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presses, but that there are no less than six varieties of it. The Massachusetts Institution for the Blind has printed more books for the blind than all other institutions or corporations; and the form of type adopted by it is approved by all the institutions in America. It is to be desired that all future publications for the blind should be printed in a similar character.


Music is one of the most important studies, and one to which the blind devote their attention with the greatest perseverance and pleasure. The ability of the blind as musicians, and their devotion to its study, are great; but there prevails in the minds of a great many persons an exaggerated idea on this subject. Many suppose that all blind persons are musical, and that one whose eyes are closed to the impression of the light must of course have an ear open to the harmonies of sound. This is far from being true. In a given number of blind and seeing persons, there will certainly be about the same number of each qualified by nature to excel in music. But in institutions for the blind, whether from the propensity to imitation, or from the hope of future reward, the desire to study music is almost universal among the pupils, while the musical ear, necessary to attain to skill in performance, is rare.


In many cases, indeed, zeal and patience have triumphed over the deficiencies of the ear, and an unexpected success has rewarded the industry and energy of the pupil. these cases, strength of will has conquered nature; these are the exceptions, and must not be taken as the rule.

In most institutions, the natural ability of the pupil is consulted, and those whose ears are rebellious to rythm, and harmonious combinations of sounds, are prohibited from the use of instruments. The authorities dread the Vol. II-35

formation of musicians for the streets and other public places. This Institution, as in literature, pursues a more enlarged policy, and endeavors to cultivate any musical taste existing in a pupil, however feeble it may be. The talent of a pupil is sometimes small, and his desire for learning music proportionally great. In this case we find it adds essentially to his happiness to aid him in his efforts. to become a musician. If he fails to succeed, he has the consolation of feeling that he has tried, and that no exertion has been spared for his benefit.

All the female pupils attend singing lessons daily, and many of the male pupils.


This department of the Institution is viewed with much favor by most practical visitors. They consider the industry and skill of our pupils with much interest; and while some doubt the utility of music and abstract science, all appreciate the importance of teaching those to labor who wish in future to earn a subsistence.

The instruction in this department is not confined to teaching specific trades, but it is varied in such a manner as will best impart to the pupils a facility in the use of tools-thus enabling them to apply the skill they have gained here to some practical advantage when they shall return to their homes.

The advantages to be derived from this department must not be estimated, as is frequently done, by the amount of profit realized from it by the Institution. For, knowing that the Legislature designed this for a school for the blind, and not for a manufactory, or an asylum, we are careful to put the pupils to such employments as will best train their hands and fingers, and as will most surely develop their physical powers. Profit from their labor is a secondary object. To cultivate among the pupils this

familiarity with tools is a leading point in the instruction in this department. As soon as he has acquired a due degree of skill in one branch, he is employed upon another in which more skill and dexterity may be required.

Persons unacquainted with the powers of the blind, and with the beneficence of nature in compensating for the loss of one sense by lending an increase of activity to another, are often astonished at the dexterity of many of the blind in the use of edged tools. Over-timid parents are inclined to place all edged tools beyond the reach of a blind child. In this Institution they are placed in the hands of the pupils, and many of them attain considerable skill in their use. No serious accident has ever occurred from this practice,

The male pupils are taught to make brushes, and brooms, and to weave carpet. The female pupils do plain sewing, knit stockings, tidies, bed-spreads, etc.; also make worsted work and fancy bead work.


QUINCY WHIG, (weekly.)

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