photographic work, edu

mation, including preview and review expenses incident thereto; hire of passenger motor vehicles and aircraft; repair and maintenance of buildings, utilities, facilities, and appurtenances; such minimum supplies for the civilian populations of such areas as may be essential to prevent starvation, disease, or unrest, prejudicial to the objectives sought to be accomplished; and such supplies, commodities, and equipment as may be essential to carry out the purposes of this appropriation; $3,100,000, of which not to exceed $1 million shall be avaliable for administrative expenses: Provided, That the general provisions of the appropriation act for the current fiscal year for the military functions of the Department of the Army shall apply to expenditures made by that Department from this appropriation: Provided further, That expenditures from this appropriation may be made outside continental United States, when necessary to carry out its purposes, without regard to sections 355, 1136, 3648, and 3734, Revised Statutes, as amended, civil service or classification laws, or provisions of law prohibiting payment of any person not a citizen of the United States: Provided further, That expenditures from this appropriation may be made, when necessary to carry out its purposes, without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, as amended, and the Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947 (41 U. S. C. 151-161): Provided further, That expenditures may be made hereunder for the purposes of economic rehabilitation in such occupied areas in such manner as to be consistent with the general objectives of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended, and in the manner authorized by section 111 (b) (1) thereof: Provided further, That funds appropriated hereunder and unex

pended at the time of the termination of occupation by the United States, of any area for which such funds are made available, may be expended by the President for the procurement of such commodities and technical services, and commodities procured from funds herein or heretofore appropriated for government and relief in occupied areas and not delivered to such an area prior to the time of the termination of occupation, may be utilized by the President, as may be necessary to assist in the maintenance of the political and economic stability of such areas: Provided further, That before any such assistance is made available, an agree

ment shall be entered into between the

United States and the recognized government or authority with respect to such area containing such undertakings by such government or authority as the President my determine to be necessary in order to assure the efficient use of such assistance in furtherance of such purposes: Provided further, That such agreement shall, when applicable, include requirements and undertakings corresponding to the requirements and undertakings specified in sections 5, 6, and 7 of the Foreign Aid Act of 1947 (Public Law 389, approved December 17, 1947): Provided further, That funds appropriated hereunder may be used, insofar as practicable, and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the head of the department or agency concerned to pay ocean transportation charges from United States ports, including territorial ports, to ports in the Ryukyus for the movement of supplies donated to, or purchased by, United States voluntary nonprofit relief agencies registered with and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid or of relief packages consigned to individuals residing in such areas: Provided further, That under the rules and regulations to be prescribed, the head of the department or agency concerned shall fix and pay a uniform rate per pound for the ocean transportation of all relief packages of food or other general classification of commodities shipped to the

Ryukyus regardless of methods of shipment and higher rates charged by particular agencies of transportation, but this proviso shall not apply to shipments made by individuals to individuals: Provided further, That the President may transfer to any other department or agency any function or functions provided for under this appropriation, and there shall be transferred to any such department or agency without reimbursement and without regard to the appropriation from which procured, such property as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to relate primarily to any function or functions so transferred.

Mr. LONG. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike out the last word.

Mr. Chairman, I had not intended to say anything on this amendment, but after listening to my colleague, the distinguished gentleman from Texas [Mr. DIES], for whom I have the greatest admiration and respect, however, I am not in accord with his views on this matter in any respect. To me, it is ridiculous to come into a program like this and start pennypinching. Today, we are attempting to tear down that which has already been built up. I think the propaganda program used by the Voice of America is one of the best ways we have in which to fight communism.

I hear a great deal of reference to Russia. The opponents of this amendment are not the only ones who know a few things about Russia and communism. I have given some study to this myself. I can say on good authority that Russia spends from 3 to 15 times as much money on propaganda as the United States does.

The Voice of America has had its effect. Today we can see through the Iron Curtain. Why quit when we have just begun to win the propaganda fight; and the cold war? Why quibble about a mere $20 million for such a great program. I dare say that the $20 million we spend here will do more good in bolstering the morale of other countries and fighting communism than any other $20 million that we will spend, and I am for this amendment.

While we have just defeated the amendment to put the $20 million back in the bill, I expect to vote for it on the motion that will be made to recommit.

Mr. SIEMINSKI. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike out the last two words.

Mr. Chairman, I am sorry to take the time of the committee. The spirit of the speech made by the gentleman from Texas [Mr. DIES] is absolutely right. People who are devoted to communism this side of the Iron Curtain are generally those who have not had to live under it, individuals who have had held before them ideals and promises to be fulfilled in the event that a Red messiah should take over. They do not know the bitter fruit of Red fraud, theft, and torture, of Red rule in action.

I should just like to say one or two things for the benefit of the other body, if I may, in modesty, because they will do no good now on this floor. The amendment for the Voice of America increase has been defeated.

First. You have to realize that no matter what you do, you cannot tame the tiger. That is what Red rule is today. Peaceful attempts to tame the men

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