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New-York Weekly,

FOR 1883.


Send your address at once, and get Specimen Copies of the Best Story and Sketch Paper in the World. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY is undoubtedly THE BEST LITERARY PAPER PUBLISHED. It is universally appreciated, as its immense circulation affords incontestable proof.

THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY is in every sense an entertaining FAMILY PAPER, and in every household where a copy is taken every member of the family reads it, and the contents are discussed and criticised while the readers are seated around the cheerful fireside. The great success and unexampled prosperity of THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY is due to the excellence of its stories, its numerous entertaining features, and its fresh and varied attractions; but not the least among its recommendations is the fact that unusual care is exercised in revising the contents, that all objectionable words and phrases may be avoided. Heads of families are aware that we never permit in our columns any word or expression likely to offend even the most fastidious guardian of youth. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY contains the BEST STORIES, the finest Poems, the most entertaining Sketches, as well as a choice variety of extremely interesting matter, and is therefore popularly conceded to be THE BEST STORY AND SKETCH PAPER.

THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY regularly presents, in the "Ladies' Work-Box," plain and sensible suggestions regarding the making of garments and choice of materials. This department is invaluable to every frugal housewife. The New-York Weekly also publishes Domestic Recipes, tested and approved by experts. The New-York Weekly, each week, presents a number of fresh and sparkling humorous anecdotes, in the column of "Pleasant Paragraphs." The New-York Weekly is constantly presenting the works of new contributors.



New-York Weekly.

THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY will be sent to any address in the United States (postage free) 3 months for 75 cents; 4 months, $1; 6 months, $1 50; 1 year, $3.

Those sending $20 for a Club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a Ninth Copy FREE. Getters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at $2 50 each.

All letters should be addressed to



P. O. Box 2734.

25, 27, 29 and 31 ROSE-ST., NEW-YORK.

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The readers of the NEW-YORK WITNESS during the last spring and summer will not soon forget the letters which appeared in it from Mrs. McDougall, who travelled through the disturbed and distressed regions of Ireland, in order to describe the actual condition of the people, which then attracted much attention. This task she was eminently fitted to perform, on account of her deep sympathy with the suffering tenants, mingled with a conscientious desire to state the case of the landlords fairly. We doubt not, therefore, that our readers will be pleased to learn that an arrangement has been made with this singularly careful observer and conscientious reporter, to visit the Southern States, and more especially those in which the colored population is largest, for the purpose of examining into the condition and prospects in those States of both races, and giving to the public, through THE WITNESS, a plain, unvarnished account of her observations and impressions. We can be sure that she will "nothing extenuate nor aught set down in malice," and that so far as her opportunities of obtaining knowl edge go, her reports will be reliable. She may also visit some of the "health resorts," and report upon them, and examine into the condition of soil, climate and markets of various parts of the South, for the information of intending emigrants from the North or from Europe. Having herself been acquainted all her life with farming, her reports in this respect will be very valuable. Mrs. McDougall, on account of her unassuming ap. pearance and plain, kindly manners, will readily gain the confidence of the colored people and also of the "poor whites," and from her good sense and extensive knowledge, will, we trust, procure a good reception from the upper classes. As her letters in THE WITNESS will reach a greater number of readers all over the continent than they could do through any other newspaper, it is expected that all of the people of the South will give her the best information in their power, in order that all the world may know what has been accomplished by eighteen years of freedom.

The Christmas Number of the New-York WEEKLY WITNESS reached a circulation of 280,000, and the regular issue for some time past has been from 115,000 to 120,000, The Best Paper in the World FOR ONE DOLLAR A YEAR







New-York Weekly Witness, now in its eleventh year. Circulation, 120.000. DOLLAR a year. Gratis copy for club of ten with $10. One trial three months, 25 cts. Sabbath Reading.-Contains in each number an excellent sermon and a choice selection of interesting matter for reading on the Lord's Day. FIFTY CTS. a year; club of ten, $4. On trial three months. 15 cts. For distribution, 75 cts. per 100 copies postpaid. The object of publishing Sabbath reading is to furnish interesting and instructive reading matter for the Lord's Day, in the hope of diminishing the tendency to read secular books and papers on that day. It contains no advertisements,

All who approve of this paper and the object for which it is published are respectfully asked to subscribe. There is nothing a business man needs so much as REST on the Sabbath. Send for a copy of this paper and take time to read it.

Gems of Poetry for 1883.-This beautiful sixteen-page monthly, printed on fine paper, with handsome cover. Each number contains portrait and biography of a celebrated poet. The serial poem will be the Odyssey of Homer, and considerable space will be devoted to selected and original poetry. FIFTY CENTS a year or five for $2. Specimens of the above publications sent free on application.

Witness, Sabbath Reading and Gems of Poetry three mo's on trial for 50 cts. JOHN DOUGALL & CO., Witness Office, 21 Vandewater-st., New-York.

See next page.

The New York Witness for 1883


Every sensible man is invited to subscribe for the NEW-YORK WITNESS, now the most widely-circulated weekly
newspaper in America. While it is in every sense of the word a NEWSPAPER, and not merely a Religious and Temperance
publication, the WITNESS gives full and frequent reports of what is being done in the way of CARRYING ON THE GOOD
of information to all those interested in any good cause.
WORK. In everything connected with its specialty, the WITNESS is always ahead, and will be found a valuable source

The WITNESS is emphatically THE PEOPLE'S PAPER.


It has now a larger circu

lation than any weekly



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We send Circulars and
Specimen Papers free if
you want them, You can
easily get up a club, for
everybody likes the WIT-
NESS, and must have it.

You can see by
reading a copy of it.

INDEPENDENT, POLITICALLY and FINANCIALLY, accepting no favors from any railroad or bank, monopoly or corporation of any kind, the WITNESS cannot be bribed or blinded or dictated to on any question. It has the latest news of the day, reliable Reports of the Markets, Daily Report of Fulton Street Prayer Meeting (alone worth the subscription price), Sunday-School Lesson (by REV.GEORGE F. PENTECOST), Home Department (a great favorite with the ladies), Children's Department, Temperance Department, and Editorials on all the questions of the day. IT IS SAFE to say that nothing can take the place of the NEW-YORK WEEKLY WITNESS in the family. JOHN DOUGALL & CO., 17 to 21 Vandewater-st., New-York.



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