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throughout the world, and deserves the everlasting thanks of the people of this State and of every State; and

"Whereas as proclaimed by a bronze memorial plaque in each national park, Stephen Tyng Mather 'laid the foundation of the National Park Service under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come an end to the good that he has done.'

"Resolved by the house of representatives (the senate concurring), That the members of the Michigan Legislature respectfully request the Postmaster General and the Members of the Congress of the United States to give immediate affirmative consideration to the issuance of a special postage stamp commemorating the life and services of Stephen Tyng Mather as first Director of the National Park Service of the United States, and that a suitable copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honorable Arthur Summerfield, Postmaster General of the United States, and to each of the Members from Michigan in the House and Senate of the United States."

A letter in the nature of a petition from the Democratic Army Veterans of the Philippines, signed by Servando L. Miclat, national commander, Manila, P. I., relating to minimum compensation for survivors of certain prisoners of war; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I present for appropriate reference, and ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD, a letter from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Minneapolis, Minn., signed by O. H. Hove, endorsing a joint statement of the National Lutheran Council and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, relating to emergency immigration legislation.

There being no objection, the letter was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


Minneapolis, Minn., July 9, 1953. DEAR SIR: In the hope that it may be of help to you in forming or supporting your own views in the matter, I am hereby sending an endorsement of the joint position of the National Lutheran Council and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America on the subject of emergency immigration legislation, adopted June 17, 1953:

"Our agencies, which carry on a worldwide service to refugees and other victims of war and persecution, unite in strongly commending the President for his message of April 22 calling for emergency immigration legislation.

"We believe that 240,000 persons can be readily absorbed by the United States of America; that such an act on our part will strengthen our foreign policy and will encourage the cooperation of other countries in dealing with this pressing problem.

"We further unite in stressing to you the urgency of passing enabling special legislation in this session of Congress since in the case of refugees, escapees, and returnees their plight calls for immediate action. In several instances, e. g., among Europeans in China, Trieste, and the Middle East and among the escapees and displaced persons in Germany, Austria, and Italy, untold hardship will ensue if they are required to un

dergo another winter in their present situations without the hope of resettlement which the President's proposal offers to refugees.

"We reaffirm our strong testimony that this emergency program is above partisan politics, that it is in line with our national traditions and policies as a leader in the free world, that as an emergency humanitarian effort it is completely disassociated from the question of revisions in Public Law 414; rather it is the type of supplementary emergency action envisioned by the

authors and advocates of Public Law 414. Our own overwhelming responsibilities as agencies working among refugees, returnees, and escapees and our intimate knowledge of their character, their value to our country, and their present tragic circumstances lead us to unite in this urgent appeal of immediate legislation to make available to them a real measure of relief and encouragement as our allies in the struggle for freedom. "We do not at this time support provisions in emergency legislation for nationals in countries of surplus population; it is our strong conviction, however, that favorable action should be promptly taken authorizing our fair share of admissions of refugees and escapees."



RESOLUTIONS OF GROUP HEALTH ASSOCIATION, ST. PAUL, MINN. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I present for appropriate reference, and ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD, two resolutions adopted by the Group Health Association at St. by the Group Health Association at St. Paul, Minn., relating to health legislaPaul, Minn., relating to health legislation.

There being no objection, the resolutions were received, appropriately referred, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I present for appropriate reference, and ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD, a letter from J. L. Morton, president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, St. Paul, Minn., in support of the bill (H. R. 3203) to amend the Interstate Commerce Act in order to prohibit the Interstate Commerce Commission from regulating the duration of certain leases for the use of equipment by motor carriers, and the amount of compensation to be paid for such use.

There being no objection, the letter was referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


United States Senate,

Washington, D. C. DEAR SENATOR HUMPHREY: I am writing you in regard to H. R. 3203 asking you to support this legislation.

The American Farm Bureau resolution,

which the Minnesota Farm Bureau supports heartily, is quoted below:

tural exemption provisions of the Motor Car"We are opposed to weakening the agriculrier Act. These provisions permit flexibility of movement and rates for agricultural commodities which are beneficial both to farmers and the consuming public. Common carriers cannot provide a comparable service in many circumstances.

leasing of exempt trucks by regulated car"We will oppose efforts to eliminate trip

riers. The effect of such elimination would

To the Committee on Agriculture and For- be substantially to increase rates for haulestry:

"HUMPHREY-HAGEN BILL, S. 1052 "Whereas the rural areas of our country are the areas of greatest shortage of medical service; and

"Whereas a key to improving the amount and quality of service in rural areas is longterm financing of the facilities needed by doctors to practice modern medicine; and

"Whereas Senator HUMPHREY has offered a bill in the United States Senate to provide long-term credit at low interest rates to rural consumer groups to finance such medical centers: Be it

"Resolved, That we endorse the Humphrey bill, S. 1052; be it further

"Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to our Senators and Representatives in Congress."


"Whereas the President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation has issued a report favoring the type of comprehensive prepayment health plan to which the Group Health organization is committed; and

"Whereas a committee made up of representatives of membership organizations has planned to call a regional health conference to explore these and other recommendations on May 19 and 20: Be it

"Resolved, That the members of Group

Health endorse this conference and that Group Health be represented by delegates; be it further

"Resolved, That we invite the members of the State legislature to attend the conference with us."

ing farm products, to put out of business many truckers who provide an economic and essential service, and thus to increase distribution costs."

Farmers in Minnesota are interested in the passage of this legislation as it will keep in effect of the long-established practice of our farmer truckers leasing their trucks for a legitimate back haul.

Without this law many farm truckers would be forced out of business and many agricultural products, including grain, would be hauled at a much higher cost. Many farm commodities, which are perishable or seasonable must be hauled by farmers them


We are against any law or regulations that would curtail or hurt agricultural exemption on farm trucks.

We are asking that you support this legislation. Very truly yours,

J. L. MORTON, President.


Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that a letter which I have received from Warren Watson, secretary of the Crooks Farmers Union local, Renville, Minn., in favor of keeping the election of PMA committees within the county units, and a resolution favoring the construction of Hells Canyon Dam by the Federal Gov

ernment, be appropriately referred and printed in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the letter and resolution were received, appropriately referred, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

To the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry:

RENVILLE, MINN., July 7, 1953. Senator HUBERT H. HUMPHREY:

At the local farmers union the night of June 29, I was instructed to inform you the members are very much in favor of keeping the election of PMA committees within the county units, and hope you can give your assistance in this matter.

W. WATSON, Secretary.

To the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs:

"Whereas the farmer-owned cooperatives of our State own important fertilizer deposits in Idaho; and

"Whereas cheap and abundant electric power is necessary in order to develop these deposits for the benefit of the farmers of this State; and

"Whereas this power can be provided only by construction of the Hells Canyon Dam by the Federal Government; and

"Whereas private interests seek to block this Federal construction, and to build private dams of lower generating capacity, with higher costs that would prohibit the development of the farmer-cooperative-owned fertilizer deposits: Therefore be it

"Resolved, That we petition our Representatives in Congress to support the Hells Canyon project of the Bureau of Reclamation, and oppose the plans for the private, highrate construction by the Idaho Power Co. "CROOKS FARMERS UNION LOCAL, "WARREN WATSON, Secretary.


PARITY INCOME-RESOLUTIONS OF FARMERS COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR COMPANIES, MINNESOTA Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I present for appropriate reference resolutions adopted by the Farmers Cooperative Elevator Co., of Bijou, the Dudley Farmers Cooperative Co., of Dudley Hall, the Farmers Cooperative Trading Co., of Lake Bronson, the Lancaster Farmers Cooperation Elevator Co., of Lancaster, the Mills Farmers Elevator, of New York Mills, and the Twin Valley Cooperative Association, of Twin Valley, all of the State of Minnesota, concerning parity income. I ask unanimous consent that one of the resolutions be printed in the RECORD.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be received and appropriately referred; and, without objection, one of the resolutions will be printed in the RECORD.

The resolutions were received and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; and one of the resolutions was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


At a meeting of the stockholders of Twin Valley Cooperative Elevator Association, held June 23, 1953, in the city of Twin Valley, at which 25 stockholders were present, the following resolution was duly adopted:

"Whereas the decline in price of agricultural products has reduced the ratio of net farm income to national income to the lowest point in 20 years; and

"Whereas the lack of a positive statement from the Secretary of Agriculture regarding

a definite program of price supports has affected the stability of farm prices; and

"Whereas farmers are directly affected by the squeeze of declining prices and increased interest as a result of the action of the Treasury Department setting the pace for interest rates on private loans; Now, therefore, be it "Resolved, That the representatives of this State in the United States Congress be urged to support legislation which will assure adequate income to farmers and put into effect the golden promise of parity made by President Eisenhower at Kasson, Minn., and to oppose any further increase in interest rates by the Federal Government."





RESOLUTIONS FROM COUNCIL ON CHRISTIAN SOCIAL PROGRESS OF AMERICAN BAPTIST CONVENTION Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, I have received from Donald B. Cloward, the Christian Social Progress of the Ameriexecutive secretary of the Council on


Baptist Convention, resolutions which had been adopted at the last annual session of that convention in Denver.

I send to the desk now the text of these resolutions, keenly evidencing the convention's awareness of our vast responsibilities in this atomic age.

I ask unanimous consent that the resolutions be printed in the body of the RECORD at this point.

There being no objection, the resolutions were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


NATIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF UNICEF Whereas the children of the world are the innocent and helpless victims of man's inhumanity and are the concern of all nations; and

Whereas we view with alarm the present tendency to reduce the moneys allocated to the specific alleviation of the sufferings of the children of the world: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we urge the maintenance of at least the present level of expenditures earmarked for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

DENOMINATIONAL UNICEF PROJECT Whereas the UNICEF is promoting an annual Halloween project known as trick or treat to encourage children to observe Halloween for the purpose of collecting pennies for the world's children; and

Whereas the Department of Christian Friendliness and the Committee on Christian Social Progress are promoting this project through the Department of Christian Social

ican Baptist Women: Therefore be it

Relations of the National Council of Amer

Resolved, That the convention endorse this practical effort and encourage wide participation by our churches.


Whereas powerful voices both within Congress and among our citizenry seek to discredit the United Nations, either as powerless to effect enduring peace, or as a subtle tool of totalitarianism forces; and

Whereas there have been introduced into Congress several bills which seek through constitutional amendment curtailment of the treatymaking power of the President, to render it impossible for the United States to work effectively through the United Nations on many crucial issues such as disarmament or international control of atomic weapons; and

Whereas there has been advanced by some governmental officials the suggestion that the United States withdraw from the United Nations; and

Whereas the United Nations represents the only official means of attaining international harmony and good will: Therefore be it

Resolved, That this convention reaffirm its belief in the basic worth of the United Nations and pledge its continued support of the high purposes of the U. N. to the end that legal and technical difficulties shall not be permitted to weaken one of the best instruments for building world peace; furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we recommend to our people and churches that they urge their congressional representatives to support our full financial obligations to the United Nations and its specialized agencies; furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we vigorously protest any attempt under any conditions leading to our withdrawal from the United Nations; furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we view with concern the tendency of rearmament among the nations of the world, and urge upon the United Nations continued and even greater zeal in seeking out a more constructive road to world peace than that of attempting to control aggression by increasing military power; furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we urge our churches to make a careful study of the Charter of the United Nations with special reference to the possibility of strengthening it through Charter revision in 1955.

8. UNITED STATES LEADERSHIP FOR PEACE Whereas we believe the American people to be a peace-loving people, whose supreme desire in international affairs is to establish a truly peaceful world; and

Whereas we believe as followers of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we must pray for and work persistently for peace; and

Whereas we believe the circumstances that make our country a world power place upon our Government an unprecedented responsibility to give aggressive leadership in the establishment of world peace; and

Whereas the President has publicly declared that our Government stands ready to join with other nations at the moment the tension eases, to press vigorously for general disarmament, and to use a substantial percentage of the savings achieved by disarmament for world aid and reconstruction: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we call upon the President and the Congress of the United States to implement our national desires for peace and our eagerness to support and give leadership toward its establishment; furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we urge our people through prayer, study, discussion, and action to search continuously for ways to establish peace and to share their finding with their representatives in government.

Resolved, That local churches, associations, and State conventions be encouraged to provide additional scholarships whenever possible. Furthermore, be it

Resolved, That all pastors and leaders of youth be encouraged to continue to challenge their youth to consider the giving of their lives to the urgent task of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the world.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL RELATIONS EXPRESSED THROUGH COOPERATIVE EFFORTS Whereas the situation in our world is one of excessive divisions within the church which impair the effectiveness of our evangelical Christian witness both at home and abroad; and

Whereas our youth are confused by these divisions and fail to secure essential insight into the principles both of the Christian faith and of our Baptist witness; and

Whereas anti-Christian forces in many cases are united; and

Whereas the solution to the divisive spirit must begin at the grass roots of our denomination: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we urge our churches to cooperate on city, county, and State levels with interdenominational evangelical organizations.

EXPRESSED THROUGH THE NCCCA Whereas in the growing cooperative attitude among Protestants we take encouragement, and

Whereas the National Council of Churches has fostered the important work of interdenominational cooperation on the national level; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the American Baptist Convention continue its cooperative relationship with other Protestant bodies in the national council.


Whereas the World Council of Churches will meet in Evanston, Ill., in 1954, and

Whereas the work of this council is vitally related to the world outreach of the American Baptist Convention; and

Whereas Baptists have much to receive from, as well as to contribute to the ecumenical Christian movement: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we urge the people of our churches to study the issues that will be considered at the sessions of the World Council and to lend their support to all matters that will further the Christian faith in our world.

PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN COMITY Whereas the American Baptist Convention plans to raise a large fund for church extension purposes; and

Whereas other Protestant denominations are engaged in similar projects: Therefore be it

Resolved, That in the establishing of new churches we practice the principles of Christian economy, rather than those of extreme denominationalism, following at all times carefully defined principles of Christian comity.


RELATIONS WITH THE VATICAN Whereas our National Government has followed the policy of having no diplomatic relationships with the Vatican or other ecclesiastical body, and

Whereas this policy follows the historic principle of the separation of church and state: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we commend the President of the United States and the Department of State for their adherence to this policy and wholeheartedly urge continuance of this historic American practice.

SUPPORT OF PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Whereas complete independence of the church from Government control has always been a prominent feature of Baptist policy; and

Whereas we believe that Government financial support inevitably involves some measure of control: Therefore be it

Resolved, That we voice our opposition to all Government financial support of parochial schools: Furthermore, be it

Resolved, That we look with disfavor upon the practice of allowing parochial school administrators to hold policy or administrative positions in public school systems.

REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The following reports of committees were submitted:

By Mr. TOBEY, from the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce:

S. 2383. A bill granting the consent of Congress to a compact between the State of New Jersey and the State of New York known as the Waterfront Commission Compact, and for other purposes; without amendment (Rept. No. 583).

By Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, with an amendment:

S. 711. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant easements for rightsof-way through, over, and under the parkway land along the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and to authorize an exchange of lands with other Federal departments and agencies, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 584).

By Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, without amendment:

S. 2320. A bill to change the date for the beginning of annual assessment work on mining claims held by location in the United States, including the Territory of Alaska, from the 1st day of July to the 1st day of October and to extend the time during which annual assessment work on such claims may be made for the year beginning July 1, 1952, to the 1st day of October 1953 (Rept. No. 585);

H. R. 127. A bill to quitclaim interest of the United States to certain land in Placer County, Calif. (Rept. No. 586);

H. R. 947. A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue to Tom Gwin a patent in fee to certain lands in the State of Mississippi (Rept. No. 587);

H. R. 1308. A bill to amend the Color of Title Act (Rept. No. 588);

H. R. 1571. A bill to amend the Alaska game law (Rept. No. 589); and

H. R. 3581. A bill to further the policy enunciated in the act of October 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 927), to facilitate public participation in the preservation of sites, buildings, and objects of national significance or interest by providing for a National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States (Rept. No. 591).

By Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, with amendments:

H. R. 2828. A bill to amend the act of Congress of September 3, 1935 (49 Stat. 1085), as amended (Rept. No. 590).

By Mr. MILLIKIN, from the Committee on Finance:

H. R. 5705. A bill to amend the existing law to provide for the automatic renewal of expiring 5-year-level-premium-term policies of United States Government and national service life insurance; without amendment (Rept. No. 592).


Mr.HICKENLOOPER. Mr. President, from the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, I report an original bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be received, and placed on the calendar.

The bill (S. 2399) to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended, reported by Mr. HICKENLOOPER, from the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, was received, read twice by its title, and placed on the calendar.


Bills were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and referred as follows:

By Mr. EARRETT (for himself and Mr.

S. 2395. A bill to remove a cloud on the title of certain railroad companies, and their successors by reason of a provision in certain patents excluding and excepting mineral lands; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

By Mr. MANSFIELD (by request):

S. 2396. A bill to amend the act entitled "An act to conserve and develop Indian lands and resources; to extend to Indians the right to form business and other organizations: to establish a credit system for Indians; to grant certain rights of home rule to Indians; to provide for vocational education for Indians; and for other purposes"; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

By Mr. BUTLER of Nebraska (for himself and Mr. FULBRIGHT):

S. 2397. A bill for the relief of Paul Ami Gaeng; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SMATHERS:

S. 2398. A bill to suspend for 1 year certain duties upon the importation of aluminum and aluminum alloys; to the Committee on Finance.

By Mr. HICKENLOOPER: S. 2399. A bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended; placed on the calendar.

(See the remarks of Mr. HICKENLOOPER when he reported the above bill from the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, which appear under a separate heading.)


The following bill and joint resolution were each read twice by their titles, and referred, as indicated:

H. R. 6078. An act to amend Public Law 874 of the 81st Congress so as to make improvements in its provisions and extend its duration for a 2-year period, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

H. J. Res. 293. Joint resolution to permit articles imported from foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition at the Washington State Third International Trade Fair, Seattle, Wash., to be admitted without payment of tariff, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Finance.


Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, on behalf of a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, I desire to give notice that a public hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 1953, at 10 a. m., in room 424, Senate Office Building, on S. 2308, a bill to authorize and direct the investigation by the Attorney General of certain offenses, and for other purposes. At the indicated time and place all persons interested in the proposed legislation may make such representations as may be pertinent. The subcommittee consists of myself, chairman; the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN]; and the Senator from Arkansas [Mr. MCCLELLAN].

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Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. President, I do not desire to detain the Senate for any length of time. However, I do wish to read into the RECORD a news item which has just appeared on the ticker. It is of great concern to all Senators from drought-stricken areas:

President Eisenhower asked Congress today to appropriate $150 million for a disaster-loan fund to help farmers and cattlemen in drought areas.

In a letter to Speaker MARTIN, Mr. Eisenhower said his firsthand inspection of the drought area last week deeply impressed him with the desperate need for help for farmers and cattlemen.

The President yesterday signed into law legislation authorizing the revolving loan fund.

Mr. Eisenhower assured Congress that the administration will use fully the resources available in assisting in the drought emergency, but he added:

"The States, local governments, and individuals involved, however, should strive to do everything possible within their power to overcome the situation and minimize the necessity for Federal aid."

An official said today the Agriculture Department hopes to begin making drought loans inside of a week or 10 days.

R. L. Farrington, Acting Chief of the Agricultural Credit Services, said the Department will ask Congress this week for $100 million or $150 million to handle new livestock and disaster loans. He said he believes Congress will act promptly.

In matters of this kind it is necessary for the House to act first. Because of the fact that it is the intention of the leaders of Congress to adjourn at the end of the month, I am very hopeful that the House will give immediate consideration to the President's request and take favorable action.

The program already announced by the distinguished Secretary of AgriculXCIX-556

ture is good so far as it goes. But, Mr. President, in the opinion of the senior Senator from Texas it does not go nearly far enough. The basic question, not only in the drought States, but in the other cattle-producing States, is the price of beef cattle. As the senior Senator from Texas sees it, the situation is similar to that of a man who has a terrible headache as the result of a tumor. To hand him a bottle of aspirin will for the moment give him some temporary relief; but real relief will not come to him until he has the tumor removed by a drastic operation.

Mr. President, the basic trouble in the cattle country is caused by the falling prices of cattle. It is the opinion of the senior Senator from Texas that no formula has been found by which we can have a 90-percent support price without some control. If we do not have control of production, then that kind of program would bankrupt the Government.

However, Mr. President, I wish again to call to the attention of the Senate and the Secretary of Agriculture the fact that Congress in its wisdom several years ago, in legislation passed in 1935, I believe, as an amendment to section 32 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, set aside 30 percent of the customs import funds, to be used for just such a situation as that in which the cattlemen find themselves today.

The senior Senator from Texas has

previously urged the Secretary of Agriculture to act under the authority he now possesses and use the funds which are available and have been set aside for just such a situation. I have suggested just such a situation. I have suggested that he go into the stockyards of the country and buy up some of the cull cattle, and in that way give the cattlemen some relief in the price situation.

I hope that the Secretary of Agriculture will have success with the program he has inaugurated, but I do not believe for a moment that it will solve the problem confronting us. The Secretary of Agriculture assured the farmers and cattlemen in Amarillo, Tex., that in the event the program did not relieve the situation, he expected to consider a purchase program.

I believe in time he will do so. However, the clock is ticking away, and I wish again to urge the Secretary of Agriculture to use the authority he now has and the money he now has available and do something about the cattle price situation.

The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. GOLDWATER in the chair). Is there any further morning business? If not, morning business is closed.


The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. 5898) to extend until December 31, 1953, the period with respect to which the excess-profits tax shall be effective.

Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield?

Mr. MILLIKIN. I yield to the Senator from Delaware.

Mr. WILLIAMS. I call up my amendment designated "7-14-53-A," and ask that it be stated.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will state the amendment.

The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. At the end of the bill, it is proposed to add a new section as follows:

SEC. 2. (a) Section 431 of the Internal Revenue Code (definition of adjusted excess-profits net income) is hereby amended

(1) by inserting' "(a)" before "The" the first place it appears;

(2) by striking out the last sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "If such sum is less than the amount determined under subsection (b), it shall be increased to such amount."; and

(3) by adding at the end of such section the following new subsection:

"(b) For the purposes of subsection (a) of this section and of subsection (c) of section 141, the amount determined under this subsection shall be

"(1) in the case of a taxable year ending before July 1, 1953, $25,000;

"(2) in the case of a taxable year beginning after June 30, 1953, $100,000; and

"(3) in the case of a taxable year beginning before July 1, 1953, and ending after June 30, 1953, $25,000 plus an amount equal to that portion of $75,000 which the number of days in the taxable year after June 30, 1953, bears to the total number of days in such taxable year."

(b) (1) The first sentence of section 15 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to disallowance of surtax exemption and minimum excess-profits, credit) is hereby amended by striking out "the $25,000 minimum excess-profits credit provided in the last sentence of section 431" and inserting in lieu thereof "the minimum excess-profits credit provided in the last sentence of section 431 (a)."

(2) The last sentence of section 141 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to computation and payment of tax in consolidated returns) is hereby amended to read as follows: "For the purposes of the tax imposed by section 430, the sum of the ex

cess-profits credit and the unused excessprofits credit adjustment of the affiliated group shall not be increased under the last sentence of section 431 (a) to an amount for the entire group in excess of the amount determined under section 431 (b)."

Mr. WILLIAMS. I suggest the absence of a quorum.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. clerk will call the roll.


The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll.

Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded, and that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with.

Mr. MILLIKIN. Mr. President, the bill before the Senate is H. R. 5898. In brief, it extends for 6 months the excessprofits tax, which expired on June 30, 1953.

The President, in his message of May 20, 1953, requested legislation to terminate the excess-profits tax on December The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill 31, 1953, instead of on June 30, 1953. is open to amendment.

Mr. MILLIKIN obtained the floor.

It is estimated that the bill will increase Federal revenues for the fiscal

year ending June 31, 1954, by about $800 prepared by the staff of the Joint Commillion.

In his message of May 20, 1953, the President stated:

The excess-profits tax should be extended as now drawn for 6 months beyond its present expiration date of June 30. This action seems necessary in spite of the fact that this is an undesirable way of taxing corporate profits.

Though the name suggests that only excessive profits are taxed, the tax actually penalizes thrift and efficiency and hampers business expansion. Its impact is especially hard on successful small businesses which must depend on retained earnings for growth. These disadvantages of the tax are now widely recognized. I would not advocate its extension for more than a matter of months.

The President goes on to say:

However, under existing circumstances the extension of the present law is preferable to the increased deficit caused by its immediate expiration or to any short-term substitute tax.

The scheduled expiration of the tax in June would be misleading in its consequences. It would simply mean that the tax would be applied at half the full rate, 15 percent, to all of this year's business income. Therefore its bad effects in penalizing efficiency and encouraging waste will continue through this year in any event. The extension of the tax through December 1953 would maintain the full 30-percent rate for the entire year and would produce a gain in revenue of $800 million in the fiscal year 1954.

It was the opinion of most of the members of the Committee on Finance that the excess-profits tax is inequitable, but that the size of the present deficit makes it necessary to continue the tax for another 6 months. The deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, is estimated to be $6,600,000,000. It is estimated that the deficit will be reduced to $5,800,000,000 if the excess-profits tax is continued for 6 months. The deficit for the fiscal year just closed was $9,300,000,000.

The pending bill will help the administration to arrive at a balanced budget. Moreover, it will remove the complaint that the excess-profits tax should not terminate 6 months ahead of any individual income-tax reduction.

Both the President and the Secretary of the Treasury have assured Congress that they will not request any continuation of the excess-profits tax beyond December 31, 1953.

When we consider the magnitude of the figures, the past and potential deficits, when we consider that it is necessary to balance the budget, and stop the downward slide of the purchasing value of the dollar, it seems very clear that we have no alternative, painful though it may be, but to hang on to all our sources of revenue for a period of time until we can bring our expenditures under such control that we can do without some of the present sources of revenue, and come to the blessed day we all look forward to when we may have both a balanced budget and a reduction of taxes.

Mr. MILLIKIN subsequently said: Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at the conclusion of my prior remarks certain data

mittee on Internal Revenue Taxation. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. FLANDERS in the chair). Is there objection?

There being no objection, the data were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:


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[blocks in formation]

corporate normal rate by 5 percent points..

[blocks in formation]


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tax... Excise taxes..


Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, the 62, 129 pending amendment, which was offered on behalf of the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. HENDRICKSON] and myself, would provide an exemption from the excess-profits tax to smaller corporations for the first $100,000.

The deficit of $9,389 million was financed as follows:

Increase in public debt---Reduction in general fund balance__ Excess of receipts in trust-fund accounts...

Total budget deficit_____

[In millions of dollars]

Gross public debt.....

I agree fully with what the Senator
from Colorado has stated with refer-
2, 299
ence to the necessity of extending the
125 excess-profits tax at this time.

9, 389

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I wish to make it clear that my amendment is not in any way intended to prevent passage of the bill. I shall vote for the bill, with or without the amendment, because I believe that in view of the present condition of our budget, we have no alternative except to pass the extension.

Question has been raised as to whether the offering of an amendment at this time is timely. Question is also raised as to whether the offering of an amendment at this time might serve to defeat the entire bill.

I refuse to go along with that kind of reasoning, because to accept that principle would be for the Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to recognize the right of one Member to veto proposed legislation.

I think it is a sad state of affairs if we have reached the point where the only way to get bills through Congress is to have both Houses adopt a closed rule to the effect that the bills shall be passed as they come from committee, and shall not be amended under any circumstances.

As to the timing of the amendment, I point out that when the excess-profitstax bill was passed in 1950, I offered the same amendment because I felt that the proper time to give consideration to this question was when we were acting on the bill in its original form. At that time my amendment was rejected by those who here today speak for it but still vote against it.

Since that time there have been no extensions of that law until the one now before us. If this is not the proper time to offer the amendment, then I wonder when the proper time will be. Certainly there is no use in giving consideration to tax relief for small corporations if the bill has expired.

The amendment provides that small corporations can deduct up to $100,000 from their earnings before paying their excess-profits tax. This provision will not amount to a $100,000 increase in ex

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