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twenty years he had been identified with the educational improvements of the State; and in everything concerning its advancement he had been, and should remain, a radical.

The progress of the State had been marvelous. There were still old fogies, but they were passing away, and men with larger culture and more deeply imbued with the spirit of the age were taking their places. As an instance, twelve years before some of the most eminent men of Illinois had undertaken to lay before the Legislature a bill providing for the erection of an Industrial University. But the prejudices of the legislators were such that only two entertained it at all, and it was not introduced. Now we met under the sanction of the law, backed up by the public opinion of all the people, determined to carry out the great enterprise before us.

He, too, having a stake among them, had met to aid in inaugu rating the Illinois Industrial University. When they reflected that four-fifths of the people were engaged in agriculture, and ninetenths were interested in the results, and that every art was brought in to the aid of agriculture, ought they not to have an institution specially devoted to it?

It ought to be founded on the broadest principles, embracing all arts and sciences that might enable their sons the better to succeed in agriculture or mechanics. If the trustees did not do that, they would fail, and ought to fail. But he did not fear this. The University would succeed. We wanted men of education, and it would give them. He, for one, would stand by the Institution. The people of his section of the State were determined to sustain it. It was what they wanted; and he was sure it would be appreciated by all the people of the great State of Illinois.

A quartette "Lord, forever at Thy Side," was then sung by Mrs. Ingersoll, Mrs. Hollister, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Sweet.

The following letters, from invited guests, who were not able to be present, were then read:


SPRINGFIELD, March 10th, 1868.

To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University :

GENTLEMEN:-Until to day I had hoped to join you to-morrow, at Urbana, in the services of the formal inauguration of the Illinois Industrial University. The importance of this occasion can not be too highly appreciated. You are about to ive practical effect to a natural idea, and to start into existence a new method of

education, under the sanction of State legislation, the paramount and well defined object of which is to open to the practical students of the industries of the State a plain road to the acquisition of all attainable knowledge, through consecutive scientific channels, pertaining to and bearing upon the productive interests of our entire farming and mechanical population. The world progresses, and without this noble agency would continue to progress in the discovery of the means to improve, advance and elevate the occupation of labor; but you are the Trustees of a system which, carefully watched and appropriately managed, it is confidently hoped by all is to add a new impulse to labor, to turn the key which is to unlock and distribute what has been hidden or imperfectly understood in past times.

Our broad and fertile prairies, our indomitable and industrious population, invite the experiment, and offer the finest opportunity for the development of a new system. Nevertheless, we are a purely practical people, and will not be slow, may be even hasty, to expect results.

The law of Congress is very plain. The College is to teach such branches of learning, as are related to the agricultural and mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life, not, however, excluding the scientific and classical studies and military tactics.

The University is suitably located, in one of the best portions of the State, and is surrounded by an agricultural population, and encouraged by the wishes of all who desire the success of any scheme to promote human happiness. Doubtless you are to be subject to criticism, for this is the proper privilege of all; but, may I venture to hope, it is not to be unrelenting or unreasonable. It ought not to be forgotten, that, actuated by a commendable desire to serve the cause of education, as well as the cause of honest industry, you have voluntarily, and without compensation, given your time and intelligence to the organization and management of this experiment. For myself, thanking you for all that has been done, and commending your labors to the favorable recognition and approval of the people of our State; with the ardent hope that all, and more than has been expected, is to be realized from this University, I remain, most respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


WASHINGTON, D. C., March 2, 1868.

DEAR SIR:-I have the honor to acknowledge your kind invitation to attend the inauguration ceremonies, upon the opening of the Illinois Industrial University. With much regret I am compelled to forego the great pleasure which it would afford me to be with you on an occasion of so much interest. The extraordinary condition of public affairs compels me to remain here, and the continual demands upon my time and strength must be my excuse for not writing at greater length. My appreciation of the vast interests involved in a successful administration of the affairs of the University demands a more particular statement of the origin, history, objects and prospects than I can find time to write. My great hope is that this Institution shall prove the crowning achievement of this age, among all the grand works in behalf of popular education which illustrates the splendid history of our State, and that to the latest generation our young men shall have cause to bless the wise forethought of the men of this age, who have, amidst gigantic war, not only vindicated the free institutions and ideas of self-government, but also

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founded this splendid nursery of freemen and enlightened patriotism. cated man may become unpatriotic, a patriot may become perverted, through ignorance; but wisdom and patriotism, hand in hand, are invincible. Enlightened patriotism is the steadfast palladium of human liberty.

May the institution over which you are called to preside be enabled to illustrate and enforce this vital truth through all the years of glorious and prosperous peace which await our State and nation, is the sincere wish of Illinois' grateful son,

Champaign, Ills.



GALESBURG, ILL., February 29, 1868.

MY DEAR SIR:-I have received yours of the 24th inst., inviting me to be present at the inauguration exercises of the Industrial University. I am much obliged to you for the invitation, and regret not to be able to accept it. The official duties of the members of our court make an almost unceasing demand upon their time, and hardly less when the court is not in session than during term.

Allow me, however, to express my very deep interest in your noble undertaking, and my most earnest wishes for its success. Every citizen of Illinois who would promote the future greatness of the State, and secure the well being of his own children, should lend you a hearty co-operation.

Illinois can hardly fail of a merely material prosperity. God has so endowed us with the means of wealth, that we can not but attain it, if the country remain at peace. But we need more than that, and must accomplish more, if not false to our duties. We should reach, on these prairies, the highest standard of modern civilization, by the most complete development of the individual man in every class of society. The means of the highest mental and moral culture should be furnished to every youth. To this end we shall have, in my opinion, no agency equal to the institution you are about inaugurating, if you are able to build it up in accordance with your plans. From an examination of your published report and schedule of studies, and from what I have learned of your views in conversation, I am satisfied you will, if you are properly sustained, create, in the largest and best sense of the word, a University, where the youth of our State can be taught, according to their respective tastes, talents and plans in life, in every department of human knowledge, while the highest practical training will, at the same time, be given in agriculture and the mechanic arts-an institution resting on a broader basis, aiming at a wider usefulness, and furnishing a culture at once more generous and more practical than any other in the country. I wish you God speed, and am,

Very truly yours,

C. B. LAWRENCE. TISKILWA, March 10, 1868.


Regent of Industrial University.

DEAR SIR:-Permit me to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to attend the inaugural exercises, to take place to-morrow, at Champaign, and to express my sorrow that severe illness forbids me the enjoyment of the pleasure I had anticipated in visiting Champaign on this interesting occasion.

In my opinion, the inauguration of the Industrial University will ever be regarded as an important incident in the educational progress of our State. The character of the institution to be inaugurated is a true and just response to the demands of the cultivators of the grand and fertile prairies of our State. Let a generous and elevated spirit control the management of the University. Let the baleful influences of partisanship and sectarianism be excluded from its halls. Let an eye single to the physical, intellectual and moral advancement of the sons of the prairie State watch over and direct its operations. The affections and just State pride of our citizens will cluster around it; the patronage of our State Legislators will sustain it, and endow it still more liberally; the industrious and worthy of our sons will throng its halls. Its usefulness and destiny will be Excelsior. Man will be blest, and glory given to the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe.

I shall await with much interest the published proceedings of the inauguration. You will please accept, as an apology for this pencil note, the fact that confinement to a sick bed prevents my participation in the pleasures of the occasion.


Yours very truly,


WASHINGTON, March 6th, 1868.

DEAR SIR:-Your kind favor, with card of invitation to the inauguration of the "Illinois Industrial University, is received." Nothing would give me more pleasure than to comply with your invitation; but I fear that duties more arduous than pleasant will prevent.

lours, truly,



WASHINGTON, D. C., March 3, 1868.

Regent Illinois Industrial University.

MY DEAR SIR:-Your letter, inviting me to be present on the occasion of the inauguration of the Illinois Industrial University, on the 11th inst., has been received. I shall not be able, consistent with public duty here, to be with you.

I wish I could attend. I look forward to the day when that institution will be a great benefit to the people of our prosperous State. Education and labor, joined together, is the great need of the people. Honest, intelligent work is what makes a people worthy and powerful.

Your Institution, properly fostered by the State, and managed well by those in immediate charge, is destined, in a few years, to wield a powerful influence for good in the country.

Hoping you may have a pleasant time at your inauguration ceremonies, and that the University may meet with great success,

I am, in haste, yours very truly,


WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., March 1, 1868.

DEAR SIR:-Your favor of the 27th ult., inclosing an invitation to the Inauguration of the Illinois Industrial University, is just received. It would afford me great pleasure to be with you on that interesting occasion, but my engagements here will render it impossible for me to leave Washington at the time indicated. Thanking you for the courtesy in extending to me the invitation,

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Illinois Industrial University, Champaign, Ills.:

DEAR SIR:-Yours of the 26th ult., inclosing a card of invitation to attend the inauguration of the Illinois Industrial University, on the 11th inst., was duly received.

Feeling a deep interest in the complete success of the enterprise, it would afford me great pleasure to be present and witness the ceremonies of the occasion, and I regret that my duties here will necessarily prevent my attendance.

In every country, labor is the foundation of wealth, prosperity and happiness. In this country of free government and equal rights, where agriculture enjoys the attention of the great masses of the people, how important it is to cultivate a taste for farming and farm labors, by elevating the business to a science, and by this means simplify the processes and increase the ratio of production.

Your University, devoted in the main to the encouragement of all the industries of the age, will, I have no doubt, effect great good for our people.

Trusting that the occasion of the inauguration of the University will be one long to be remembered with interest, I subscribe myself,

Truly and respectfully, yours,


The University anthem, written for the occasion by Dr. Gregory, and set to music by George F. Root, was then sung.


We hail thee! Great Fountain of learning and light;
There's life in thy radiance, there's hope in thy might;
We greet now thy dawning, but what singer's rhyme,
Shall follow thy course down the ages of time?


O'er homes of the millions, o'er fields of rich toil,
Thy science shall shine as the Sun shines on soil,
And Learning and Labor-fit head for fit hand-
Shall crown with twin glories our broad prairie land.


And as generations, in the grand march of time,
Shall fill the long ages with numbers sublime,

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